❤ Magnolia ❤



Purchased from @WormyGummie for $50USD on Thursday, February 15th, 2024 4:08pm 53° Sunny

Goes by Maggie! Is my comfortsona. 

She is HUGE and soft and loves giving hugs and cuddling with her friends. She loves boba and milk tea and Japanese cuisine above all else. She hasn't found a fruit she doesn't like but she's picky with veggies! Likes to decorate herself with stickers and loves playing in the rain! Also loves watercolour painting, making jewelery, and canning food / making jellies / jams / preserves and giving her loved ones lil gift baskets.

(Old info below, might still use!)

maggot sugar baby that eats sugar daddies/mommies hearts and takes the inheritance money ❤️