Sottises “Voyou Feli”


Basic Info

Formal Name



Voyou Feli

Name Meaning

Sottises - (French meaning "Mischief"), Voyou - (French meaning “rogue”), Feli - (Altered Latin word for “cat, thief” from the word Felis)


Unknown (Appears to be "untouched by time"; 13-15 or 18-20 years old, depending on the RP)


Genderfluid; some regions refer to by "he, him, his" while other regions refer to by "she, her, hers"; both regions depict very ambiguous in gender; Overall prefers nonbinary they/them pronouns




Perked + Folded Ears (rare), Long Fluff Tail + Large Bob (uncommon)

Favourite Food(s)

Pretty much anything that is expensive. It doesn’t even have to taste good. But, one of their favourites is Escargot.

Favourite Sweet Food(s)

Peaches and Blueberries in Cream


Trickery, Knowledge, and Arcane


Chaotic Neutral

Personality Highlights

Charming | Silver Tongued | Mischievous | Clever | Sly | Sneaky | Trustworthy | Dishonest (You can trust them but there are times they will try to find a loophole if they do not want to do something, however if you can get them to give you their word they will do something then you can trust they will do it—But it may not always be in a way you would like…) | Loyal | Charitable and Generous (Having been in the hand of poverty throughout their mortal life they extend a hand to those who suffer when they have the means to provide) | Charismatic | Arrogant | Forgetful (like their brother) | Suave | Manipulative | Pretentious | A bit Naive and Idealistic


Deity of Thievery and Art (Minor deity associated with Dance, Alcohol, Art, Thieves, and Taboo Magic)


STR 18 DEX 28 CON 23 INT 21 WIS 19 CHA 24 (Avatar only)


Fana Mimi’s younger sibling (by blood), Kimos's “younger sibling” (not by blood but in deity myths due to their shared domain of trickery), Marek’s second charge as assigned by Fana Mimi


[Coming Soon]


[Coming Soon]

Acquired Through

Semi-custom On-base Claims


Personality: [Coming Soon]

Life Before Ascension: During the time Fana Mimi spent in Asayf he met Voyou Feli. The two of them grew up completely separated since the farm where Voyou Feli was sent away as a young pup and never knew they were related because the two were too young to have remembered. They still have yet to find out that they are siblings.

Voyou Feli had been sold off to a noble family but it didn’t take the other servants long to find that they were stealing food due to the scarce quantities spared to the Uchikomimi in service to the house. Being fed little more than scraps Voyou Feli resorted to snatching food when they could to try and keep up their strength to continue keeping up with their chores. However, once they had been found out they were shunned from the house and thrown out on the streets to fend for themself. They managed to hone their skills in thievery to survive out on the streets and that’s when they met Fana Mimi. The two became “thick as thieves” building a strong bond of trust and sharing their dreams which they mutually agreed to chase after. It was here that Voyou Feli’s loyalty strengthened as they had finally found someone worthy of their own trust that they believed would never betray them.

But on that fateful day Fana Mimi was chased out of the city, Voyou Feli was left all alone. Unaware of the brother they had never known and where his whereabouts may be they searched and searched and searched until the people of Asayf had decided to chase out or exterminate all of the Uchikomimis within the city. Forced to flee from their home and only receiving tidbits of information to where their friend may have gone, they vowed to find him one day and continue to pursuit their dreams together. With that in mind the little Uchikomimi never lost hope and clung to that fragile desire which eventually led them to ascension. 


* Even some thieves believe that Voyou Feli will punish those who are disloyal to their friends and fellow thieves so it is often frowned upon to either betray or double cross your brother among bands of thieves despite their typical nature. It is considered Voyou Feli’s dealing out karma…

