[F2U] Tales of Old's Comments

hii is there any way to change the shield background to a different image and not have it repeat?:)

Yep!  You'll have to change up the img url and other classes attached to the background image - I don't have time to walk you through how to customize that, but this site has information on how to style background images.


Am I able to Frankenstein w another code? The only part of that code is to add like.. IMG_7502.png

this part of the code. Is that possible? Please let me know! I love your codes and theirs so much and I couldn’t decide for which character could have 😭😭😭 

I'm cool with you editing my codes, yeah!  I love those personality trait meters as well   I was just too lazy to add them to Tales of Old when I made it.  (And thank you for the kind words!)

Aahhhh it was hard to add so we couldn’t, but I would love to see if you make any w trait meters!! <333

This code is so cool! It suits my character jasper so well! However I have a bit of an issue. I'm seeking to remove the buttons along the top as I only want the basics page available. How would I go about doing this? Thanks in advance!

I've got a bad track record in terms of providing editing tutorials (I can get edits to work on my end, but I don't seem to be able to describe it in a way that people can follow).

If you remove lines 404-1131 ("start design tab" to "end relationships tab"), and lines 142-193 (second div to the comment marking the end of the nav menu), you should get rid of the top menu and all the unused tab pages.

I'd also recommend changing line 150 to this, so it gets the top blue line that the buttons used to have: <div class="card p-3" style="min-height:550px; max-height:550px; overflow:auto; width:100%; min-width:400px; border-top:3px solid #6594a8;border-left:none;border-right:none;border-bottom: 3px solid #6594a8; background-color:#332F2D;box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px -3px rgba(23,33,32,0.35);">

Thank you so much for this, it's definitely helped! My only issue is that I've seemed to have deleted the box down the bottom that has the credits so they're no longer showing up? This is a link to the character with your code if that would provide a better explanation as to what's happening :)) https://toyhou.se/21338234.jasper

Hi that's very odd.  If you look at my code, it's only the very end bit (labelled CODE FOOTER & CREDITS) is the only thing that adds that footer.  If you copy it over to your version of the code, it will appear again.

Sadly it's still not working :(( I can mention you in the description box as an alternative if that's okay?

Sure!  I don't mind people editing the credits section as long as it's still readily visible & links back to me.

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It should still work if you remove a tab or two (tested it myself just now), but you may want to check if you accidentally deleted a little too much of the code/left a small bit behind, as that may mess up how it functions.

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I removed all of lines 169 - 175 (the stuff for the Family tab), and lines 829 - 994 (all of the family tab & its comments)

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hi, would it be alright if i customise the colour theme to fit the character?

That'd be totally cool with me, feel free!

Thank you! ^^

Hallo! Currently setting my character up with this, but I'm having a small issue with it.. I'm moving onto the palette section, and it looks like the icons for the color palette area are kinda smooshed? I've only been editing the hex code so idk if it's an issue with the code or if I did something   I have the character page above so you can see what I mean.

Oop, I think that was an issue on my end!  I'll have to update the code file.  If you take first line of the palette section (<div class="row no-gutters pb-3" style="height:80px;overflow:hidden; color: #E1DFCE;">) and change height to min-height, it shouldn't squish on certain screen sizes anymore.

Gotcha! Tysm.

Hi! I love it! I have a problem tho - The character portrait just disappears and I didn't even change anything in the code! tried to copy-paste it a couple of times and it's still gone  

Do you have WYSIWYG turned off on the editor? I've found that a lot of codes will pull the vanishing-images (or rapidly shrinking, haha) trick when you edit it with that enabled.

Yup, it was turned off :0 but I managed to fix my problem so everything is all right now!! 

Looks great!!

Thank you!

such a creative use of borders!

Thank you!

I really love the layout!

Thank you!