Daemona Hel-Fyre



6 years, 4 months ago



Name Karosh Daemona Hel-Fyre
Called Daemona, Queen's Shadow
Age 35 (apparent age)
Height 210cm
Gender female
Sexual preference bisexual
Species Demon
Title Knight-Commander, General


  • Weapons training
  • Loyalty
  • Witty banter, as well as silence
  • Poetry, dance and music
  • Darielle
  • The games of politics
  • content
  • content



Daemona is the oldest daughter of the late King Lucifer, though she is a bastard through and through. She was recognized and raised at the castle, and learned early on that she was not to ever inherit the throne but rather serve whoever came to be her father's heir. She did not mind this, as it allowed her freedoms that would not otherwise have been open to her. She were trained to be a warrior, a guard, as well as educated. She excelled in both of these pursuits. Once her sister, and heir to the throne, was born, she swore to herself to always protect her.

Being ten years older than Danae, she did not spend overly much time with the heir in play time. When they did get to spend time together, they were close, and Daemona found herself admiring her younger sister, finding it not difficult at all to see what a great queen she'd one day make. There were never any strife between the two, and they learned early on to trust one another, and became confidantes. Daemona and Danae remain close as adults, and there is none other Danae would so blindly trust.

Daemona has served as regent in extended absences of Danae, but aside from those times has enjoyed time to travel and explore the realm. While she looks bruteish and like a musclehead, she is highly intelligent and cunning, and navigates the politic scene with ease. She also knows to act up the perception others have of her in order to make them slip up and share more than they perhaps ought to.


Daemona will use her intimidating posture and silence in order to make people seeking audience with her or her sister be uncomfortable and more likely to make mistakes in their "game"

She is not as magically strong as her younger sisters, and even her demon form focuses more on amplifying her existing strengths

Daemona is close friends with Roxelyon and Eirwen

Daemona cannot stand her youngest sister Darielle, and would sooner see her executed than see her back at court

It took her a while to come to terms with and accept her sexuality, but Scorpio helped her along the way

Daemona is oddly enough rather poetic, and loves music and poetry


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Scorpio and Daemona are lovers

Danae D. Hel

Danae is Daemona's younger sister and liege. The two enjoy a close friendship free of rivalry and full of trust.

Character Name

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Character Name

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