


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Dragon form, special sight, various magic, healing (to be updated/specified)



Name Visorya Sol Valkyrion
Called Vivi, Vi, Isthaasztra
Age 16-22 (pre timeskip)
Height 160cm
Gender Cis female
Sexual preference Pansexual, poly
Species Dragon
Title Isthaasztra, Empress, The White, of the White, Mother of Dragons


  • Her family
  • Music and singing
  • Cooking
  • Going on roadtrips with her husband on his vintage motorbike
  • War
  • Loneliness
  • Ivan Koskov
  • Putting up appearances



Visorya is the egg of Rhaeya by Raxxon that was chosen to be Rhaeya's successor. The egg was laid shortly before a war broke out, a war that led to the downfall of the Golden Age of dragons.

The egg was taken away by Zinaal Rhaveena, also known as an egg nurse, to hide with the princess-to-be until the end of the war and to ensure her survival and safety. They sought refuge in the forest Rel, ruled by the Reelar Inessa. Upon entry, as a means to ensure they were not tracked or would draw attention to themselves, the Relaar took their Breath (their dragon essence, the source of some of their powers) and hid them. Being outside of a hatchery, as well as lacking the Breath, the egg took much longer to hatch than would be normal for an egg, to the point where Rhaveena feared the egg would not hatch. She kept a close watch on it, but eventually found a husband of her own to further blend in among the people of Rel. From the moment of her hatching, the husband of Rhaveena hated the young princess with a passion; having been denied having children by Rhaveena himself as she refused on grounds of her duty to the unhatched egg, but contained it for the sake of his wife who persuaded him to accept her, to raise her as his own with her. Sadly, she died to an attack three years into Visorya's life, and she was left in the abusive care of a father that despised her.

Left grieving and abused, she grew up struggling to find her place in the world. For a large portion of her life, she is unsure of who she is. Visorya is the Isthaasztra, or Empress, of the dragonkind but does not yet know it. She does not start out as such however, and her story is a story of discovering who and what she is, as she finds she is very different from the people she grows up around. It is also a story of coming to find her place in the world and taking on the position she was meant for - as well as realizing what that will mean for herself and her species.


Her date of birth, in human calender, would be 16.05

She is very family oriented

Has PTSD as a result from captivity and torture that resulted in the loss of what would have been her firstborn

Is perhaps the most powerful healer

Is prone to fall into depression and despair

Has retained her love and brightness despite what she has gone through


To Heal
Miracle of Sound - Mother of Flame
Adriana Figueroa - Daughter of the Moon
The Dragonborn Comes
Ramin Djawadi - Mhysa
Karliene - The Song of the Seven
The Witcher 3 Soundtrack - The Wolven Storm
VAST - Don't take your love away from me
Mercedes Lackey - The Cost of the Crown
Song Title


Zaaj Valkyrion

First husband of Visorya, made Karhaan


Prime consort of Visorya, Karhaan after Zaaj passes


Visorya's mother. Ended the war by sacrificing herself. Visorya never knew her, nor could she access her spirit as it was locked away for a while

Najirra Victus

A friend and companion, husband to Shari. They share some heritage, in that his distant ancestor was the lover of Visorya's mother, and betrayer of dragons

Shari'adune Belore

Adoptive mother and close friend, Shari acts as a guide and teacher to Visorya. She was the one who started teaching the gift of healing to Visorya, though the student soon outdid the teacher.


Grandmaster Vishap is the regent of Pandemonium, an old once-hatchery of Rhaeya's, where he has been amassing an army in secret that is selfsufficient. As Visorya and her group visits, it becomes clear that the old dragon is both a fountain of information about the old dragon ways - but he is also the grandfather of Visorya.
