


1 year, 7 months ago


"I will show the clans my cause is righteous."


    >> Organized | having one's affairs in order so as to deal with them efficiently.
        Burnetpath is very capable of being organized, carefully putting consideration in each probability as she brainstorms before acting while setting things up. Her ability to plan ahead and her progress when planning allows her to be two steps ahead or more. 

    >> Articulate; Silver-tongued | a tendency to be eloqent and persuasive in speaking.
        Burnetpath knows what to say in order to get others to rally behind her. With careful planning and observation they're able to say the right things at the perfect time, easily getting cats to believe her and even agree with her.

    >> Strong willed; dedicated; focused |
        Burnetpath knows what she wants and is willing to commit and work hard in order to get it. She wants Hailclan to be seen as the glorious and respected clan it is and knows there's work to be done, maybe then the rejection would stop. Burnet won’t give up at small inconveniences or loose focus of what she strives to do.


    >> Religious; spiritual | “Starclan choose me as the one to help do their deeds, for I am the reincarnation of one of the four founders.”
        Burnetpath very much so believes in the supernatural, her nibi’s lie kick-starting her heavy belief in the afterlife and other spiritual things. Starclan is a big part of her life, once again being in part of her belief that she is for in fact the reincarnation of one of the founders to the clans. She believes what she does must be the will of Starclan and that she gets a free pass to them as they are meant to cater to her just as much as she will to them.

    >> Deceptive |
        With her silver tongue, Burnetpath can be very emotionally manipulative when she chooses to be, having the ability to influence the emotions of others or guilt trip them. However this does allow her to get in and out of trouble while also being able to defuse situations thanks to her being quite charismatic while growing a following and connections

    >> Competitive |
        When it comes to her competitive spirit, Burnetpath is truly thriving, ready to challenge back anything that tries to oppose her thoughts. It can simply be playfully teasing her siblings about something relating to her, or challenging ideas. Though sometimes her competitive spirit can be a bit dangerous for others sakes, even if she doesn’t seem to show much signs of it.


    >> Incorrigible; unrepentant | an incorrigible person or incorrigible behavior is bad and impossible to change or improve.
        Burnetpath can often be described as someone who will get stuck in an ideology and wont change even when proven wrong. It started from an early age and only solidified as time went on, unwilling to change their minds about their views no matter what. Burnet has a different worldview from most other cats, believing what she does is always justified since in her mind she really is the reincarnation of a founder, and she’s not at all sorry for how she acts.

    >> Dogmatic; argumentative |
        Due to Burnetpath incorrigible way of thinking, they’ve convinced themself that they’re always right about things, often coming up with random justifications to validate their way of thinking and actions. They're right in their mind, and they've got the "evidence" to prove it, just listen.

    >> Arrogant | having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
        Burnetpath has a bit of an exaggerated sense of importance due to the indulgence she received as a kit from the fake prophecy she was raised on, on top of her personality which in turn has led her to become arrogant. She’s just so sure that she’s right over others, wholly believing in her own actions, no matter what it is.


Prefix meaning
After Hawk's and Laurel's bonding moment with burnet stems; plant theme
Suffix meaning
For her self-assurance & influence, as well as a nod towards her path to righteousness
Previous names
Burnetkit, Burnetpaw
Burn-it (Fire starter)

Past Clans
Past ranks
Kit, Apprentice

Current Apprentice
Past apprentices
38+ Moons
She/Her, They/Them
Neptunic-leaning Aromantic
Starclan/Herself- Extreme


Appearance > Cinnamon mink barred ticked tabby with curled ears and blue eyes
Build > Sturdy and muscular
Fur > Heavy & somewhat fluffy though rough and well-kept

Scent > Sweet apples and honey, with a hint of mint
Voice > xxx


Breeds: Havanese, Japanese Bobtail, Ragdoll, American Curl x Moggy

Height: 32 cm
Weight: 9.1 lbs


Scars >
Accessories >
Bans >
Other items used >


Her devoted followers!~
Talking about how great Hailclan is
Making connections & influncing others
Being worshiped


Those who question their prophecy
Distrustful looks
Hate towards Hailclan
Starclan haters. Those are her devoted followers! How dare they hate Starclan!
Being told her way of thinking is wrong


Was voted Snow Princess, 2023



  • Agility [6/10]
  • Stealth [7/10]
  • Speed [5/10]
  • Strength [8/10]
  • Endurance [9/10]
  • Climbing [6/10]
  • Swimming [5/10]


  • Sight [5/10]
  • Scent [6/10]
  • Hearing [7/10]
  • Taste [5/10]
  • Touch [5/10]


  • Den Building [7/10]
  • Battle tactics [8/10]
  • Hunting tactics [7/10]
  • Kitting [0/10]
  • Herbal [1/10]
  • Niche* [0/10]
  • Sign Language [7/10]


    >> Hawkbelly > Father > Fluffy grey tabby tom > Dead
    >> Prophet > Nibi > Brown colorpoint with curled ears and a bobbed tail > Alive


    >> Hawkkit > Torbie trans-tom with curled ears > Alive
    >> Harekit > Spotted torbie with a bobbed tail > Alive
    >> Briarkit > Torbie colorpoint with curled ears > Alive

        >> Blackberry of Fallen Hail > Sibling >  
Grey spotted tabby molly with blue eyes > who knows she doesnt care
    >> Roothollow > Sibling > Pale colorpoint trans molly with a bobbed tail and lilac eyes > Dead
    >> Borageblaze > Sibling > Fluffy grey colorpoint tom with blue eyes > Alive


>> Name > Description > User


>> Name > Description > User


>> Bleat of Marigold Hill > Brother-in-law > Cream tabby with white speckles > Alive
>> Oryx of the Crystal Lake > niephling > Creamy brown tom with dark tabby spots and patches of white, with curled ears and a bobtail along with amber eyes > Alive
>> Roe of the Crystal Lake > niephling > Blue tortie with curled ears and a bobbed tail > Alive
>> Hop of the Crystal Lake > niephling > Blue spotted torbie with curled ears > Alive
>> Trot of the Crystal Lake > niephling > Grey colorpoint with a heterochromia > Alive

    >> Mallowbark > Auncle > Fluffy grey tabby cat with curled ears > Dead

    >> Cloversun > Grandmother > Pale colorpoint molly with curled ears > Dead
    >> Thornflight > Grandfather > Brown tabby tom with a bobbed tail > Dead


Previous Mates
Romantic Interests
crushes/romantic encounters/etc
Looking for
Interesting in kits
Preferred family size


  • Sees the world as she does
  • Devoted to both her and her cause
  • Values Hailclan


  • Questions her values
  • Unloyal 
  • Too unsure of themself


kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
    To say Burnetkits birth was  unexpected would be an understatement, that including her siblings. Born to the forbidden relationship between two cats, Laurelsprout and Hawkbelly, their birth was rather a controversial one. Although there lies one bragging right for the litter, being born at the Crystal Falls itself. From the moment of opening her eyes Burnetkit only knew of the treatment her family got as opposed to others. She couldn’t help but feel a determination to prove them all that they were more then that in some way. But her attention was focused more on her nibi, sharing the most resemblance and connection towards their other parent. Burnetkit didn’t care about Hawkbelly, rather she idolized the former Medicine cat. All she ever wanted was to be their favorite, to have their approval and be like them.
Upon their time spent together as a family of sorts, Laurelsprout preached to them of a prophecy, that they were the reincarnations of the former founders of the four clans. Something about the prophecy clung to the kits way of thinking as she believed every word of it, basing her world about that very thing.
As the cats around camp only seem to avoid the litter more and more, tragically Laurelsprout went away. Burnetkit was hurt at their nibi disappearance, though she didn’t blame them. She knew somewhat of the pressure being applied towards them, and for that she hoped to see her again soon someday. She’d strive for that approval wether they were here or not. Though it didn’t erase the effect it had on any of their siblings and her.

Time slowly began to pass, with Burnetkit never forgetting about Laurelsprout, however she did often find herself passing the time with her siblings. She'd butt heads with Blackberrykit about who was the reincarnation of the hailclan founder, but eventually she coughed it up that it was likely Blackberry as she began to morph into a cat more like Ice. Though it now left her wondering just who she was, Blackberry often telling both Burnet and Borage that they were like Coal, while Rootkit was more like Ash or Rose. Burnetkit wasn't all the sure about Blackberrykit's observation about her, something about Rose stuck out to her, not that coal didn't as well, but Rose just clicked more. Least she had all the time to figure it out while she was still young.
Besides, Burnetkit could at least focus on something else to the side for now, congratulating and supporting Blackberry's new identity as a girl. Burnetkit always had been on good terms with her sister, how couldn't she congratulate her? Founder to Founder.

One day Hawkbelly had gathered the four kits to have a discussion with them regarding what Laurelsprout had told them at a young age. It was about the prophecy, he tried to convince them it was all fake, her siblings were taken back by this. Rootkit reacted strangely to the news as did Boragekit, while Blackberrykit was a whole other case, but regardless all three of the four kits were outraged by their father's little "talk". It was filled with a bunch of lies in Burnetkit's eyes, there was no way the prophecy was fake, and the fact he thought so enraged her a bit out of frustration. She'd never gotten along with her father much despite his attempts, this just cemented that fact. It was true, the prophecy was true, maybe she had not directly been told of it, but Starclan must've purposely planted the idea in Laurelsprouts mind for a reason, and that reason was clear. Because it was true unlike what Hawkbelly belived, unlike what others believe. They'd all believe someday, it was the will of both hers and Starclan's, she'd ensure to it.

Time went on as Burnetkit found herself spending more time around Midgekit, one of Sagestorms kits, as the two got along swimmingly. Burnet would often preach about her ideas to better Hailclan as she was one founders, and would prove herself to the clan by bringing it to greatness. Midgekit proved to be quite dedicated to Burnet's cause, especially Burnetkit herself, and for that a mutual bond was forged as Burnetkit admired that quality of theirs. Devoted and loyal, just how she liked it. And for that Midgekit held a speical place in Burnetkits circles as slowly yet surely she started gaining more cats that seemed to follow behind her, agreeing with her ideology, or at the very least supporting her.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
   Soon came the day when she and her siblings were made into apprentices as Salmonstar decided to assign her to a cat named Rainstone. She wasn't entirely sure what to expect from the cat but they seemed to have a mutual understanding regarding determination. Which worked for her, so long as her mentor did their best to make her the best then she would be pleased.

Some other cats had been assigned to train during this time, one of them being Hawkbelly, he certainly could use retraining clearly, he was a liar and much more, perhaps it would do him some good. Though things would take another turn as suddenly Borage had gone missing after leaving the clan. Burnetpaw held out on her brothers return, he was the reincarnation of a great founder, he'd be alright. 

Sure enough it would turn out she was right as Boragepaw returned to Hailclan, sharing with the siblings a secret. He'd met up with their parent, now called Prophet, who reassured they were their beilfs, providing the proof  to the prophcey that Burnetpaw already knew was true. Though it was nice to have reassurance and to hear from Prophet again, they had faith in them, and that meant a lot to Burnetpaw. 

Then came time for the Snow Festival, where Burnetpaw competed fiercely against her opponents, crushing each one till it was the final round. Boragepaw had fought his way to the finals just as Burnet had did, she knew he was capable of such feats so as the battle started she forfeited right then and there claiming the victory is her brothers. She knew she was strong but gave him the win, besides it demonstrated her own qualities as well, it was the right move and certainly got a few cats to look her way. She would get the clans to notice her and her brother, they were the founders and they would demonstrate it, prove it to them all, prove it to her soon to be new followers.

At last Midgepaw had joined Burnetpaw in the apprentice den, the pair reunited as her most devoter follower grew closer to her side. Just like that more and more cats seemed to be taking notice to everything Burnetpaw had been preaching, some even joining her cause or getting involed somehow. While others remained aqanticnces, watching on from the side. Chirppaw had left the clan however, as well as her disowned father regaining his title of a warrior, it felt as though time was starting to pass by a bit quicker.

A few more cats had gained interest while some others in her clan died, though most intrestingly Burnetpaw had seemed to gain a hold on a cat named Eveningpaw. Her cause starting to spread across the clans it seemed, though she did not go unopposed, though it mattered little. Course not was all well for her clan as a few cats had passed, that including Peapaw and Fenpaw. Now their clan was without a herbalist apprentice, she admittedly didn't miss the apprentice though she did know of the concerns that lead with the lack of a clan herbalist. As much as she wished to obtain the knowlegde behind the herbs granted to the clans and all cats from Starclan, she knew full well no one in the clan would let her, least not that rogue Nightingale. She and that other rogue always did seem to give her a look.

Chirppaw had returned to Hailclan covered in all sorts of wounds, followed by Midgepaw's dissaparence a few days later. It was a rather, unfortunate set back, but, the cause must contuine onward. Though Burnetpaw did remain tense for a while, though she acted unwiavered by the event. Even if she was missing her second in command, she would not stop her plans.

Then came the gathering. Things had started off fine at first, some of Burnet's followers meeting up with her while some other apprentices happened to be nearby. As the cats started talking one marshclanner started talking back to Burnetpaw, a cat named Magnoliapaw. She wasn’t like the rest of the apprentices, she was odd, a bit slow too. But not long after their little argument a deer came crashing through injuring many cats, with Boragepaw being permanently injured and Burnetpaw breaking a rib after the two had tried to take down the deer or redirect it. But at the end of the day it was that strange- no, freak of a cat Magnoliapaw who had stopped the deer. Burnetpaw cursed her name as she knew something was off about them; blaming the whole deer incident on them. They were connected to it, she just knew it. It was only after the cats returned home would the clans find their camps herb supplies destroyed and many more dead as this was clearly a planned attack of sorts.

After all the chaos and destruction that had been caused, Salmonstar had finally retired, leaving Thicketskip to become the clans next leader as they claimed their second life at the crystal falls, becoming Thicketstar. Meanwhile rumors about Blackberry began to spread, she hadn’t even lifted a paw to help during the attacks. Burnetpaw confronted them about this but told no one about anything as the wedge between them began to grow. Burnet wouldn’t let this stop her, wether they liked it or not her siblings were going to play their roles one way or another, even if she had to carry them on her back.

Midgepaw had returned! It was a bit bittersweet though Burnetpaw didn’t make much of a fuss, simply giving Midgepaw her approval as the two went on to share information. Much to Burnetpath’s surprise Midgepaw told her about something not many cats knew about, all the disappearances of others, all the apprentices who never returned? They were all kidnapped asking for information about the clans. This was much bigger than many others must’ve realized, but Burnetpaw was ready for the upcoming war, she’d fight for the clans against these odd cats for she the founder would not let this stand. Thus Midgepaw and Burnetpaw quickly got back into the swing of things.

Out of all the cats, it had been Bramblechirp who had been choosen as Hailclans next herbalist, much to a few cat's surprise. Burnet wondered what must’ve possessed Nightingale to choose them or all cats. She pondered about the idea of being a herbalist feeling a hint of jealousy as she reflected on the life that she could not have. It should’ve been Burnetpaw and Prophet in that den discussing about herbs and starclan, not them. But, what could she do if starclan had bigger plans for her? Besides what’s done is done, and she had other things to focus on.

warriorhood [ 12 - present moons ] >
    The time had come to recieve her name and gain more freedom, Thicketstar bestowed the name Burnetpath upon the new warrior as she stood there before the leader. This was the next step to her journy, the next step to her cause. All these other moons only being a prologue to what was to come, the first chapter had only just started. This path would only expand from here, no longer would she let the glares determine her fate, the words throw at her family, she'd let them empower her, no longer would they drag her down, they'd raise her up for she would not reach their level. She'd show the clans starclan's will.

What would come between them and their siblings now? How would she extend her reach further? These were the questions she now had to concern herself. They would persevere.

It wasn’t long from her Warrior ceremony when Burnetpath was released from the herbalist den. And in a few short days Thicketstar choose her new deputy, Moosecrash. Like that everyone went about their daily lives as more cats slowly got released from the herbalist den, including her brother Borageblaze. Course one of her followers, particularly one of Borageblaze’s favorites, had failed their warrior assessment setting Chirppaw back another moon. Burnetpath didn’t judge them too harshly knowing they’d shape up like they always did, after all they were strong and resilient. However there was a point of time where a heavy glint flashed in her eyes of malice as she heard her disowned fathers name. Course he was training cats again, how pitiful, that poor apprentice was going to need a lot of work if they ever were going to become a warrior. 

A few cats gave birth in the passing moon or so, that including their leader, though she didn’t pay overly much attention towards it. Rather she gave some recognition towards Chirppaw who passed their assessment their time granting them the name of Chirplotus which Borageblaze made it his mission to shout the loudest. It would only be a moon before Midgepaw finally joined Burnetpath in the warriors den as Midgefur. The two quickly moving their nests closer to each other as Midgefur never seemed to be far off from where Burnetpath was. Though something was scratching at the back of her mind as Midgefur’s family always seemed to be wary of her.

Harenose left the clan one day, she couldn’t help but notice. Something felt ironic about the sight, course that Tom would be running off. She wondered if he would come back, but most importantly about its effect on his family. She wondered how they liked it when one of their own left the clan, leaving them here. It felt, weird. But she simply deciding to brush it off, choosing not to think much about any of them nor her auncle whom she didn’t know very much about.

While out of camp one day alongside one of her followers by the name of Gritpelt had been on a hunting patrol. As they made their way towards the western side of the territory the pair had found themself at the base of the misty mountains when Gritpelt had been chasing some prey, capturing a sparrow in their claws when suddenly rocks began to shift as suddenly more and more began to fell. Burnetpath hadn’t been much farther than Gritpelt as she quickly noticed the rocks heading their way as she charged at her companion knowing them into a cave before a large rock could fall on them. Just like that they were now trapped, stuck in a cave as rocks pushed them further inward. It took a few minutes before the rocks finally stopped. They were now stuck in a cave in with no food or water, all they had was each other and Burnetpaths words of preaching. Minutes turned into hours as hours turned into days, the pair stuck there as Burnetpath wandered around back and forth trying to dig through the rocks and wandering into the darker part of the cave feeling around for a tunnel. Gritpelt didn’t make it after a few long days of being stuck in there leaving Burnetpath standing there above her followers dead body. One of her own. She was meant to protect her followers, she was meant to lead them to a greater future. Trapped there in the cave she sat for a bit, reflecting on her cause, her purpose. She was a founder, her cause meant so much but things had become slow… something had to change. Something had to go. If she was to make her name be sown into stories for generations to come she had to act. It was time to take these actions, time to put those who stood in the way of their cause down in their place. She knew exactly who was to go first, the one who always held her back, Hawkbelly. For her cause to take its next step he couldn’t stick around much longer. It would be by her order, starclan would have a new addition by their combined will. She wouldn’t let all her hard work go to waste, she would not fail the clans! With a large growl as all these thoughts began racing in her mind she clawed at the walls of the cave, leaving marks with her sharp claws as determination burned within her. Her stories would be told, she would not fail, she wouldn’t! Her slashes at the walls slowly came together, her own prophecy right there in front of her carved into the wall. While catching her breath as she took a few steps back a pebble shifted under her back paw as it slowly began rolling, hitting against other rocks as it’s sound got further and further way. Burnetpath turned to stare at the darkest part of the cave, all this time there really had been a tunnel, just like she had suspected the possibility of. It was their way out of her. She turned back to look over at Gritpelts body lying there in the middle of the cave, buried under rocks that she had placed. She would say her last goodbyes as she gently placed a paw on their grave as she gave them a promise. After a few moments had passed she got up, picking up a pebble off the caves floor with her jaw before tossing it, following the sound blindly. After pushing through, she finally had arrived at the end of the tunnel, light peaking throughout leaves as she made her way through. From a quick glance the entrance could’ve been missed or mistaken as a small den in between two bushes, though she had managed to push aside some branches revealing it just a tad more. Who would’ve guessed that was here all along? After taking in the scents all around her she caught the sent of Hailclan’s border, racing back home as a new cat.
Changed, for better or for worse.

Upon returning to camp Burnetpath was meet with a battle, Hailclan's camp falling victim to an attack by a group of rogues, amongst them was her sister Blackberrysting. Instantly she joined in with the battle, taking on her sister as she hissed and spat, offended by Blackberry's betrayal towards the clan. Her sister had been corrupted, no, she wasn't her sister no more, she needed to be purged and born again. It was only towards of the end of the fight did those sick rogues decided to take away three of the clan's kit's, Blackberrybite being one of them who participated in the vile deed only justifying her hate more. Shortly after the battles end was Burnetpath taken into the herbalist den in order to be treated for her dehydration and exhaustion among the cats that had been injured during the attack. 

Another cat returned to camp, Harenose, the tom being welcomed back much more warmly than Burnetpath ever would have been. It made their eye roll, biased ran deep in the clan, that much she knew. Though her attention would be drawn away with Borageblaze's mateship to Chirplotus, she supposed their union was alright, though she scowled at how much influence Chirplotus seemed to have over her brother, the idea of it possibly challenging her own control of Borageblaze didn't exactly excite her.

Cat's from all the clans gathered to help rescue the stolen kits while some sort of parley, along with two other patrols being sent off, one to snatch away the kits during the parley and the other to learn more regarding the whereabouts of the Empire. Eventually the parties returned with both the kits and a rogue from the empire, a surprising twist to see the beaten up Harenose kidnap a cat, even if they were only claiming they didn't want the cat to die from their injuries. Burnetpath turned her attention towards their new prisoner, often wanting to interrogate or scare them a tad, though her clan mates always seemed to get in the way, didn't they want help? Information? It made her wrinkle her noise, the hypocrisy! But she wouldn't let such a small thing sway her away from her beloved clan unlike that faithless rogue who shared the same blood as her. 

About a moon or two would pass, Chirplotus being given an apprentice to train while Burnetpath still was refused to mentor one herself, though she simply flicked her tail in response. Alongside that news, Bramblepaw became a fully fledged herbalist by the name of Bramblechirp, Burnetpath still not thrilled about the cat being in the position of power, nor their biased mentor who seemed to not like her from the get go.

More time would pass as cats would be killed or have kits it felt like, one of the cats to die being Roothollow, only they hadn't been murdered but instead stumbled and fell from a ledge. What a strange feeling that was. She didn't even bat an eye. No wave of saddness came over her as she looked scornfully at her dead sibling's body, what a waste of a vessel, but it served Roothollow right for not getting on her cause or even bothering to embrace her duty as a founder. Perhaps in their next life they'd be better off. It wouldn't be long before Leaf-bare arrived just a few days later after the news.

Eveningsnap came to them one day by the border, talking about how she was planning on leaving her clan and would be found in the rogue shroud should Burnetpath ever come looking for them, though they could always meet by the border. Soon enough the next time she'd see her Evening would be a rogue, though it wouldn't be the only news as Hailclan let Yearling of Dusk Grove free much to Burnetpath's disproval. There would be consequences to such a stupid decision, they were an empire cat, of course he'd rat out the clan's secrets soon enough! It made her only despise Thicketstar more as she started to go out on more patrols, trying to prepare. 

Pearpaw would be brought in as Bramblechirp's apprentice, someone who seemed to share some similar views, least the weakling of an apprentice didn't seem to like Burnetpath very much. Then again it made sense with how all the recent herbalists were trying to replace their parent from so long ago. 

Some cat's started to get sick towards the end of leaf-bare, it seemed like starclan shared her feelings towards the the herbalists, a fun trial in order to test just how much they could take. It was almost fitting with all the cats dying under their care. 

It came as a surprise for many when Cloudclan was driven out of their camp one day, only a small few seeming to avoid the tunnels while many more of their clanmates were trapped underground during the Empire's raid and take over of their land. The small couple of Cloudclanners who had arrived in Hailclan retold of the battle they faced, explaining this all to Thicketstar as they were then granted refuge. 

Leaf-bare came as leaf-fall left, bringing with it colder weather though the sickness came to a halt. In about a moon's time or so, another large group of Cloudclanner's would make their way into Hailclan as refugee's, newer cats telling their tale of events regarding the empire chasing them out. 

Sagestorm would go missing one moon while out looking for Forestpaw leaving Midgefur open to her more then ever! That was till her family started to try and pull her away, something that caught her eye.  

Pearpaw would then become Pearbark after reaching the end of their training, some how seeming to get through all the hurdles thrown their way much to Burnetpath's displeasure. 

Then came the day of the attack, Burnetpath along with many other of the Hailclanners would be forced to be in pairs, a buddy system if you will, and would then move on to frontal attack on the Empire. It was there on the battle field did she lock eyes with Blackberry as they leapt into battle against one another after Moosebranch had gone on some sort speech. Eventually Moosecrash jumped into the battle in order to aid her with Blackberry, only for another empire cat to appear and start intervening. The battle was a hard fought one, both nearly avoiding grave wounds while gaining others. It was when her sister had gone back to battling Moosecrash when the rogue from earlier bit down on her leg, Burnetpath now turning her attention towards the tom insulted by such an insignificant bug interfering with her battle against Blackberry. It was then did she offer her words to the cat before ending his life with one good bite only to then stand on him as Moosecrash looked at her with wide eyes. It was about time he know exactly who he was dealing with. A cat who was strong enough to do things that others wouldn't dare, all in the name of her beloved clan. However things would sour as Blackberry accused her of killing Roothollow, as if she'd waste a claw on their lazy sibling! It was insulting to think Burnet had committed a crime she hadn't, as if they were trying to make them look traitorous in front of Moosecrash. After the successful battle it was clear she was on thin ice, though no one had time to dwell just yet as they were met with the camp in a rough shape, cat's who had stayed during the attack explaining how the Empire had came and killed Spiralroot and Badgermask. Her hate only grew for the Empire as she went off to check on Midgefur but was prevented from doing so as the stubborn herbalist, Pearbark, along with a few others prevented her from doing so much to Burnet's disliking. Next time they'd have to fight harder. Shortly after even Thicketstar had gotten sick, good, served her right after everything that had occurred. 

The Cloudclanner's returned home after their camp's reconstruction had finished, many relieved to see the other clan okay, while others seemed happy to just have their space back. It was in this time that Hawkbelly moved into the herbalist den, something about being in pain. Not once did Burnetpath bother to visit him, it was about time something happened to him, Burnetpath sick of his weakness trying to win her over, tired of hearing how he loved her. She hated him. 

New-leaf came along with new change with Thicketstar loosing a life to the illness she had caught, others not as lucky to have two lives as it kept spreading. Just a few days later the she-cat would step down, Moosebranch taking her place as Moosestar.

More time would pass, along with it so would cats, whether it be the sickness, a bear, or something else. Hawkbelly would be one of those cat's to pass, Burnetpath feeling nothing upon seeing his corpse. Among the changes that came with New-Leaf Moosestar choose his deputy, of course it would be that hairball Heatherdance. Just another softy with a bias against her, worst of all it was one of the cats that insulted her with faer constant avoidance of them. 

The sickness kept spreading, now named wasting disease, as more cats caught it, others dying from it. Luckily Burnetpath wouldn't be touched by such a thing, she was a conqueror, not one to be concurred.

 Windykit had been messing around in camp when the young cat spotted something off. Many cats had been trying to get the kit to come back over to them when a bear cub had appeared in camp followed by the mother after Hazedrop had attacked the cub. One thing led to another, Vixenblaze getting injured by the cub while the other bear brought down the warriors den, killing many warriors stuck under the den's roof, many other's injured in the chaos. Burnetpath was satisfied with Vixen's death, one last obstacle, she'd let Midgefur deal with the loss alone since she seemed so adamant on avoiding her since the battle with the four clans. She'd give Midgefur some more time to realize just how much she needed her, how Midgefur would soon be nothing without Burnetpath's light, how her friends were only temporary, while Burnet's influence was forever. Till then she'd watch with stinging eyes from a distance. 

Dewpaw was the next herbalist apprentice to Bramblechirp, she wondered just how stuck up this cat would be should they every cross each others paths. She wouldn't be surprised if Dewpaw shared the same biases as Bramblechirp or Pearldusk, those herbalists where nothing but a constant thorn to Burnetpath's side, same with the weak-hearted leader and deputy who had somehow come into power. What a disgrace.

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