ZX or Zee to his friends (ZX The Cosmic Ghost)



What happens when a star, any star, dies? Sometimes it becomes a black hole, other times it is reborn, as a new star or a white dwarf star. When Zee is in a living body, he does die, in a manner of speaking, unleashing this entity, who is constantly buzzing with energy and speeding around, unbound, and without restraint. Morality with this form is, like a game of cat and mouse, where he's trying to outrun morality, not intentionally and when it catches up to him, as it always does, it hits him like an asteroid.

ZX can do no harm to anyone or anything in this state; those things he can only manage if he is within an anchor body of his, or if he's sharing a body, with the consent of a host. Being a Cosmic Ghost means he can affect the world around him and mess with reality a little more freely, to a point. Nothing can keep him contained and nothing can keep him out; additionally he cannot be harmed like this, not in any permanent way that matters, if anything it's like trying to fight a force that cannot be fought, conventionally or unconventionally, as this being throws everything out of the metaphorical window, imagine if you will an immovable object within an unstoppable force, to him, winning isn't the point, but making an impression, that's what he's after

Some traits still carry over from his living selves, showing that even as a mischievous, unruly, chaotic spirit, there's a heart somewhere in there, that still beats with a galaxy flavored hurricane of unbridled Hope and Compassion. Even tricksters find him both vexing and tiresome in equal measures.