Melior Devior Argentum



1 year, 11 months ago



Melior Chalice

Home town



5'6" (182.88cm)





Home Region

Avalon (Formerly) Toro (Current)

Sexual Orientation

Bisexual(Straight leaning)



Meliors distinguishes herself from her sister, Melusine, with her consistently pleasant demeanor, fueled by a deep-seated desire for recognition due to parental neglect. While usually helpful, she occasionally conceals motives to safeguard her reputation. Despite her pursuit of perfection, she finds joy in playful interactions and maintains a broad social network. Even when resorting to minor deceit or gossip to aid herself and her sisters, her charm remains unscathed. However, her cynical perspective on people complicates genuine connections, given her high standards for friendships.

Despite her extensive social circle, Melior struggles to foster genuine bonds, often prioritizing pleasing words over sincerity. Nonetheless, when Melior forms a close, meaningful friendship, her loyalty knows no bounds, showcasing her unwavering devotion to those she treasures. Melior revels in being the center of attention, whether the focus is positive or negative. She also displays some selfish tendencies with her friends, becoming jealous when they spend more time with others than with her.

  • Any and all attention
  • Fashion
  • Stars
  • Blue and purple
  • Singing
  • Pants (She prefers skirts or dresses)
  • Sharing her friends
  • Being talked down to
  • Being alone
  • Melior Chalice, born on Winter 5, 1124, in Avalon during the cold season, was the second of three daughters to noble parents who longed for a son to uphold the family's honor. Disappointed by her gender, Melior strived to please her parents, though she couldn't understand their distance.
  • Her father arranged for her to marry Henry, a childhood friend, hoping they would bond and marry in the future. Despite their strained relationship, they shared dreams of exploring different regions together and planned to marry eventually. Henry was saddened when Melior left the region. Thinking she went ahead and decided to travel without him.
  • Unaware of her mother Pressyne's flight with the girls to Toro due to her father's infidelity and refusal to acknowledge his daughters, Melior remained oblivious to her family's financial struggles. Eventually, Pressyne, unable to provide for her daughters, left them at an orphanage in Aurelia within the Toro region. Melior now resides with a family of four in the mayor's manor in Cobalt after being adopted.
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Relationship Type

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Melior Chalice, born on Winter 5, 1124, in Avalon during the cold season, was the second of three daughters to noble parents who longed for a son to uphold the family's honor. Disappointed by her gender, Melior strived to please her parents, though she couldn't understand their distance.

Her father arranged for her to marry Henry, a childhood friend, hoping they would bond and marry in the future. Despite their strained relationship, they shared dreams of exploring different regions together and planned to marry eventually. Henry was saddened when Melior left the region.

Unaware of her mother Pressyne's flight with the girls to Toro due to her father's infidelity and refusal to acknowledge his daughters, Melior remained oblivious to her family's financial struggles. Eventually, Pressyne, unable to provide for her daughters, left them at an orphanage in Aurelia within the Toro region. Melior now resides with a family of four in the mayor's manor in Cobalt after being adopted.

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Relationship Type