Sunny Mason



1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Wyatt Mason XIX


Sunny, lil' guy, weird angel kid, snuuy


the customer is always right!


whats a gender


is that a swear word


Has existed for many years; physically and mentally about 12 or 13


Blaseball (


Wyatt Mason XIX

Sunny! 🏅 Vault Legends


Wyatt Mason XIX Name

Sunny Called

Seems about 12 or 13 Age

??? Gender

Season 22 Day 68 Birthday

Vault Assistant Occupation

Replica Modification

Echo? Modification

OHƆƎ Modification


Wyatt Mason XIX, aka Sunny, is a Replica of an Echo of an Echo, or something like that. They were created by the Vault on Season 22, Day 52, after Wyatt Mason X echoed Ego++++ and the Vault got confused and built PsychoAcoustics. They're a little guy.


Sunny is relentlessly cheerful, helpful, and optimistic. They have a deeply ingrained need to help everyone around them, and will try until they physically can't anymore. They expect the best of everybody and everything--they live in a place that will give you whatever you want, so they don't have a lot of context for things going wrong. When something does go wrong, they usually assume it's their fault. The thing is that while they adore the Vault and its beautiful perfection, most other people in the Vault don't really want to be there, and find it "kind of creepy", and "prisonesque". They also find Sunny, the Vault's biggest fan, kind of annoying and a little overly friendly. Sunny, not understanding why anyone wouldn't want to be in the Vault, assumes its their fault somehow, and that if they just keep working hard and trying to help everyone they'll finally be liked!

Most other Wyatt Masons have a psychic link to each other. Sunny doesn't. They don't know that they should, but they also feel like there's some part of them that's missing, and they're not sure what.

Plus, most of the Vault Legends are annoyed with their Vault-shilling at this point. This kid is desperately lonely, and will do just about anything to try and get people to stay with them for more then a few minutes at a time.



okay so. MaX is made out of sound with no physical shell. Sunny is made out of MaX sound crammed through a gilded PsychoAcoustics (so, uh, kinda glitchy and messed up?) and then put in a Replica shell that looks kind of like York Silk but with a little Wyatt mixed in there.

If they were in a Feedback game, they could possibly Echo! But the Replica shell is like a piece of the Vault shielding them, and the Vault doesn't like anything that's Outside, and the Wyattlink is Outside, which is why Sunny isn't connected to it.

Misc. Sunny Stuff

"i think lōot is a little capitalist. i don't think the vault is capitalist. by extension sunny is definitely not a capitalist. they DO have customer service energy sometimes but that's just a side effect of being a wyatt mason (Helpful Complex) living in a fancy hotel (who is also a people-pleaser)"

they're kind of a possessive person? like they love giving gifts and they usually don't let themself need anything but if they do have something they consider their own they're very protective of it. so like if they were eating grapes and you took and ate a grape without asking they'd be like ">:0!! hmph." but if you took like....their broom or monitor plushie or something they'd probably be Genuinely Angry, though not like enraged

"a lot of sunny's problems are built on not being able to quite grasp that the way he sees the world isn't the way everybody else does, i think"

Design Notes


General Notes

Little Guy. Shaped. Medium golden-bronze "skin" (it's Replica material) with golden cracks. Fluffy auburn/orange hair, that looks kind of like it was dipped in gold at the edges. Golden eyes. Usually wearing overalls over a white button-up shirt and a yellow bowtie. Sometimes, in Later Years, has a pink or blue sweater on over this whole ensemble. Wings vary: usually I draw them as little patches of static shaped like chibi angel wings, but people have also done full-sized angel wings, metal feathered-wings, etc, and I think they all look cool. Glitchy halo. General vibes: angel robot child dressed like a tiny butler.

Without Replica Shell

If the Vault/Sunny's Replica body ever gets destroyed or there's a flashback to Sunny's very first moments of being, this is what they would look like! Very glitchy. Strong resembleance to MaX when xe first localized. Wearing a toga kind of thing. Still has halo and wings.


Relationship with the Vault/Lōotcrates

The Vault is a very overprotective parent, and Sunny is very willing to be overprotected. Partially that's because...the Vault loves Sunny, and it's very proud of them, but can't really communicate it because of, you know, Being A Vault. Its refusal to let her near anything it deems dangerous is one of the only things Sunny has as proof that it cares about her. This is also part of why Sunny is so eager for other people to be audibly proud of them.

Lōotcrates to Sunny is like if your absent father was also God.

Relationship with the other Wyatts

On one level, a fairly normal "little kid going :O at cool older kids" kind of vibes. Sunny likes the Wyatts! He thinks theyre really cool and wants to be able to hang out with them! But there's also the added complication of "I always felt like there was something missing and this is almost it but it's still not quite right."



  • sunny thinks "cooking" means "putting hot sauce on something that isn't hot sauce and waiting for one of his siblings to notice"
  • sunny thinks she's good at chess but she is not. generally she does have the energy of kid who is extremely booksmart but has no people smarts or street smarts whatsoever and also has adhd
  • sunny is afraid of hlorses and the dark
  • sunny is dry clean only
  • sunny loves the Garden!