
1 year, 8 months ago



"I'm not a child"
  • Nicknames Azu, Zul
  • Age 25
  • Gender Female
  • Height | Weight 5'0 | 100lbs
  • Island | Hometown Pele Island | Dutarus
  • Species Swablu
  • History

    Found as an infant by the leader of a group of dragon bandits, Azu was raised from an early age to do whatever necessary in order to benefit herself. Many of the bandits thought it beneficial to use her adorable face as a way to distract in order for the others to steal what they could. As she grew up, she began to understand what the bandits were doing and tried to stop engaging in theft, however, many of the others would bully and parade her in order to make her do their biddings.

    One night, Azu escaped the island and set off on her own to get away from her life as a bandit. It was hard at first having to sleep in caves and trying to make sure she didn't get caught by others. Thanks to her innocent and youthful look, she was still able to con others into giving away food and any other items to her. During another attempt of trickery, Azu met a chaotic and enthusiastic adventurer named Zivon that had mistaken her as a child.

    However, thanks to her run in with the torchic boy, Azu was finally able to escape her past and star anew. Reluctantly, she traveled alongside Zivon and his family as they conducted business amongst other merchants. Along the way, she learned of a multitude of quests she could go on; however, she preferred having a partner with her on her journeys in order to make it less difficult. With great hesitation, Azu asked Zivon to join her which eventually led to the formation of their team of rescuers. She wasn't too concerned on how Zivon found out about the organization referred to as GCSF, however, she did have some reservations about travelling to an unknown place full of unknown people. Unfortunately though, someone had to keep an eye on the torchic boy, so with no better alternative, Azu travelled with Zivon to Ethovalon to register their team.

  • Personality

    + Serious | Courageous | Disciplined : Being raised by dragon bandits, Azu has only known how to be serious and disciplined, which makes her a great companion on adventures. Being able to have self control allows her to assess situations that others might react to first before thinking rationally. Despite her fear of becoming what she hates, she's also courageous and won't back down from a fight no matter how difficult it could be.

    / Boyish | Confidential | Dominating : Although adorable, many mistake her as a boy due to her boyish look. Having no one to really trust, Azu is very confidential and tends to avoid spilling too much of her personal life to others. This can come off as being distant, but she prefers keeping memories in the past. With her strong and dominating personality, she can intimidate others with her resourceful thinking.

    - Anxious | Irritable | Crafty : With her rough history, Azu is really anxious and it can come off as being paranoid, however, her experiences with the dragon bandits left a deep scar on her. It doesn't take much to irritate her; first impressions for her determine how she feels towards you and if she doesn't like you she'll make it known. Her pickpocketing ways although crafty, make it difficult for others to truly bond with and trust her.

  • Likes Sweets | Festivals | Flying | Nature
  • Dislikes Pompous people | Dragon types | Cry babies | Stealing
  • Trivia
    • ● She never wants to evolve due to her fear and experience with the dragon bandits
    • ● Wears an everstone necklace
    • ● Her favorite sweets are macarons (the cookies not the coconut ones)
    • ● Her goal is to visit and explore all the festivals and islands she can
    • ● She's really good at pickpocketing (only the bad guys)
  • Profile
    • ● NATURE: Serious
    • ● CHARACTERISTIC: Thoroughly cunning
    • ● LEVEL: 5
    • ● ABILITY: Cloud Nine, the effects of weather conditions are disabled
    • ● MOVESET: PECK; Level 1. Flying. Strikes with quick, sharp movements. GROWL; Level 1. Normal. Technique lowers her opponents' attack power. DISARMING VOICE; Level 4. Fairy. Inflicts damage and bypasses accuracy checks to always hit, unless the target is in the semi-invulnerable turn of a move such as Dig or Fly
    • ● INVENTORY:
  • Team Profile
    • ● TEAM: Birb
    • ● POSITION: Co-leader (kimmimaree99)
    • ● BRANCH: Rescuers
    • ● TEAM TYPE: Team with friend
    • ● TEAM RANK: Rookie