
1 year, 8 months ago


God of Sand, born of Air's winds eroding Earth's ground.

   Arguably the wisest of the gods and one of the oldest, Zaara has not observed only humanity since birth, but the entire planet as well. Usually, even near his presence, some lesser gods gossip about his probable nigh omniconsciousness throughout all of time.
   Despite his extremely slow aging process, so many eons of existence encumbered his body into decay, and he is now reliant on a thick, scarab-like armor in order to support his own body's weight and movement.
   Although he works in extremely enigmatic ways, none dare to question his methods due to his known wisdom. Often the cause of bizarre, sudden events in mortal history, all actions in the name of securing humanity's progress. His methods include sparking revolutionary thoughts in the minds of determined individuals during their dreams, or punishing mortals through unsettling sentences, such as transforming them into supernatural and mythical beings.
   An example would be Lotus' immortality and subsequent exile, in which Zaara turned him into a man made of sand, unchanging despite the passage of time. This resulted in the end of a tyrannical monarchy, and his becoming of a legendary saviour in wherever he has roamed.
