


6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Saturday Jovian


Agender (they/them)




Planetessimal / Planeterran



Creation Date:

December 5th 2017


Saturday is a busy law student. They are honestly a genius and are quite dedicated to their schooling. Despite their generally calm and witty demeanor, they have an easily-incitable temper and get frustrated very easily. They don't deal well with stress and will often enter caffeine-driven hazes when in crunch time.

The manifest of Sol's Saturn, they are only a year or two younger than Jupe and do their best to maintain balance and order in the Jovian siblings' household. They tend to get very fussy when under pressure or when stressed out and will ritually organize everything in the house to try and calm down.

Social Connections

Jupe - elder brother
Skylar - younger brother
Napoleon - younger brother

World Context

(updated planet lore coming soon!)

Every celestial body has a soul. The stars, hosts of their own systems of souls, are constantly at odds and often war for territory. During a rare peacetime, many lonely stars said their piece and the galactic council instated a land of truce: a place where stars could manifest their constituents and keep them safe.

Planets, moons, comets, and many other celestial bodies coexist on this plane, modeled after civilization on Sol's Terra. They are manifested at their sun's discretion as young children, and grow as they mentally mature. Stars tend to collect their system components as groups of assigned "siblings," so they can help raise each other and learn more from the experience.

> 5' 8"

> Their blue forehead marking is a full hexagon that continues under their hair

> none of note yet

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Primary Notes
> halo rings are always at a gentle tilt
> forehead mark is a hexagon under their hair
> ponytail is shaped a bit like a flat banner
> wings are placed low down on their lower back

> thick, bottleglass glasses
> ponytail holder is a bit like a napkin ring - it's a thin metal tube about an inch and a half long

Other Stuff
> quite tall and slim. They have a short torso, long legs and wide hips
> stripes are not exact, but similar placement would be cool if you can!
> their book is not a necessary prop