LG's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

noxs_daydream Global Rules


General Artwork

  • My artwork is not to be used for commercial use unless it is spoken about prior to the commission; I hold the right to add extra to the charge- max 10 USD- if agreed upon. If used for commercial use without prior permission, the buyer will therin be blacklisted and prevented from buying from me again.
  • Refunds prior to an approved sketch will be denied, furthermore if I had yet to be paid, all work on the artwork will be put on hold until the full payment is recieved. This is something I will only hold for returning customers as of 5/4/2023; first time customers/those who I have not worked with much prior to the commission inquery must pay in full upon their commission being accepted.
  • Should the finished commission be posted by the client to any of their socials or used, credit to at least one of my socials must be listed somewhere in the post/profile the artwork is used in. Whether it be my Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, or ToyHouse is irrelevant, as long as one or more of those are credited.
  • Use of my work, either via editting or frankendolling, for the purpose to promote and push hateful rhetoric will result in the client being permanently blacklisted and a post being made calling out said behavior. This includes racism, homophobia, hate-speech of any kind, promotion of hate-groups or predators, and other groups that go against my own personal beliefs.
  • With the rise in AI artwork programs, my own work is to not be used with the intent to "train" these programs when it comes to their programming and development. I implore anyone who sees my work being used for such a thing to send me a direct/private message to notify me of such a thing occuring along with the user's social media; the result will be a blacklist for those using said artwork for AI programming/training.

Custom Designs

  • Once a progress/concept has been approved, refunds are no longer viable for the client. Any chargebacks will result in a blacklist as well as me contacting PayPal about the issue. No matter who it is commissioning me, returning customer or not, full payment is required after the commission is accepted. This is being put into effect as of 5/4/2023.
  • If the character is to be posted to ToyHouse, then either designer credit or creator credit is to be given to my Twitter, Toyhouse. Failure to do so will lead to me filing a ticket to recieve the proper credits through the Ownership tab.
  • Whilst I, the artist and designer, hold no rights to the final design, I do hold rights to use the image as an example of my work. Other than that, the client holds full ownership of the final product, and what they choose to do with the design is up to them. However, if the character is resold for more than the price of the initial commission without any extra artwork or content for the new owner to enjoy, the character is used in promotion/support of hateful/harmful ideals, or is used for content creation of a sexual nature despite being an animal that is not anthropomorphic (i.e. a pokemon, dragon, or cat that was not designed to be human/a furry) or a more child-like design, then the client will be blacklisted immediately.
  • In relation to the above, if the client resells the character and the buyer of said character creates sexual content involving a design that is an animal or child-like in nature, they will be blacklisted and prevented from obtaining any of my work through me.


  • A design that I have created and put up for sale should not be resold/retrade/given away until at least a week later, unless otherwise discussed prior to the character transfer; i.e. the character being bought as a gift for a friend, or the character being bought/traded for the sake of redesigning and reselling. When it comes to the latter, however, the design must not be sold for more than initially bought for unless there is extra art or incentive of some kind such as a reward for someone opting for the second auto-buy option. Furthermore, if the design is being bought as a gift for another, I will require the giftee's ToyHouse account to avoid someone bypassing my blacklist.
  • A ToyHouse account is require to hold ownership of my designs. If I learn of a design being resold/given to someone without a ToyHouse and the initial profile being taken down, the person who had done so will be blacklisted; even if they are not the original buyer. This is a rule put in place to keep track of my designs. Taking down a profile then reuploading it to evade this will result in a blacklist as well; as there may be a slight chance I'd ask to buy back the design via USD, artwork, or a design trade of equal value in the case of the character going up for resale.
  • While my connection to a sold design stops at being its creator, I hold the right to use my artwork of said design as examples for commissioners to view. Furthermore, if my design is used for hateful rhetoric or speech, I hold the right to blacklist whoever created the content/used the design to promote such ideals. No matter if they were the original buyer or not.
  • My designs are not to be resold for more than initally bought for unless their is more content such as artwork or writing for them. Doing so will result in a blacklist. However, if there is a financial emergency, feel free to raise the price by 10 to 20 USD for the sake of helping to get out of whatever financial trouble the buyer-turned-seller may be in at the time.


  • I put trust in my clients/whoever ends up with a design I created to be fair and responsible in their judgement when it comes to determining the value of additional artwork upon the action of reselling. However, if this is taken advantage of and non-commissioned work is unreasonably adding on value that results in an overpriced profile, I will end up blacklisting the seller. I.E. low quality work is adding as much as high quality commissioned work would to the price.
  • When reselling, if there is commissioned artwork for the design- either my own or another artist's- do not add more than what you paid for when it comes to determining how much to add to the character's initial price. I.E. if you bought a commission that was worth 50 USD, do not add 60 USD to the overall price of the character because of that artwork- even if the artist adjusted their commission prices to be more than what you had initially paid for.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et commodo ipsum. In consectetur dui eu ornare posuere. Morbi aliquam mi non porttitor placerat. Cras blandit turpis in lacinia interdum. Vivamus tincidunt feugiat augue, id sollicitudin urna dapibus non. Aenean vulputate, felis sit amet feugiat ultricies, nisi quam dapibus mauris, et dapibus libero risus quis neque. Sed eget lectus sed orci facilisis imperdiet. Vivamus consectetur quis magna eu venenatis.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et commodo ipsum. In consectetur dui eu ornare posuere. Morbi aliquam mi non porttitor placerat. Cras blandit turpis in lacinia interdum. Vivamus tincidunt feugiat augue, id sollicitudin urna dapibus non. Aenean vulputate, felis sit amet feugiat ultricies, nisi quam dapibus mauris, et dapibus libero risus quis neque. Sed eget lectus sed orci facilisis imperdiet. Vivamus consectetur quis magna eu venenatis.

FREE designs may not be sold or traded unless commissioned / additional art has been added.

Designs obtained via TRADES may not be resold but can be traded unless additional art is added.

Designs obtained via SALES may not be sold for more than their base value + commissioned / additional art value.