


1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name •

Mythicalia Aerisel

Species •


Birthday •

Oct. 19th

Age •


Height •

5'5" (5'8" w/ heels)

Gender & Pronouns •

Non-binary, He/They

Sexuality •

Pansexual / Polyamorous


Mythicalia Aerisel is a fashion designer and a hairstylist that works specifically for artists under a particular music label and record.*
Appearance: A short, feminine figure with long, brunet hair and brown eyes. He has thin cat eyeliner that appears naturally thick with prominent lower lashes. He has a hanging earring with an enamel red 'X' at the end, the same 'X' seen bigger as a pin, along with a 'Y'-like blade pin on the gold section of his captain hat. A metal chain hangs off the section with a red tassel. A signature symbol, or some sort of logo is left imprinted into a gold plate on the center of the hat. He has a silvery choker attached to two strings that hold a bustier in place, strings in X lacing pulling the bustier's top together. The bustier has one high leg slit at the seam of the hip, another 'X' embraided into the dress at the opposite hip and upper thigh. He dawns a pair of black, latex thigh high boots, the heels approximately 3" inches, the boots having triangular cuts of gold at the hems. He has two golden pieces that behave like rings on his biceps with fishnets hanging off them, similar to the midsection of his bustier that acts as a corset would. A thin, red ribbon bracelet with little beads is on his left hand (near identical to that of Maya Fey's from Ace Attorney, save for the red and beads).

Personality: Mythicalia at the moment has no real written personality, he's known to be incredibly flirty and smug around close friends who allow it, but other than that he's just an unfinished character. If feeling incredibly confident, he may begin to naturally levitate. Think of him laying on a sofa, mid-conversation with a close friend in a playful debate or something like that- just starts floating like it's nothing. 

Abilities: With a moderate range, he's able to teleport small objects to him and back to their original place- nothing heavy can be transported with ease. The same applies with levitation, he's capable of floating up to approximately 4 feet above ground along with objects around him in a shorter range. It is possible he could lift someone else up and not himself, though much more effort would be used to lift both. Other than supernatural abilities, he's toned in muscles, so take that strength as you will. When unconscious he may be observed levitating in his sleep, though about a few centimeters above a bed. This may be triggered during REM sleep, but muscles are unmovable.

Extras: This is very much a non-binary, even if he has breasts, long lashes and long hair. He was not assigned female at birth.
* = Subject to change in canon!