


6 years, 4 months ago



Name Beraazkhem Drakhan
Called Bjoern, Berserk
Age 1126
Height 250cm
Gender cis male
Sexual preference Bisexual, poly
Species Dragon
Title Karhaan, Prime Consort, the Black, of the Black


  • Sparring, battle, chess
  • Cold, ice and snow
  • Thunderstorms
  • Sailing, flying
  • Sweets
  • Talk of genocide (trigger)
  • The pain of Visorya
  • Dishonourable conduct



Born during the Golden Age, pre-dating the war that nearly wiped out all dragons by a few hundred years. In that time, he mated once with a woman called Shari'adune, and had a daughter by her. They did not stick together for long as the war happened. He took his daughter and secured her somewhere before joining the war efforts. He never saw battle on the true front lines, and in the end survived the war.

After the defeat of his purpose, he could not bring himself to return to the former seat of power, the main roost where the Isthaasztra had remained, and instead retrieved his daughter and sought out different lands. They found safety in the most unlikely place: the frozen North. Here he founded his own people, a people that came to be skilled craftsmen and warriors, half-dragon, half-human/non-dragon - a nation of draconigen were born. Here they thrived and trained, made their lives, preparing for an eventual return of the enemy... and hoping for the return of other dragons, of a female dragon, an empress to follow.

When first Visorya regained her Breath, a flash of energy burst out from her. It was brief, but it was enough to light hope in some of the remaining dragons, despite how far away they were. The first time she went into her dragon form and into battle, was when Beraazkhem knew for certain: a female was alive, a White. He lit a beacon, rallying some of his forces, setting sail to find the new female, to see if she was worth bending the knee to. The search was rewarded with meeting her and her draconigen offspring, learning that she was everything he had hoped, a ruler whose ideals he could get behind. Soon he was pledged to her, and his was the first brood of pure-blood dragons she lay - the first in a thousand years.


Was born during the Golden Age, survived the war

Fled to an icy North and founded his own people

Carved a hatchery in the hopes that a new female dragon would rise

Started out as a viking character, was made into a dragon initially for AU purposes

He fights using ligthning and two massive axes

His right arm is heavily tattooed with dragon symbolism, and his left shoulder carry more viking-inspired markings


Skyrim Theme Song
League of Legends- Braum Theme
My Dying Bride - Scarborough Fair
Rohan Theme
Dream Evil - The chosen ones
Miracle of Sound - Valhalla Calling


Visorya Sol

Isthaasztra and mother to his only true-born dragon children. The female dragon he bonded to

Valravna Drakhan

His firstborn daughter, a draconigen, born to Shari'adune Belore

Shari'adune Belore

His first lover, mother of his first daughter

Zaaj Valkyrion

Close friend and trainee, was his Karhaan for the duration of his life
