ZX or Zee to his friends (Z8XC:True Form)



3 months, 28 days ago


A form that functions as the cocoon to another, greater, different transformation. A formidable force, a nigh unstoppable transformation but a double edged sword as well.

Depending how ZX enters this state, one of two things can happen.

1. If ZX is shot in the head with a special gun {something only he has access to}, being pinned down by some hypnotic attack or otherwise struck in a certain way on his cranium, for all intents and purposes he ceases to be, and ceases to function, crumpling downward. A minute or so later, his body is enveloped in an unnatural phenomenon, shaping and twisting into this form. This transformation coming about via any of those methods, temporarily submerges his consciousness for a few minutes, leaving an automatic intelligence devoid of anything resembling coherent, reasonable sapience; this additional safeguard is a threat to everything and everyone in the immediate vicinity, but only to openly hostile parties, for this measure is nothing more than an instinct based, savage, cunning, merciless beast merged with the driven, unrelenting precision and processing speed of a thinking machine. 

This, for the short time that particular safeguard is in place, is nothing short of an incredible hunter that ruthlessly pursues targets, normally the ones that triggered this thing to arise in the first place, dispatching them with vividly unpleasant and brutal efficiency, that neither a machine nor a beast could ever be capable of by themselves.

2. If ZX willingly undergoes the process to transform into this state, in order to respond to an emergency that requires an extremely adaptable body, with epic power to tackle the crisis at hand, then he needs to seclude himself away for a single minute, in order to shift from his current state, to this one. He retains himself through this method and is in complete control. Because this form is functionally his greatest defensive form, with an endurable hide to match his indomitable will, this is often used for kaiju skirmishes and disasters that require a mega mondo monster sized answer to such problems.