
Trigger/Content Warning!

This profile contains the following:
Implied Child Neglect
Implied Child Abuse

Thanks for your attention, and stay safe!

code by BunBox


AKA Ise, sadboy


Name Isaac Oreles
Age 63 years old
Species Halfling
Gender Cis Man
Pronouns he/they
Height 6'0"
Occupation Hitman
Orientation Aromantic, Bisexual
Playlist Isaac
Voiceclaim Rory - Dr Who
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Zodiac Cancer
Tarot The Hanged Man
Discipline Conjure
School Vitamancy


  • Specifically half human/ half soul elf, which is why he has an aura, but it isn't as vibrant as his sister's
  • Has been on a thirty year quest for vengeance!
  • mega PTSD and depression hours boi
  • As a halfling, he won't reach the full 300yr lifespan Elves do and will likely live to be 200-230yrs
  • Has psychosis and predominantly has auditory, olfactory + tactile hallucinations


Introvert Extrovert
Thinking Feeling
Sensing Intuition
Judging Perceiving

Isaac is a very mellow, melancholy kind of guy. Like, spill soup in his lap and he'll apologise to you sorta guy. Which is kinda funny, considering he's a hired killer. He has a strong sense of justice, viewing his work as something integral to the world, to protect weaker people from the monsters he goes after. As such, he only takes jobs against people he views as too dangerous to leave alive. Wonder where this came from (: Anyways, Isaac finds it difficult to connect with others, despite the fact that he really would like to. He gets along best with the type of extroverts that will bother him repeatedly, until he grows used to them enough to open up.




Isaac was the eldest child in his family, the bastard who never should have been born. His home life wasn't pleasant and he left when he was in his early twenties. He would, quite literally, rather die than elaborate on anything else in his past. Good luck figuring THAT shit out on your own.

After a couple decades of working as a hitman, one such job brought his path across Demiphones'. Given that Isaac was a trained killer who felt othered wherever he went and Demi was a Fury, a few steps shy of being a straight-up demigod and therefore just as othered, they felt an immediate kinship. Both of them were so desperate to escape their pasts and being given a taste of genuine connection led them directly into a one-night-stand-turned-spontaneous-elopement.

And for a couple years, they truly were incredibly happy and in love with one another. Isaac's past came knocking first- in the form of a sudden, tragic death...Demiphones younger brother, who had been living with them at the time, was caught in an accidental forest fire. Because of [REDACTED REASONS], Isaac became overwhelmingly convinced that it was his fault that his husband's brother died. Within the span of a couple weeks- Isaac went from despondent to irritable to completely, unmanageably paranoid. He still wouldn't open up about his past, still wouldn't explain why he believed this to be his fault and that everyone around him was in danger, which only left Demi even more upset and confused and hurt.

Isaac left town without saying goodbye, they filed for divorce through a series of letters without ever seeing one another, and he made a promise to himself; his own happiness will never be worth another person's life again. It's been nearly two decades now- one's in which Isaac has never stopped missing his ex-husband and has never stopped ridding the world of monsters.



Isaac's younger half-sister, he loves her very much, but their relationship is incredibly strained.


Isaac's ex-husband. He deeply wishes that things had worked out differently for them and only wants the best for the man.