deji moirai



1 year, 8 months ago


"If you speak to my daughter again, I'll kill you in front of the entire church."

Basic info


Purple (Violent Violet #360b63)

AGE 12 sweeps (~26 human years)

unmercifulDeathdefyer (UD)

SIGN 65291365_f9tU4Rzke5VHnu9.png Caprisci, Sign of the Medicant (True sign)

65291396_OcagqL92e80Cjau.png Caprittarius, Sign of the Rift (False Sign)

Mind altering abilities
  • Chucklevoodoos

Chucklevoodoos are psychic powers only those under the purple bloodcaste are meant to possess. These powers grant the user the ability to induce hellish nightmares, visions, or thoughts upon chosen victims and depending on the wielders strength, the more violent and penetrative they are. His allow him to manipulate the minds and behaviors of others by direct or subliminal alterings, having the potential to cause whoever to behave almost estranged and outside of their usual norms. They can become increasingly paranoid and irritable, volatile, and even inconsolable over a period of time. He can also communicate telepathically with trolls using his chucklevoodoos. Communicating telepathically with chucklevoodoos is another common practice between other purplebloods and when used with fellow purplebloods, signifies a unifying connection and concept of strength amongst one another.

His powers work more effectively on those who're more inclined to be easily manipulated, usually individuals consisting of lower castes in the hemospectrum. These powers gradually become more difficult to strengthen in use the higher the caste or if they are naturally much less prone to mind manipulations. Multiple variables such as the strength ones chucklevoodoos are or how weak or strong their hosts mind is varies from person to person.

Life powers
  • Life drain

Dejani has the ability of draining life out of others just by coming into physical contact with them. As powerful as this ability is, it can take form in less dentrimental ways. Like by simply touching someone on the back or shoulder, he could make someone feel incredibly drowsy or tired almost instantaneously and depending how long he touches them determines how long they will stay asleep or unconscious. When used in that way, he isn't taking direct life out of someone so that it isn't physically harming to whoever. For when he does use life drain harmfully however, it can be an incredibly painful process for whoever he's draining if its one individual he's draining. He can use his life drain to hide his scars, preserve his health, and maintain a youthful appearance despite still aging. He could be sweeps old and still look relatively young for his actual age.

OCCUPATION Liaison (+ additional church aid)

Dejani's primary occupation at the church is being their liaison. As liaison, he helps scout and reform unassuming and non-religious strangers into devoted believers and followers to the church and their beliefs. He guides the naïve, servile, and directionless, into reformed and comitted devotees. He builds rapors with individuals the church deems worthy of recruiting to gain and bend their trust, make them feel as if they're joining a loving family, promising a newfound sense of unity, that they will be seen, loved, and they'll have no more worries of hatred of the outside world if they give themselves up to their belief and rid themselves of the weight of sin and the life they used to live. For the most part he feigns sincere care and a lot of his emotions are disingenuous when scouting, allowng him to fulfill his duty with ease. If they're not as compliant though, he has other methods of recruiting in a way they can't simply refuse.

He also assists in the sector of the children's church, mainly known as the church's nursery, when the time allows it. Since initially the nursery was an established sanctum meant for sisters of the church to cater to stolen grubs, it’s a strange sight to see him inside for several reasons. He’s become one of the only trusted men granted permission to enter the nursery aside from those automatically granted access due to their status. Dejani finds personal enjoyment in witnessing the bliss and innocence of all the young lives as well as getting the privilege to assist in lightening the load of burdens and stressful labor put onto the women of the church when he can. Deep down he hopes they appreciate his assistance. Some of the sisters make it very apparent that they don't like him prying into a womans work, but he doesn't mind their discrepancies. Dejani is oddly and surprisingly good at catering to young children and grubs, he even helps feed, change, clothe, bathe, and watch over the young pupas.

Dejani is also the church's undertaker, he only ever assists with the burials. He simply digs and prepares the graves of those ready for burial. He never concerns himself of ever taking part in the actual gathering of the funerals or readings of the obituaries.

Former Assassin and Organ Harvester

Before retiring and becoming a liaison, Dejani's line of work was much more shady and unethical. He was an assassin who operated in a larger scheme. He was paid for successfuly killing his hits and distributing their corpses to his higher ups where they would then be dismembered for their body parts and organs to be sold. He got a small chunk of the pay made from the sales of internal organs as well. The cleaner the kill, the more salvageable and profitable the body was. His hits were often set on mid bloods considering that they were worth much more than low blood rusts and easier to target than high bloods. The job provided excellent money, but he resigned because he grew too bored. He still keeps close contact with the people he used to operate with though.


Dejani wields two large sickles with utmost strength, dexterity, and agility in honor of his sisters. The handle guards have their respective signs engraved in them.

FETCH MODUS Ghostly Summoner Modus

Dejani can use the spirits in his arsenal at his will with the use of a specially crafted Death whistle provided by the modus. Wihtout the equiptment of the Death whistle, the modus is rendered useless as it is unable to be properly used without it equipped. When used, the Death whistle emits a whistle that sounds eerily similar to a blood curdling scream which then summons a ghost at random to retrive and store items upon given a request by asking the desired reason for being summoned. The ghosts naturally behave in rather deceptive ways and come with their own personalities, so it is best to remain respectful and maintain good rapors with the ghosts summoned or else they can become increasingly capricious, fearsome, and all the more difficult to work with. This makes the modus slightly unpredictable and a bit difficult to use for some users of the modus. The ghosts can only carry out retrieving or storaging tasks and can also act as horrific distractions against enemies for the player.

HIVE Church Compound

Dejani is a resident of the church's compound just like the rest of the church's followers. It's a bit of a change of pace for him considering he formerly lived in a much bigger hive of his own before downsizing to this, but he's learned to live with it. His living quarters are a little more cramped than what he'd find comfortable for someone his height, but he reassures himself that nothing is ever set in stone as forever. He sometimes resides in the Abbey with Latona when they're in private as well.

LUSUS Unknown

He was stripped from his lusus with his sisters while at an early age and struggles to remember much of her. It makes him feel terrible that he can't but he was simply too young to have been able to remember much. He assumes she must have been of some sort of eel or gator related origin based off his own mannerisms and those he can remeber of his sisters. He only knows minimal bits about what she was like from what stories his sisters would tell about her before they too passed.

LIKES His solitude, gothic architecture, Hope's drawings and crafts, humidity, red wine, stained glass panes, flowers, doing as he pleases, his walkman, perusing the church, savory foods, humming tunes to himself, watching others make fools of themselves, painting
DISLIKES The church, bright lights, most sweets, the smell of vinegar, people who stare, deep bodies of water, having his authority challenged, weak minded and willed individuals, having things stuck in his teeth, thick clothing materials, wasteful people, people who brew tea incorrectly, wearing shirts, getting blood on his clothes, people who talk too much
INTERESTS/HOBBIES Psychology, collecting knives, anatomy, the supernatural and that of the afterlife, superstition, traveling, making intricate carvings, writing and reading, creating jewelry, spending time with Hope
TYPING QUIRK Dejani uses proper punctuation and grammar. He speaks in a direct and vauge tone and uses vocabulary that most often don't understand and prefers to speak as minimally as possible. He only really speaks excessively when he is upset or coming off as threatening.
CLASSPECT Prince of Life : One who Destroys with Life or Destroys Life

Princes are the active half of the Destroyer class, their passive counterparts being Bards. A Prince is practically devoid of their own aspect in turn would seem to align more in character with the opposing aspect. In his case, it would be Doom. Princes can learn to channel their aspect and harness it to physcially destroy what is around them or to outright destroy their aspect within themselves if left unchecked. In some instances however, not all of the Princes destructive actions bear the intention of stirring up chaos or bringing negativity, but instead some kind of new beginning, an improvement, reinvention, or introduction to an entirely new motive and perspective by means of force. If the intention is there, their methods of destruction could potentially bring forth positive change and new beginnings through having to build something from nothing and make it anew through literal or metaphorical senses, forcing others to adapt to this change whether that be for the better or worse. Their overall challenge would be to not destroy themselves in the midst of their path of seemingly never ending destruction. With the additional aspect of Life, his destruction would take form in destroying and or ruining potential growth, positivity, and even life itself in others he's surrounded by. Life players are often their sessions designated healers and optimists, they dislike stagnancy, often seeking out motivation to further progress themselves and potentially others. When met with a self made goal they are deeply motivated by their own determination and faith in themselves in order to comeplete it. They often exceeed past their trialing limitations but can become burnt out rather quickly, becoming so blinded by their own fervor and determination that they never manage to give themselves much time to have a break until they're satisfied so that they can proudly gloat and announce that they've succeeded. The aspect of Life is the embodiment of healing, prosperity, authority, liberation, and literal life itself.

The aspect of Life embodies life itself, liberation, authority, growth, healing, and prosperity. With the additional knowledge of both the aspect of Life along with the class of Prince,

With the applied knowledge of both aspect and class, a Prince of Life would enjoy having upperhand at all times, having an abundance of power through taking what they desire before anyone else can to prevent others from becoming a potential equal or just a strong as them. This could take form in them demolishing the self esteem or competence of another who clearly has true potential, being overly critical of ideas, and meddling with others having their own luxuries and options by instilling their own rules as further restriction to purposefully assert their own authority and dominance over others. These power trips would often work in their favor by detering and prohibiting others from free thinking, eliminating the potential of another becoming stronger than them by squandering any sign of opposition or any other forms of possible power dynamics. They would go out of the way to assign themselves whatever role that allows them to maintain the most forefront and authoritarian position, monopolizing jurisdiction over others, trust, and most importantly strength. The Prince of Life would much rather take the position of a commanding and respected ruler much more than a supportive and uplifting leader. They do not have enough room in their one-way minds to accept any outside opinions and suggestions, often supporting a "my way or the highway" kind of mentality. It goes their way, or no way at all. Princes of Life are often physcially dominating in some way, have overly assertive or dominant personalities to match, and expect you to readily submit whenever they see fit as you are considered nothing more but a subordinate and a pawn to them. Arrogance and egotism often shows in almost all Princes, but especially the Prince of Life. They radiate a strong sense of heightened self importance over others due to their natural desire to be better than others by shutting others down from possibly opposing their authority or ever challenging their rule. Princes of Life are most often their own reason for their success and or power, basking in their prowess of self sufficiency and praising themselves for ascending over others to get to the top of whatever high role in an echelon that they may hold. You'd be a fool to think you have some sort of upperhand over the Prince of Life, they most likely already have you read and are allowing you to believe like you really can best them. They most likely already have the perfect counter to rip that false advantage that you held so much faith in right from under you in the most bitter way. You cannot out-do the Prince of Life as they have likely already beat you to it and they will not spare any sympathy to your misery and losses.


Dejani is an exceptionally tall man (215 cm/7'1) with a large, domineering, and muscularly toned build and stature to match. His hair is rather long, often put up in a messy bun with a few strands loose around his face. When down, his hair reaches as far as the middle lower part of his back. He has glossed over and hazy eyes with deep, dark, purple pupils, large downturned eyes, thick furrowed eyebrows, sunken cheeks, a sharp jawline, hooked nose, and small faint dimples when he occasionally smiles. His horns are horizontal, large and thick, winding with few accessories adorning them. He owns two different necklaces with his real and fake signs on them respectively. His necklace with his real sign has a singular ring dangling from it from his former lover and he has two rings on the necklace with his fake sign in commemoration of his sisters.

He has a myriad of scars across his body, but his more prominent and exaggerated scars are on his face, neck, center of his chest, and the ones connecgting his limbs. Deji has multiple moles on his face, two of which are above his left eyebrow, one on the bridge of his nose, one a little under his right eye, one next to his left nostril, one next to his bottom lip, and one on his chin.

Deji has multiple tattoos and piercings across his body as well. He has three prominent tattoos, a psalm of the Signless on his right pectoral, a symbol of an Ankh on his upper right arm, and the symbol of Ouroboros on his left shoulder. He has two piercings in his left eyebrow, a septum, and one lip piercing on the left side of his bottom lip.

  Good/neutral traits

  • defiant
  • cogent, compelling, and persuasive; he has a way with his words
  • when he says he'll do something, he means it and often stays true to his word
  • hypervigilant, very alert and quick to pick up on others behaviors and surroundings
  • greatly values the respect of his privacy, especially regarding his past life
  • incredibly self sufficient, doesn't like to rely on others to get his own work or successes done
  • oddly exceptional memory and recollection skills
  • prefers to keep to himself but he's not opposed to being confrontational when necessary
  • nurturing and protective to women and children
  • has an odd way of speaking in a way that is vauge or difficult to understand
  • multifaceted, complex; many aspects to him and his personality
  • dislikes a lot of focus or attention being put onto him at once
  • very adroit and dexterous
  • likes having authority over others
  • sagacious and judicious; wise
  • a bit socially inept, struggles or becomes uncomfy in certain social settings
  • straightforward, blunt and sometimes harsh
  • conditionally overly assertive or either unnervingly passive depending on circumstances

  Bad traits

  • seldom discussing his own life, rather mysterious and vauge
  • behavior reflect signs of a superiority complex
  • contradicting and hypocritical at times
  • condescending towards those he thinks are lesser than him
  • astute; sharp, conniving, and malicious
  • perfidious; treacherous, deceitful
  • self-serving, cares for the benefits of himself
  • formidable, very intimidating and daunting
  • tends to come off assive-aggressively
  • quick to catch an attitude, can become rather snappy
  • discontentment for people he deems weak or unmotivated
  • can and will act out of spite and silently holds grudges
  • lacks sympathy or empathy in situations where it is often expected
  • hard time displaying proper emotions in general
  • hard to let his guard down and allow himself to relax
  • forgets to announce his presence and ends up scaring others
  • anti-social
  • authoritative and demanding, never quite satisfied


  • I came about Dejani's name before I even had an actual set design for him, his first name derives from Deianira, also known as Dejanira. Deianira is a princess in Greek mythology whose name means "man destroyer" or "destroyer of man". She was the wife of Heracles whom she unintentionally murdered with a poisoned shirt, which was a shirt stained with the blood of the centaur, Nessus. She had been tricked by Nessus into believing the shirt would serve as a potion to ensure her husband's faithfulness when in reality, it contained the venom of the Lernaean Hydra. I just thought the name Dejanira sounded really pretty and it happened to fit well considering he's always been a destroyer class player.
  • His surname, Moirai, originates from the Moirai who are three sisters in Greek mythology depicted to personify destiny. The Three Fates consist of, Clotho, the spinner, Lachesis, the allotter, and Atropos, the unturnable. Their role as the Moirai was to ensure that every being, mortal and divine, lived out their destinies that were assigned to them by the universe. The word Moirai comes from the Acient Greek word μοῖρα (Moîra), which means lots, destinies, and apportioners. Dejani is meant to align most with Atropos.
  • Other potential alternative last names could've been based around Ananke or Perses. Ananke is a primordial Goddess who was self-formed at the beginning of the universe. She is considered the most powerful dictator of fate and circumstance and sometimes the mother of the Fates. She is the personification of inevitability, compulsion and necessity. Perses is the Greek Titan of destruction. His name means "the Destroyer" or "Ravager". A lot if not all of his name basis conception correlated to the deciding of fate and his motif as a Prince.
  • In his very first concept where his name was first used, he was fuchsia and a girl. He was intended to be a descendant of the Peixes and would've heavily resented Feferi's passive and inclusive ways in troll society and would actively rebell against her wishes. He would eventually end up attempting to kill her in order to take her place as an heir to the throne. His motives to become ruler would be heavily inspired by her Imperial Condescension, aspiring to be as nortorious and feared as she once was.
  • Dejani is 7"1 and weighs around 290 lbs.
  • His fins were ripped off of him during a hit he struggled to execute. His gills were also slashed in the altercation but are still functional.
  • Deji never managed to shake that deceased look after his initial revival. He had lost all shine in his eyes and his complexion lacks much flush and little to any lively color. He's often cold to the touch and his cheeks appear to be slightly sunken in. He also often has to regularly stretch not just because he is tremendously tall, but his joints can become rather stiff after long periods of time, similarly to corpses undergoing rigor mortis. Despite his grim look, he is in fact, full of life.
  • He's rather fidgety. When he's bored or just standing around he often fidgets with his jewelry, hands, hair, or just simple things he can get his hands on.
  • Dejani is Haitian, Ethiopian, black, and Egyptian. He speaks with a heavily accented voice and is fluent in Haitian Creole, often switching between speaking Creole or Spanglish depending on who he is around. He knows multiple other languages, like French and Japanese. Deji being multilingual is in reference to Papa Legba who speaks all human languages.
  • He is often troubled by constant nightmares. By now he's used to them so they don't seem to bother him much anymore. He only started getting such frequent nightmares after he died. They can be awfully specific, making him relive past traumas and unpleasant memories.
  • He is'nt usually ever seen without facepaint inside the church. He's doesn't particularly devote himself and his beliefs to clown religion, but he does so in attempts to cover up his grotesque scarring from others.
  • He is personally not a fan of most sweet foods. He often gives whatever candy and sweets he has to Hope instead. He prefers more savory foods.
  • Deji's first ever concept when he was depicted as a Fuchsia was on September 19th, 2022, which technically makes him born under the zodiac season of Virgo. His purple-blood basis design that I created shortly after was created October 1st of the same year. So I guess technically he'd be a Virgo and a Libra. But to keep it consistent with the theme of the others being under the zodiac season they were first created, he would be a Virgo.
  • Upon ressurection, all of Dejani's existing illnesses, injuries, and other complications had been miraculously and fully healed causing all visible scarring to disappear. After ressurecting, his true sign was the only thing scarred onto his chest. The texture of the scar similar to a deep gash that remains to this day.
  • He is a very taleneted and skilled man. He has a lot of special and unique quirks that go unrecognized due to his lack of many personal relationships or much of anyone to actively indulge. Dejani is a rather strange individual.
  • He has an oddly high pain tolerance due to his strange lack of pain receptors. He has an undiagnosed form of Hypoalgesia.
  • He has Thalassophobia, a fear of the vastness of the ocean and its depths. This fear stemmed when he was a child after waking up thrown under the sea and having to swim his way through mounds of corpses in fear of being consumed.
  • Dejani isn't very enthralled by the desire to fill quadrants or by much romance in general anymore. Maybe it just comes with age, but he finds constantly trying to fill a quadrant incredibly tedious and the concept of even pailing with another makes him uncomfortable. He has only ever had a few intimate relationships in certain quadrants because of his contempt for romantic intimacy. He isn't the type to readily discuss his romantic life or one to fall for others all that easily either, rarely ever even at all these days.
  • He takes time out of his shifts to help the women of the church as best as he can. Not all of them seem ready to trust or even like him very much, which he can't blame them for. But to him, as long as he can help them in some way, he can ignore their cold demeanors and discrepancies.
  • Hope is not his biological daughter. He knows she's a stolen grub just like the rest of the trolls that were brought up in the church. Prior to also being taken under his care, she was solely catered to by Latona. He and her sort of co-parent. It just seemed to just sort of happened one day.
  • Dejani would not think twice to die a second time for either Latona or Hope. It goes unsaid, but he views them both as his only close refrence to having any sort of family and he cares for the both of them very deeply. In ways words couldn't describe.
  • He likes to try to spend time with Hope as often as he can, often entertaining her and taking part in her favorite activites or indulging her silly antics.
  • Unbeknownst to himself, Dejani is somewhat immortal. He can sustain physically damaging injuries like serious pain, suffering the effects from mass amounts of blood loss, serious illnesses or sicnkesses, burns, internal complications; basically anything that is an injury and that can invoke pain. However, he cannot succumb to death from any of his potential wounds. Though, he will need aid for them to prevent himself from enduring further complications or long lasting pain.
  • To the suprise of many at the church, Deji is very good with catering to children.
  • For a long time, Dejani never had a basis for a lusus unlike how a few of the others did starting out. This was primarily my fault because I was pretty much too lazy to take the time to decide on one for him when I made him due the fact that I didn't expect him to remain a very relevant character. More recently, he's been implied to have aspects similar to alligators and moray eels.
  • I like making him weird on purpose for no real good reason.
  • Some of the rings and acessories strewn across his horns are from people he's killed. Sort of like trophies. I used to draw him having much more but I felt it made his design look too cluttered and the accessories never remained consistent enough.
  • He prefers wines over hard liquor, but he'll drink both.
  • Deji is unsure where he stands spiritually in his beliefs, but he is implied to have some faith in Clown religion and in the words and actions of the Signless. He doesn't really bother with religion, but being an active memeber of a church, you've got to know something.
  • He likes taking long warm baths when the time allows it.
  • He prefers not to wear shirts while working as to not dirty his clothes with blood, it greatly annoys him having to work the stains out of his clothes. Part of the real reason though is because I'm much too lazy to draw him consistently wearing shirts and I prefer to draw his body in order to flaunt his scars and tattoos. I think it'd be funny if he often ripped the shirts he wore on accident so he'd just stop trying to wear them as part of the reason also.
  • His specialty to cook for Hope is often pancakes, no more or less than two at her request.
  • His horns were severely damaged and one was partially broken when he was younger due to him being a rather reckless child.
  • He used to be much more violent than he is today. He was ruthless when he was younger. He's still is violent, but he's become more reasonable with age.
  • Dejani finds comfort in Latona subconsciously treating him like one of her grubs sometimes. Like when she cleans his face for him, asks him if he's eaten much today, and all her other doting and motherly behaviors. Sometimes he says something about it, most times he doesn't. In a way it reminds him of how his sisters used to dote on him.
  • He can't stand the smell of vinegar. He can smell it from a mile away. Its just far too strong.
  • Dejani is primarily left handed.
  • When angered or to simply threaten others, he emits gutteral growls that sound exactly like a gators.
  • He used to make profit in assisting in an illegal organ harvesting operation for a short while.
  • He has a particular scent of freshly burned incense and petrichor.
  • As a teenager, he used to get in fights for fun. He grew an enjoyment from the thrill of violence which was likely the root to his slightly sadomasochistic nature as an adult.
  • He knows certain critical vital points of the body on where to strike that would cause the most painful damage, temporary paralyzation, or least amount of blood loss.
  • He used to have a former lover whom he was infatuated with. He feels remorseful and responsible for her death and he doesn't like to mention her to anyone, ever. He still loves and misses her tremendously.
  • It is implied that Dejani once had 2 older sisters who had both died with him when he was left for dead and casted into the ocean to be fed to the great Gl'bgolyb.
  • The inspiration for him having no shine in his eyes is from Childe, from Genshin Impact who lost all life in his eyes after his time in the abyss.
  • He insists that people only call him Deji, he never willingly tells anyone his full name. He's know as Deji or DJ to just about everyone he knows.
  • Growing up as a teen, he took a liking to listening to generes of Afro rock and metal music. He doesn't remember the bands he listened to when he was that young but he's sure if he heard them today he'd be able to recognize them instantly.
  • He and Dolosá are related. Sort of like cousins.
  • He always wears or carries around his rosaries. The red beaded one was his wife's, the green beaded roasary was gifted to him by Latona.
  • He has small and deep dimples, I just never really draw him smiling very often so they're never drawn.
  • Dejani is a widower.
  • He is partially inspired by the lwa Papa Legba, who in Hatian Vodou, serves as the intercessor between God and humanity. He stands at a spiritual crossroads and either grants or denies permission to speak with the spirits of Guineé, and is believed to speak all human languages. He facilitates communication, speech, and understanding. Dejani's ties to him regarding his character is the reason why Hope usually calls him her Papa.
  • He refuses to kill or harm women and children as it goes against his own morals.
  • He has a particular predjudice towards seadwellers, more specifically violets, as they are the ones that casted him out to sea and harmed and killed him and his family.
  • Deji tries to teach Hope how to read and speak some Creole, though she doesn't quite seem that interested or eager to learn all that much. He hopes with his influence that she'll develop an accent in due time.
  • In minor and painfully striking ways, Latona reminds him of his late wife. He loves and cares for her very deeply, but he could never bring himself to love Latona like he once did her for several reasons.
  • He loves putting face paint on Hope as if she were a fellow clown, often to Latona's dismay. She is of no purple blooded descent, but clown children are just so beloved to him. She seems to quite enjoy getting her face painted as well.
  • Dejani thinks almost everyone in the church is incompitent in some capacity, which is why he has little respect for a lot of them, aside from Latona. He feigns like he has respect towards those higher in charge than him and even to those that are considered less important than he is to support the illusion that he is with whatever "unity" they all claim to have.
  • His fins were large and rather beautiful before they were severed.
  • The way he moves is often considered unnerving to others. Sometimes he moves rather clunkily. Even his lack of movement or expression is just as unsettling.
  • His horns often bump the ceilings and chip the narrow halls of a lot of the rooms in the church. Some rooms he can't even get into due to his overwhelming size. He'll have to remain forever curious of what lies behind such little doors.
  • Like Moray eels, he has two sets of sharp teeth. Some of his teeth, most obviously his fangs, are resemblant of gator fangs.
  • He often follows Latona around typically from a distance, quite also to her dismay. Their large difference in height as well in strides makes it difficult for him to walk side by side with her.
  • The Biblical tattoo on his chest is of Psalm 119:50, "My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life."
  • He usually roams the church at night into the early hours of the morning. He's a night owl. Sometimes he walks with a candle in hand, sometimes he just walks in pure darkness.
  • Dejani wishes he could show the wonders and experiences of the world that lie outside of the church to Hope and Latona. He daydreams of taking them to beautiful beaches and treating them to the finest luxuries that come with living freely in the outside world. Hopefully, with his plan to rid the church of their Reverend and reform the church from the inside out, his wishes will come true.
  • He commends the man that shot Tratos, part of him is upset that he missed it.
  • Since a kid, he's always longed to be one with the water, to feel the sensation of the water in his gills and to swim freely. He wanted to touch the bottom of the ocean floor, run the grains of sand through his hands, retrieve some under water treasures. After his death, his fears of the ocean prevented him from ever coming in contact with vast or deep bodies of water again.
  • He avoided sleeping in a recuperacoon when he was younger post ressurection because lying in it felt too much like the sensation of sinking in the ocean. He would get night terrors too often trying to sleep in it so he stopped altogether and would make himself comfortable on the floor on makeshift beds instead.
  • He's incredibly gentle when it comes to handling and interacting with Latona and Hope, anyone significantly smaller than him, really. He's afraid of potentially hurting them or being too rough.
  • Dejani sits and does Hope's hair for her sometimes when Latona can't. She usually complains that he braids her hair too tight and can't seem to keep still when he does it but, he just want to make sure his little girl looks pretty. He learned how to do hair from his sisters.
  • As a kid the only company he really surrounded himself with was his family. They always came first before anything. He never quite got along with the other kids his age very often for reasons he never quite understood.
  • He's had teeth focibly pulled from his mouth before. With pliers. He's missing 3 molars and has fillings in as replacements.
  • Realistically, he and Dolosá would never likely meet again, but he's met her once before when she was still a young girl. He sort of has a found family also on the very same beach where she grew up and he'd sometimes drop by to visit them. On that beach, everyone of purple blood is considered family no matter what. He hasn't been to that beach in years. He assumes they were all eventually forcibly driven out by violets.
  • Dejani's other occupations at the church being the undertaker and assistant of the nursery is a refrence to Osiris, an Egyptian god of life, rebirthing, and death in Egyptian mythology. Osiris was dismembered and murdered by his brother, Seth, out of jealousy and was later resurrected and reassembled by his wife, Isis.
  • Dejani backseats in the mind of others in the church, mostly just Tratos on occasion. For the most part he chooses not to communicate with the individuals he's in the minds of, but it serves useful when eavesdropping. Sometimes he hears a little too much for his own personal liking. His eyes are usually closed when uses his chucklevoodoos as to not drawn attention to the fact he's using them since his pupils glow a bright purple hue when in use.
  • He has a deep appreciation for flowers and gothic architecture.
  • Deji has killed many people in his lifetime. He used to be much more brutal and ruthless with his methods of killing when he was in his youth. He once killed a man by pressing his thumbs into his eye sockets and another just as brutally with his own weapon.
  • It makes Dejani feel quite bad when he uses life drain on Hope or Latona. Hope especially. He does it in a way that doesn't harm them in any way of course, but he can't help but feel a certain way about it morally. Sometimes Latona really does need that extra bit of sleep when she's too stubborn to relinquish herself from her duties, if only just for a moment for the sake of preserving her own health. And just like Latona, Hope can be just as stubborn when it comes to her nap time.
  • Dejani wears the rings of his wife and his sisters on his necklaces. His sisters rings are on the sigil of the necklace with his false sign and his wife's is on the sigil of the necklace with his true sign. He had them customly crafted onto his jewelry so that he could never lose them.
  • He's recently become rather humorous thanks to him regularly chatting with others, mainly just Latona still. His humor is still misconceived as strange or sarcastic on occasion and he often feels inclined to explain his jokes even when it isn't needed. The attempt is still there, let alone an attempt at all. It makes him feel very clever when a joke of his actually lands.
  • His favotite joke to tell is about time consuming clocks. Most of his jokes are at the expense of other people though or either a bit grim. When they aren't either of those though, they're often common jokes almost anyone has heard before.
  • Before entering the church, Dejani rid himself of a lot of his personal belongings, including his own former residence. He figured it'd be easier for him to integrate if he rid himself of his personal belongings and desires. All the things he got rid of, he gave away to people he knew would treat his things right and keep them safe so he wouldn't feel like his items were entirely disregarded or lost.
  • Though Deji would likely never remarry or actively seek out filling his quadrants, he would've liked to have multiple wives. No more than three.
  • There exists a file with information compiled with Dejani's more severe crimes, possible leads, and poorly shot and blurry photos as he's still a very wanted criminal. He's very good at going under the radar and taking up other identities, so needless to say, that folder is rather empty and he doesn't intend on being found any time soon.
  • Deji believes his disinterest in interacting with or holding conversation with most others is because of his genuine lack of interest in other people. Likely, it is a myriad of reasons ranging from him never quite properly socializing growing up due to being being rather anti-social, general anxiety, and struggles with social cues. He's just really bad at talking to people casually unless he's already close enough with them.
  • He often has his hair draped down but he ties it back when working if need be. Or when Latona complains about it enough. He keeps his hair down in order to veil his face from others. He can see perfectly fine despite her saying otherwise, he's become accustomed to it.
  • Similarly to alligators, his eyes can glow in the dark. He has a structure in the back of his eyes, the retinal tapetum, that reflects light to better enhance night vision. Needless to say, he's rather scary looking in the dark——that is if you even manage to spot him.
  • He sometimes watches over Hope and Latona when they sleep. It was a subconsious thing that he did with his sisters that he would later do for his late wife. Its just to make sure they stay safe and that nothing can harm them. Its just how he was raised to do.
  • He has secret spots for Hope to hide in and specific signals they are to give each other if anything were to happen in the church that were to require her to hide for her safety. They have practice drills to ensure she still remembers what to do in case of emergency. She isn't meant to respond to anybody, not even him unless the signals been met.
  • Deji never officially wed his wife, they were only engaged but he calls her his wife anyway as he had always done before he ever even put a ring on her finger.
  • He has a habit of hiding his personal belonging despite having his own room that anyone besides Latona rarely enters without granted permission. Hiding his things discreetly was a habit he adopted when he was incarcerated.
  • Dejani still retains a lot of habits from when he was incarcerated that to almost anyone knowledgeable enough on the outside could easily identify that he's done some time before. Because of everyone within the church being bound to the church and knowing little to nothing of the outside, these mannerisms of him are seen as somewhat odd, but overall overlooked.
  • He's not very fond of celebrating his birthday.
  • He used to have a lot more piercings in his youth when he was more reckless and free spirited. With age he's come to regret some if not most of them. If you manage to look close enough at him you can see plenty of old closed piercing holes, especially in his ears.
  • Deji doesn't care all too much for hemospectrum rules or hemospectrum based societal norms unless he feels the need to intimidate and exert his superiority and dominance over someone else of a lower bloodcaste than his.
  • He dislikes most thick layered fabrics. He likes for his clothes to be comfortable and breatheable, he hates being weighed down and trapped with sweat.
  • He cracks his knuckles before he fights. It was a habit he picked up when he used to get in group fights as a teen.
  • His favorite fruits are mangos, blood oranges, and pomegranates.
  • He's actually a decent artist and painter, at one point all he drew was his wife. He also used to draw Alternian landscapes on canvases.
  • Deji isn't very fond of being under direct sunlight, it gives him headaches, but he doesn't mind sun lit rooms. He dislikes most harsh ambient lighting, he much rather prefers softer and less harsh mood based lighting. His room is pretty dim. Most trolls aren't very accustomed to bright light anyways.
  • His favorite part of doing Hope's hair is putting accessories in her hair. Little purple and jade beads and hair ties that he and Latona put in her hair are just so very cute to him. She's just too precious.
  • Deji has a few premature grey hairs likely stemmed from stress. He makes no real attempts to hide them, but he is rather embarassed of having them.
  • Deji strongly dislikes going into Tratos' study. He thinks it severely lacks character. He discredits Tratos' decorating skills in general. If he owned that space, he's sure he'd make better service of it by doing it decorative justice.
  • He's had to learn to be more gentle with the things he comes in contact with in the church over time. He's damaged quite a few door handles and a few other appliances. The fragility of certain items are credited to the church's weakening foundation and its old age in addition to Dejani's disregard of his own strength.
  • Sometimes Deji frequents areas he knows Latona will be most just to see her or happen to bump into her when he has nothing in particular to be doing. She's quite a busy woman, she practically hops from place to place so it's not easy to catch her in one particular place for a long while. Especially not with all the children she tends to. He likes lingering around her.
  • At first Dejani was scared to even interact with Hope much because he didn't want to upset Latona. It was clear she didn't trust him and he did his best to respect that rather than attempt to earn her trust. He wasn't actively fishing for her approval, he understood her natural motherly instinct of distrust. It was even harder to do when Hope did nothing but cling to his side most days though.
  • He prefers writing with pen over pencil as he finds pens more durable when he writes than with a pencil. His hands are large and on top of that, he writes hard. Constantly having lead and pencils snap under the pressure of his hand gets annoying. Quickly.
  • He finds that Hope gets upset when he opens things for her without giving her much of an oppurtunity to open it herself, so he waits for her to come to him in order to open something for her. He's opened countless juice boxes and little snacks for her. Either way she gets visibly frustrated, with or without the aid of his help. She's just like her mother in so many ways.
  • He's missing 2 nails on his right hand. Specifically on his pinky and ring finger. He lost them too when he lost his molars. He's lucky to have left with his fingers in tact.
  • Before he ever took up a life of crime and illegal activity, he had a few odd jobs. He was once a grave digger and a mentor for the youth at another point.
  • Dejani keeps all the arts and crafts Hope makes for him in his room with some posted on the wall. He keeps the smaller things made by her in a little box so that they won't ever get lost. He thinks she's very creative and is proud of her and all the things she makes.
  • Majority of Deji's scars aren't actually seen by the others because of the ability of his life powers. When he uses life drain by draining from others in viscinity of him within the church, it keeps his body healthy and scars concealed. The only scars he can't manage to hide with his powers is the gash across his face and his sign on his chest. If he forgets however, more of this larger scars will appear.
  • Dejani never picks one sole person to use life drain on as the affects over time will become visible much more quickly when concentrated on a particular individual. Instead he drains life from multiple people, usually no more than four at a time, in small incriments so that their shared feelings of drowsiness and lackadaisicalness is assumed to be something going around inside the church.
  • Though they don't willingly interact much, he finds Phemos easy to talk to because to him, talking to him feels similar to him talking to potential new church recruits. Easy to emotionally steer, baseless, and in need of some guidance. In a sense he pities him.
  • He appaears disinterested with entertaining most others conversation but his responses are just brief. Sometimes he doesn't mind talking, it really depends on the person and how he feels. Its hard to tell with him.
  • I used to want him to have this strange phenomenon of people close to him in his life dying but I had given up on it because I was much too lazy to make up trolls he'd be acquainted with. That and it always felt a little cliché to me. Even though I did initially scrap the idea, it still ended up occuring anyway with his wife and sisters.
  • On the occassions he does decide to leave the church for "recrution" purposes, Deji goes wherever he pleases. Sometimes being cooped up in that stuffy building for too long gets to his head.
  • While out on these non-business related excursions, he likes to try and get little things for Hope and Latona every now and again in secret as he's certain a lot of it is considered contraband. He tends to bring Latona little heartfelt items, small enough to be kept hidden in a drawer in secret and books he thinks she'd like reading. He gets Hope some sweets on occassion and new coloring books and little arts and craft materials.
  • Deji hasn't seen much of Latona's garden. He knows it's an incrediby sacred and personal place to her so he doesn't dare to intrude upon it. Some things are more beautiful kept private. He would gladly join her if she asked him to though.
  • When he's bored he goes around counting things in the church. He's counted doorknobs, clocks, everything thats blue, and many other pointless things. Sometimes he makes a game out of it with Hope when she's incessantly restless and in need of a relaxer.
  • When she isn't with Latona, he likes to take walks with Hope. Though most of the time it's just her in his arms or on his shoulders while he walks.
  • Hope has become like a real daughter to him. He knows well that she isn't, he never got the oppurtunity to raise a grub, but that girl is most certainly his baby. And to whoever it may concern, she is. She's always been Latona's baby first and foremost, but that little girl has cemented herself as his pride and joy. He often finds himself treating her as if she were conceived of his own flesh and blood. She might as well be.
  • He's seen Latona's hair on a few occasions. She's only ever removed her veil on her own terms. He'd never take it off of her himself, he's well aware of how sacred the veil of a nun is, and for her to trust him so much, even more than her fellow sisters, deeply flatters him in an odd way he can't quite describe. He's unsure if that makes him a bit perverted for even thinking that way. He finds her all the more beautiful with her hair down, so gorgeously long and flowing.
  • He tries his best to take Hope when possible in order for Latona to have a break every now and again since the girl is practically nestled to her hip majority of the time. He's sure she appreciates the lifted weight of constantly watching her off her shoulders.
  • Subconsciously, Dejani feels immensely guilty when he's in the Abbey. Living quarters specifically made to house women—— sisters of the church, and the obvious outlier being a man, especially one of his stature, makes him feel like he's intruding and sucking the sanctity out of it entirely. The nuns know better than to say anything about it to his or Latona's face directly, but he's well aware that they gossip plenty. He can't even begin to fathom the ridiculousness of all those rumors and fabrications spun about the two of them being seen together, let alone the ones already about himself.
  • His horns are actually very sturdy and thick despite of how thin I tend to draw them on occassion. They only grow farther out with age.
  • He was the youngest of three.
  • Guns aren't usually his weapon of choice, but he isn't adverse to using one. Albeit effective, guns take all the fun out of combat to him. He likes being close to his opponent, it makes you think harder. He's more adept in close ranged combat.
  • When his wife died, Deji didn't eat or drink a thing for weeks, nearly a month. If he did try eating, he could never manage to keep it down. He also had no real appetite on top of that. He spoke to no one and when in private, all he ever did was cry while holding her belongings. He became visibly thin and incredibly malnourished after her passing.
  • He likes soaking in his recuperacoon to decompress and clear his thoughts. He practically does more thinking in there than he does sleeping.
  • He's got a very keen sense of knowing when he's being watched or followed.
  • Deji lets Hope climb on him sometimes, it seems very fulfilling for her, so he doesn't really mind it unless she's being distracting. Latona's told him numerous times to stop letting her do that in case she were to fall and hurt herself. She's slipped a few times before, but he's always caught her. She's a tough little girl anyway.
  • Dejani likes to sit in the pews when sermon isn't in session and no ones around to just sit with himself. Sometimes he has music. He's got a couple of spots in the church he likes to just sit and think. It's practically all he does when he's not working.
  • He talks to Hope in creole sometimes to see what she retains. She's actually gotten much better at responding to him. Her creole could use a little more work though. He's very proud of her.



Latona Seraph (???)

Deceased Lover

Former relationships


Tratos Iscara (former)

Few former relationships


Latona Seraph (current)


He doesn't care to auspisticize or to fill the quadrant