


1 year, 6 months ago



 Nathan Cole 

“Progress doesn't come without a price, that's an idyll. Sometimes it's necessary to accept minor sacrifices in exchange for major advances, for the greater good of all.”

At the dawn of the 1950s, Nathan Cole is already one of the most prominent figures in the United States of America. No one ignores the name of the man who, for half the previous decade, has worked to build a solid railway empire across the vast American territory, ensuring that every citizen could enjoy great mobility aboard his trains, which sometimes prove to be quite surprising.

Founded in 1946, Locomot Inc. has indeed brought its share of innovations to the rail industry, including the invention of the very first locomotives capable of travelling without railroads, without hindrance or loss of speed. Two years ago, Mr. Nathan Cole even founded his own town: having become too immense to travel, his main factory-locomotive, with its pharaonic dimensions, served as the foundation for the construction of a magnificent plaisance city, situated in an idyllic natural setting and providing employment opportunities and prosperity for its inhabitants!

Yet nothing predestined Nathan for such a promising future. Born in 1919 in a modest part of a big city and raised solely by his immigrant father, he began working at an early age as a small delivery boy for goods and newspapers. As he grew up, he discovered a passion for tinkering, borrowing his mechanic father's tools when he wasn't supervising him and helping him from time to time, and sometimes spending his meagre salary on educational books... but that didn't make him a spendthrift! From an early age, Nathan already had big ambitions; and by dint of his savings, he finally took his first step in building his future empire, by acquiring a meagerly-priced spotted pony and a small cart to deliver more goods, bigger and more expensive, each day.

One thing leading to another, as Nathan grew up and his resources grew with him, he built up his own small business: from a simple neighborhood deliveryman, he became a carrier for the whole city, then for the surrounding area and beyond. Confronted with the problems of moving over ever longer distances, passionate about trains and armed with his ingenuity and talent for mechanics, he became determined to develop the national rail network in order to trade with numerous partners throughout the country, while at the same time improving travel conditions for ordinary people. It was from this idea that he founded Locomot Inc., and the rest is history!

Nathan will tell you that his story is the epitome of the American dream, and will like to take every opportunity to proudly remind you that he rose from nothing to the heights he's reached today.

Nathan Cole
30 years-old | 1.90m tall | Birth date : May 16, 1919 
Proudly engaged to his fiancée Chimney-Coal Yuntzler, soon-to-be-married

Ambitious | Inventive | Affectionate | Olympic champion of denial | Extremely stubborn in his ideas
Nathan is what one might call a pure product of his time: he's a gentleman, an elegant and charismatic man who knows how to talk to the cameras, and a brilliant entrepreneur who doesn't let his emotions overwhelm him and has his life well under control.  

This, at least, is the image he conveys, and it's true that he embodies the traditional societal values he himself believes in quite well... with a few nuances: like it or not, Nathan believes, among other things, that a woman can be just as competent as a man at work, including in manual tasks, and doesn't hesitate to entrust them with positions of responsibility within his train manufactory, if they deserve it.  
After all, a good employee is a good employee, no matter what's under his or her belt!

Despite his serious air, Nathan is an optimistic who believes in progress and wants to do his very best to facilitate everyone's life - in his own perception of how an ideal life should look like, at least.

"Business is life, and life is beautiful!"
Owner of a successful rail and transport company... but not only that: Nathan is also the mayor of two neighboring towns and has opened a number of  subsidiaries to run businesses in all kinds of fields. 

These include a brand of state-of-the-art automobiles, restaurant chains, textile  boutiques, nature tourism and luxury hotels, not to mention a number of  commercialized ingenious inventions of his own.

His latest whim: to open a laboratory to conceive soaps and perfumes, and perhaps set up his own cinema studio, why not.

• Cooking | in secret, as it's not a man's job to cook at home 
• Tinkering and building all kinds of useful things | because someone just has to find solutions to everyday problems
• Taking care of his cacti | I mean look at them, they're adorable !
• Drawing | architecture, portraits of his fiancée, animals, sketches for his new ideas...
• Building vast scale models of the lands he owns


Chimney-Coal Yuntzler
Nathan's Fiancée
Coincidentally, the most beautiful woman to have ever lived also happens to be Nathan's fiancée. Despite an atypical and turbulent start to their relationship, frequent disagreements and the tragedies they've been through together, Nathan cherishes and loves Coal more than anything. His Coal is a strong, courageous little woman, but she's also gentle, sensitive, didn't deserve all the bad things that happened to her, and needs to be protected from the harshness of the world.
For all these reasons, he never misses an opportunity to take care of her and spoil her, especially after she's suffered so many difficult trials.
It's also difficult for him to agree to give her total independence and let her follow her own vocations, which may lead her into dangerous territory: at the opposite end of the spectrum from the commonly accepted thinking that tells women to stay at home and let their husbands take care of everything else, Nathan doesn't want to clip her wings... but it has to be admitted that she'd be so much, much safer and more comfortable if she'd agree to stay at home nicely!
Ash-Two-O's Yuntzler
Nathan's Sister-in-Law
Not everyone is lucky enough to be born into a loving family, or a family at all... but many have the opportunity to find their own in the course of their lives, and it can prove just as comforting and warm as a biological family.
Nathan considers Ash to be an integral part of his own; he feels comfortable in her presence and appreciates knowing that Coal will always have the opportunity to stay close to her twin sister.
After all, between a man who never knew his mother, raised by a neglectful father, and two orphaned girls, they understand each other... and agree quite easily on rebuilding their own family nucleus.
Rurik Sokovler
Nathan's Brother-in-Law
Coal and her sister are two fantastic women, but what would a good family be without another man to exchange with? Ash's companion, Rurik, is a simple man who enjoys the good things in life, and Nathan appreciates him for these qualities!
He's a good friend with whom he likes to chat or joke about things that their two beloved women wouldn't understand, and above all he's a respectable man whom Nathan holds in high esteem. Rurik is a good guy, and he knows he can count on him to protect this little family at his side.
Astie Volpler
Nathan's Personal Assistant
Astie, Astie, Astie... what could be said about her? Miss Volpler is one of Mr. Cole's personal assistants at work, and probably the most competent of them all, to tell the truth; but she's also the one Nathan gets along with the least, much to his annoyance. Miss Volpler sleeps at work. Miss Volpler doesn't have the posture and attitude of a professional. Miss Volpler does in two hours the work that ten others would have done in two days, but could Miss Volpler stop taking the company's business so lightly? To top it all off, Miss Volpler earns a multimillion-dollar annual salary, but Miss Volpler still feels the irrepressible need to divert company funds to finance her own personal vacation, disguised as sick leave. Anyway. She may be his fiancée's best friend, but Nathan is really, really not fond of Astie.
Audrey Grace
A good friend of Coal's, met by pure chance in a bar... and mistaken by Nathan for his favorite actress, a real Audrey doppelganger. Oh, come on, it could happen to anyone! He may not have come away with an autographed photo of a movie star, but he did come away with a new friendship: despite the ups and downs of their short but already stormy relationship, Nathan has chosen to keep a good image of the young woman, whom he likes and with whom he has a good rapport. Leaving aside the little moralizing side she seems to share with his fiancée, she's pleasant to talk to and has a natural ease about her that appeals to him.
Bethany Collins
A lovely girl for whom Nathan has a great deal of affection. Sweet, innocent and sincere, his fiancée's goddaughter is growing up in a home that unfortunately doesn't evoke much good in him: if only Nathan could get Beth out of the hands of her father, whose tantrums he's witnessed, and stop him from controlling her life for his own gain, he'd do it with pleasure! Wouldn't there be a law that would allow him to do that, by any chance?... Maybe it's to fill a deep emotional void, but Nathan is beginning to see Beth as the daughter he never had, and it hurts him to see her neglected by her parents.
It's not every day you meet a promising and ambitious young entrepreneur by chance while out for a drink! At a difficult time in his life, BP provided Nathan with a little respite, allowing him to chat simply about ordinary things, and even encouraging him to get out of the room in which he was decaying.
It may not sound like much, but he keeps those memories in his mind today.
Guerlain Laureler
For years, Nathan had placed his trust in Guerlain, one of his company's most efficient and reliable managers; he always struck him as an honest and intelligent, if placid, man, and he enjoyed being around him. More than an employee, he was a friend. So how could he forgive a so-called friend for courting Nathan's fiancée as soon as his back was turned, without any form of remorse or trial? Needless to say, Nathan can no longer see him in picture, and doesn't even want to hear about him!
The Cashtea-ler
Ah, it appears that the garbage men forgot to pick up a large pile of crap on the pavement when they passed.

- - - - - • Still in progress, I shall continue writing later ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) • - - - - -