wta obo's Comments

Hi. Could i offer a coloured bust drawing for her?

Sure hun! I’m not very good at comm through Toyhouse is there anywhere else you’re comfortable talking?

Name: Arizona
Gender: Demi-Girl
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them/He/Him
Age: 27
Birthday: January 5th
Star Sign: Capricorn
Sexuality: Polygamous / Pansexual / Demi-Sexual

Medical Conditions: Needs an umbrella on really warm days
Blood Type: B+
Career Plans: Author
Current Occupation: Cashier at retail shop
Family: Mother, Mum
Relationships (Family/Friends/etc):

Pamella and Jean:
Her Parents
She adores her mothers, though they currently live 3 hours away. Growing up they were always supportive of her, they wanted the best for him. Arizona thinks they were doing the best they could but at the same time by the time highschool ended she was so happy to stop doing her after school classes as well, they were a pain. Her mothers did believe in the importance of education even if she did drop out of college, they were a little disappointed when she told them. She sat at the dinner table fidgeting in her lap and staring at her half eaten dinner. She appreciates they tried to hide the disappointment and that they didn't badger her about it after she explained it just wasn't what she wanted to do. She calls Pamella her mother and Jean mum.

Her mother, is the stricter parents of the two, he doesn't consider her over the top. But if theres something Arizona wants to do and knows that it may not be the most sensible option, they'll go to their mum instead. They do however love watching similar historical films together where her mum isn't as engaged in those preferring romantic comedies. Her mothers a massive hugger, you better bet everyone of her friends whose ever visited when she use to live at home got a hug from her.

Her mum, loves to have inside jokes and deals so she's usually more likely to say yes to things but she will bring it up at random just because so it's not always worth it. His mum is an accountant so she's always able to help manage money and budgets if Arizona asks, they were a big help when saving for an apartment closer to their point of inspiration for their current writing. 

Karren Roe:
Friend (One of my oc's)
Karren was a friend from her old street, (they lived three houses apart) until Karren's family moved away. They stayed in touch through email here and there over the years, sometimes it was months and I mean MONTHS between emails and in all honesty it was an accident to be moving to the same city as Karren, so she emailed to meet up and they went house hunting together. When they were younger they use to try making up fake games but being children, they were all rip offs of pre-existing games but they were fun to look back on as Karren showed off the journal they use to write them down in. She's probably her best friend in the city currently, partly because of their preexisting friendship and her lack of interest in socialising too much. They meet up every second weekend to hang out and get milkshakes or whatever they feel up too. 

A friend of a Friend
Tulip is one of Karren's friends, she's still getting to know the guy though. 


  • Large Baths / Long Baths
  • Teal
  • Cotton candy
  • Writing - Murder Mystery, set in the past
  • Ideas behind confession
  • Rain
  • Mystery
  • Collecting necklaces
  • Type writers
  • Antiques
  • Dark Coffee


  • Apricots
  • Wearing pink
    - Likes it on others, not himself
  • Mindless Horror
    - Finds it boring
  • The Stylisation of Modern Houses
  • That one kid who lives in her apartment building and knocks on random doors at 2 in the morning and his mother doesn't do anything about it


  • Public Speaking
    - She's ok with small crowds of friends and family

Random Facts:

  • She got her passion of reading from her grandfather, he moved into their house when she was only three and stayed there til the day he passed. But he use to mind her when her parents were working and keep her company. He use to collect a lot of different books, he loved history best which is why her mother believes that she enjoys writing time centred pieces
  • She still laughs when she remembers what her writing teacher told her class on day one of her classes, 'Don't quit your day jobs!' it wasn't insulting, she was speaking from experience. Wait until you had a few successes before doing anything. She's still in contact over emails with that teacher, after all it was her favourite class
    - She's a college drop out, she's considering going back but didn't think the course had enough in it to really help what she wanted to do and to be
  • Loves to use email over social media or even texting
  • She did live with a past boyfriend for a year when she was 25 but they just wanted different things in life and split up, they said they'd stay friends but that never happened. They've probably emailed 2-3 times
  • Doesn't dislike podcasts but she prefers the written word, she does listen to pod casts though when she forgets to bring her book or when she's trying to sleep and know if she leaves her lamp on to read she'll never fall asleep
  • As a child he use to collect leaves during walks and bring them home to his mothers
  • Finds her tail uncomfortable to sleep with
  • Can breath underwater for periods of time, for example she could sleep there for 5 hours before needing to grab air
  • Is currently looking for a new job, maybe less hours or less customer service

Omg... Name: Quinnie or Boba age: 25 bio:Boba has a rare genetic disorder that makes them what we call a " concord" (referring to their purple ears and tail) Axolotol, aka a Purple skin tone. They love music, iced teas and swimming when they can. Their skin can be dry.

okay straight up I

have these two characters. angel and mania.  up until this point they were monogamous. but dude..................... i think it would be socute for them to have another girlfriend... join thepolycule girl

Name: Mira (short for MIRACLE not up for debate)
Gender: Demigirl (She/they)
Age: 27
Personality: A bit anxious and shy, but she tries her best no matter what. Very soft-spoken, even when trying her best to make herself heard- it's not easy for her to make friends, but she's so sweet that when she does, generally they'll stick around.
Bio: From the beginning she was a bit 'othered', with enjoying darker tones and believing in that whole 'angels and demons' mess people claimed to be real, but despite that she remained kind. Despite being kind, she remained hurt, until she met an Angel. This angel was not a terrifying many-eyed being with multiple wings and an essence of 'be not afraid', though she did say something akin to the phrase (closer to "please, stop screaming") and upon Mira calming down, they ended up hitting it off quite a bit. Despite the overwhelming energy of a certain demon known as 'Mania' she enjoyed the company of both, and the feeling was quite mutual- they began meeting up regularly, much to the chagrin of those who denied Mira's belief in the beings.

Name: Natali

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Bio: Natali, Natali is a friendly axolotl with a slight anxiety when talking to others but she tries her best to communicate and make friends