


1 year, 6 months ago



early 20s . he/it . gay ace . wizard

charon is a half-elf (drow), with the other half being tiefling. his subclass is blood mage. charon takes fascination in all things weird, creepy, and icky, as such, he is a practicing necromancer.

he is not the most easygoing person around. his disposition if quite often serious or intense. he is often studying blood magic, necromancy, or inventing some spell. his sense of humour consists of making cadavers dance, and spooking people with it.

uses it/he pronouns only around those close to him, and he/him for everyone else.

(edgy voice) " i'll bleed you dry "

. . . .
Species half elf (drow/tiefling)
season unknown

  • fingers are darker than the rest of his skin
  • hair texture is inconsistent (i never decided on wavy/curly) can be either of those
  • missing a canine tooth on his right side, right where the scar on his lip is
  • has peets on his legs
  • slit pupils
  • scrawny / bony build

plot things

due to having grown up in a bad environment, charon makes it his life goal to kill his parent, using forbidden blood magic. he is new to the craft, and has to learn not only how to use this type of magic, but also how to hide it from the law. he has a decent understanding of necromancy, and thus is freelancing his talents. he dreams to one day make a career out of the necromancy business. his reckless freelancing gets him into a lot of shenanigans.

he attends a wizard's school, where he always attempts to spook his professors with simple necromantic spells, and often fails. whenever he isn't studying blood magic or going to school, he visits the local haunted graveyard, where he acquires specimens for necromancy experiments.

despite his ultimate life goal being murder, he struggles a lot with morality. he thinks his alignment is neutral evil. i like the internal conflict.


due to being half drow, he has trouble with being out in the sun. his pointy wizard's hat is enchanted with a spell that makes it look like it's night. he says it's totally different from sunglasses.

owns and cares for a chicken called mimi. he bought her as a barely hatched chick with the intention oh bleeding her for a spell, but could not go through with it. he uses the speak with animals spell to talk to her. they're besties.

has quite a few younger siblings, that he cares deeply about.

charon is extremely weak, physically. he asks urik to spar with him often, but urik ends up teaching him combat basics. despite this, he is very capable of doing damage with magic.

his darkened fingers are an inherited curse. they're cold to the touch, hard to move, and often painful to use.

no matter how stoic he tries to act, his tail always gives away how how he feels. to a trained eye, it's easy to differentiate his stimmy wags from happy, excited, or annoyed ones. he hates it when people learn this about him. will hit a bitch with his tail, and wraps it around people instead of holding hands (cold fingers).


they're dating, because i like to draw cuddles.

charon and urik met working together to eliminate the same threat.soon after, they started dating and it became a long term thing. charon truly treasures urik and the time they spend together.

they often travel together, and charon takes urik to the absolute worst places imaginable

ex friend

charon is devastated about causing his and wander's falling out.