Cel (• Relationships)





Lilith Satō ( Sister ) 

Cel and Lilith grew up separated, as their mother decided to take Cel with her at Arasaka when she was 8 and Lilith was barely 3. Despite not being together, they never forgot each other, and Cel cherished the memories of her sister she had left. Both knew of each other's existence, but though they would be forever lost, feeling the lack of each other's presence in their lives. Once back together, they become inseparable.

It is only years later that the two sisters reconnects, Cel finally deciding to try to detache from their mother's influence. Cel reaches out to her father and sister, and both welcome her in their life as a missing part of it. Despite a first slight awkwardness, and despite her rough facade, Lilith and Cel connect really fast and get very close, Lilith often advising Cel to break up with her then gonk-ass fiancé. The two sisters have a falling out when Cel has to kill their father, making Lilith blame her and avoid her for a while. This is short lived though, as Lilith immediately come by her sister's side when she finally breaks up with Ryosuke, introducing her to Pilar and Rebecca in the same time. Lilith asks Cel if she wants to become and edgerunner alongside her, and introduce her to Maine, helping her get recruited as a new member of the crew. The two woman have a very close relationship and are pretty much inseparable and Cel moves in with Lilith after her break-up, the two sharing the apartment Lilith lived in with their father before his death. She first does not approve of Cel's relationship with Pilar, knowing how the techie tends to be, but ends up accepting it since Pilar is her choom. She sadly gets the displeasure of walking on him naked several times when the man sleeps over at their place. 

Aakako_by_rotten_robot_dgoqjpj-pre.jpg?tokako Satō ( Mother ) 

Despite being Cel's mother, Akako has raised her to be a perfect little corpo doll, giving her an education totally devoid of any form of affection, and having more than unattainable expectations from her. She is a cold, manipulative, emotionally, psychological and sometimes even physically abusive woman, and is responsible for most of Cel's trauma. She never saw her daughter as anything else than a tool, and Cel harbor a burning hatred and resentment for her mother.

Akako took Cel with her when she was around 5 years old, since she was the oldest daughter and the one who physically looked like her the most. She cut her off from her little sister and father, and made her grow up in Corpo Plaza, among other Arasaka corpos, making her attend the academy, and planning her entire future. Cel was supposed to become her heir, working alongside her to eventually pick up her place once Akako would retire. Whatever her daughter would do, it was never enough for Akako, who set up crazy expectations for her, spending her time belittling her and putting her down constantly. She goes as far as brushing off the abuse Cel is going through at the hands of her then-fiancé Ryosuke. It is when Cel decides to join MaxTac that she slowly manages to escape her grip, to Akako's greatest disapproval. She finally fully cuts her mother of when she breaks off her engagement and become an edgerunner. Though, Akako does not give up and tries several times to force Cel back.


• Soul ( Father, Deceased ) 

Maine's Crew 


Pilar  ( Romantic Partner ) 

Cel and Pilar are romantic partners, despite starting as just hooking up chooms. Where Pilar is a dirty-minded, foul-mouthed, crude, selfish and inconsiderate jerk, Cel is a patient, caring and sweet partner, which is required to handle someone like him. She is madly in love, being fully devoted and loyal to him. 

They met at a bar where Lilith brought him and Rebecca when she joined Cel right after her breakup with her ex. Knowing how the techie tends to behave, especially with attractive women, Lilith demands that he does not creep on her sister, which of course, Pilar does not respect as soon as Lilith has her back turned. The techie starts hitting on Cel, and to his surprise, she flirts back with him, going as far as asking if his name "Pilar" matches his third leg. The two hook up at the No Tell Motel in Kabuki. When Cel joins Maine's crew and they start working together, the two constantly hook up after gigs, and develop a deeper relationship and a genuine emotional connexion. Eventually, the two finally become official and openly start dating. Cel constantly takes care of Pilar, being very patient and motherly to him, making sure he eats and making him shower. The techie very much appreciate her gentle and kind nature, despite wanting her to grow a thicker skin. He often tries to push the silver-haired woman to her limits in order to make her get mad at him, it being his clumsy and stupid way to help her get tougher. He also makes her laugh constantly, and under his punk and asshole-ish attitude, he has really very deep feelings for her, genuinely caring for her, and being as much in love as she is. They both even express at some point their desire to spend the rest of their life together.



Rebecca mets Cel for the first time at the bar where Lilith brought her alongside with her brother. The two did not really have any close relationship, being first just good co-workers. They later get way closer.

When Rebecca sees how close Pilar and Cel are getting, she first thinks her brother is being a creep and tries to "rescue" Cel, alongside Lucy, but she realize that the girl is perfectly consenting and happy about it. Rebecca then simply observe the two, both intrigued and disgusted as she can not wrap her head around the idea that somebody would genuinely want to share anything with her gonk brother. Eventually, she sees that Pilar slowly seems way happier in a way, and understand that Cel is actually having a good influence on him, despite her still sometimes disapproving of the way her brother acts with the silver-haired girl. Cel later admit to Rebecca that she actually is deeply in love with her brother, being the first time she openly expresses her feelings about the techie to someone else. Rebecca says that Cel deserves better, but do not discourage her either. Despite her kind of tensed relationship with him, Rebecca feels genuinely happy for her brother when he starts openly dating Cel. She even go as far as telling her, half-joking, that if she breaks his heart, she'll break her skull. From there, the two women actually form a closer relationship, similar to a sister-like one, spending a lot of time together as Cel is constantly at her and Pilar's place to hang out. 



Cel has a lot of admiration and esteem for Maine. Being the crew's leader and her boss, they share mutual respect. She trusts his judgment, almost never question his decisions and following his lead with a blind faith and loyalty. In return, he knows how devoted Cel is, and he trusts her and her loyalty to the crew.

When Maine recruited her, he was rather wary of her at first due to her corpo upbringing, but choose to trust in her and abilities thanks to Lilith. As she was a former MaxTac officer, he also though her skills would be a good help. What Maine also saw at the time was a vulnerable and insecure woman who was in great need of guidance, looking for herself at the same time, and part of him felt like it was his responsibility to take her in and teach her. He got to witness her growth among the team, how much of a stronger woman she became, and he was proud of her for that. In return, Cel looks up to him a lot and feel deeply grateful to the giant. The only time the two had a disagreement was when Maine recruited David. Cel though he was too young and confronted Maine about it. The man told her it was his decision and that she had not her word to say about it. Cel reluctantly complied, and later even bonded with him. When Maine starts to succumbs to cyberpsychosis, Cel is beyond worried about it, and just like the rest of the crew, tries to make him slow down. Of course, the man doesn't listen, and Cel has to look at her leader meet his downfall. After his death, Cel feels lost and distraught by the loss of her mentor and friend, but decide to devote herself to David and the crew from this moment.



When Dorio and Cel meet, they immediately click, and quickly become close, eventually even becoming best chooms. They share the same motherly energy










Julio ( Deceased ) 



Ryosuke Tanaka ( Ex-Fiancé ) 


Katsuo Tanaka





Ownership | Designer | Value : Not to Sell | Code Credit