Micah Cain Ruby



6 years, 4 months ago


This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.

Micah Cain Ruby

  • Nickname Cain, Michael, Mike, Mikey
  • Species Human
  • Gender Male
  • Eye Colour Aqua
  • Hair Colour Honey blond
  • Height 6'6""/198cm
  • Weight 265lbs/120kg
  • Birthdate April 12, 1977
  • Playlist Hell's Angels
  • Layout watergems



Inconsiderate, loud-mouthed, emotionally constipated, extremely loyal, gentle and kind when you get to know him. Micah has a habit of pushing people around when he doesn't want to confront his own emotions. He suffers from pretty severe abandonment issues, and tends to keep to himself.


Micah was born in a small one-bedroom house in the forests of Burning Springs, Kentucky to Emily Ruby, a single mother. Micah's father was never known to him, and his mother was abandoned four months into her pregnancy with him.

He was born with the unique ability to see and communicate with spirits still tethered to the mortal coil, but quickly learned that doing so would bring on abusive "corrective" behaviour from his mother, so he did his best to suppress his ability. He can still see spirits very clearly, he has just managed to get quite good at ignoring them or keeping them in his peripheral vision.

His little brother, Abel, was born 7 years after him, and the majority of Micah's childhood was spent raising Abel and keeping him safe from their mother. He played the parts of both sibling and parent, and was very attached to Abel throughout their childhood. When Abel was 17 however, he couldn't stand the constant abusive behaviour from their mother, and packed up and left without a word to Micah. To this day, Micah has unresolved anger and grief due to being abanoned by the only other person he ever came to love and trust

He has a habit of getting into bar fights, mostly for the fun of it. He likes to get drunk and start a commotion, and more than once this has landed him in county jail. He eventually loses his job due to this, and the loss of his job happens in conjunction with the death of his Mother, which then spurs him on to go and find Abel again after nearly 20 years of no communication between them. He figures he'll notify Abel of their mother's death, and after that, wash his hands of his little brother completely.

However, what ends up happening is that he goes to visit Abel and instead first meets Abel's coworker, another pastor by the name of Cain D'Angelo. Chemistry is sparked between them, and they begin a strange and confusing courtship where neither of them want to truly admit their feelings to the other for a good long while due to personal neuroses and emotional immaturity. Eventually, they reconcile their feelings though, and Micah moves in with Abel to continue to be close to Cain.

Micah currently works as a mechanic/tow truck driver at a nearby autobody shop.


  • Cain
  • Beer
  • Sex
  • Baseball
  • Shameless flirting
  • Abel's dumb idiot face
  • Being belittled
  • Behaving responsibly

Abel Jude Ruby

Abel is Micah's younger brother, and their relationship in canon is tense at best. Abel eventually reveals to Micah that during their time being separated, he had been sending back letters and cheques to keep them updated on where he was and what he was doing, and the money was to help support the care of Micah and their mother. Emily unfortunately had been intercepting the letters and marking them as "return to sender," so Micah never saw or heard of them and once Abel revealed a shoebox of returned letters, cheques and photographs, they did reconcile somewhat, although Micah is still sore about the fact that Abel ever left in the first place. He usually refers to Abel not by his legal name, but by derogatory nicknames like "Fucknuts" and "Assbreath".


Cain is Micah's boyfriend/Fiance. Their relationship began with a mutual attraction, and for a while they were content to have no-strings-attached sex that both of them enjoyed, but over time they ended up developing feelings for one another, and Micah and Cain were both hard-pressed to talk openly about it or admit it to one another for fear of opening up to someone and getting hurt. Eventually, after a long-distance relationship, Micah admitted to Cain that he missed him a lot and wished they could be together, which turned into a mutual confession of affection and love. Micah is still a little sheepish about expressing genuine affection, but he does like to make a show of flirting with Cain openly, and Cain enjoys this and likes to take advantage of it when he can.


  • Can drink a 12-pack of beer in an hour or less and still be "fine", according to him
  • Got his nipples pierced to impress his boyfriend
  • He has a prominent cleft chin and has punched people out for calling it a "butt chin"
  • He shares his middle name with Cain's first name, and this caused some confusion when they first met.
  • Despite his size and general personality, he is almost exclusively submissive in bed.
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