


6 years, 4 months ago



Age 400+ years

Gender Genderless

Pronouns she/her

Species Spirit

Height 5'9"

Build Slim, agile

Skin Fair

Eyes Blue

Hair Long, black, thick






Origin: Agraska Mountains Aliases: The Agraska Fortress, Agraska's Black Heart, Elline Cassia
Alignment: Lawful Neutral Occupation: Secretary, Accountant, Receptionist
Flower: Monkshood Demeanor: Calm, Collected, Distant

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  • Tapestry
  • Artisans, Craftsmanship, Mastery of an Art
  • Cold Weather
  • People


  • Solitude
  • Royalty
  • Responsibility
  • Strife

Stoic • Wistful • Isolative


Byagarak still lingers in the valley that once contained her kingdom. However, she lives under the guise of a human, in human cities, and under human rules. She adopted the name Elline Cassia and works in a city just like any other person. To those around her, she seems like nothing more than a quiet, solitary young woman.

She is deeply mired in regret for the loss of her people, and seems aimless in her life without them. She is extremely nostalgic for them, and on the rare occasion that they are brought up, will sing praises of them and her own former glory. Despite this regret, she chooses to live amongst people in large cities and highly populated areas. It is difficult to say if she truly enjoys the work she has ascribed to herself in choosing to live among humans with human goals. She is nonetheless dedicated to it, even if it is only a way for her to drown out what she is sorely missing.


Memories of Old

Byagarak can draw upon the memories of her citizens. She can remember their lives to the minute detail, able to recite their thoughts and feelings at specific moments. She can also exhibit their talents and expertise, such as tapestry-making, or swordfighting, or an understanding of mathematics. The amount of knowledge she has access to is vast, and can be considered more similar to a library she has access to than any memory of her own. As such, her recollections are often quite arbitrary and closely related to things that she is fond of. She can only ever exhibit one or two skills at a time, and seeking out specific pieces of information may take her many days.


Between Byagarak's own long lifespan and her citizen's cumulated experience, Byagarak is naturally intuitive and cunning. She is extremely difficult to deceive, and easily reads most people that enter her presence. She is, however, extremely self-centered, and rarely cares beyond determining if someone is a threat to her or her human disguise.

Castle Byagarak

Castle Byagarak was once a mighty fortress, nestled within the Agraska Mountains. It was the largest of three fortresses that protected the Three Rivers' boundaries. It was nicknamed Agraska's Black Heart, for it was constructed almost entirely black stone mined from deep beneath the Agraska Mountains. For generations, the Three Rivers' citizens and monarchy poured their life's work, blood, and trust into that black stone, and prayed to the city's diety for strength, luck and protection.

It has been over a century since the name the Three Rivers has been heard, but Byagarak still walks the land. The end of the Three Rivers slipped through the fingers of history, as if the small kingdom had one day simply crumbled in on itself and disappeared. Byagarak rose from the earth and took to the air that day. Perhaps she rose in a futile attempt to defend her people from an outside threat; perhaps it was her awakening that killed them. Only Byagarak knows the true fate of the Three Rivers' people.

Queen Elline

Elline was the last queen of the Three Rivers, and the one that saw the Three Rivers' demise. She was known to be distant and reclusive. The Three Rivers' monarchy was known to continue the practice of vesselry - the art of letting one's body serve as a vessel for a more powerful spirit in order to draw upon its power. In the Three Rivers, that spirit was the diety born at the heart of Castle Byagarak. Elline was said to be the most powerful vessel the Three Rivers bloodline had ever seen. As with the rest of the Three Rivers citizens, Elline's fate is unknown. But the resemblence between the last queen and Byagarak's human form cannot be denied.




[ relationship ]

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  • Byagarak's wings resemble the many stained glass windows that decorated the original castle.
  • Similar stained-glass-style tattoos decorate both arms of her human form.
  • Byagarak has a particular fondness for tapestry. She often makes them in her spare time, and will tell many stories of the brilliant tapestry artists that once decorated her stone halls with stunning fabric depictions.