Guilio Giovanna-Mista



1 year, 7 months ago



  • FULL NAME Guilio Giovanna-Mista
  • AGE 18 ~ 25
  • GENDER Genderfluid (They/He)
  • RACE White
  • ORIENTATION Heterosexual
  • STATUS Alive
  • STAND Andy Warhol
  • HEIGHT 5' 9"/175cm.
  • OCCUPATION Student

Guilio is a rather timid, artist type individual. They are an artist by trade and by spirit. They are an incredibly talented painter, as well as a skillful floral arranger. Growing up around plants and animals, Guilio oftentimes felt he was tied to nature, and used his bond with such things to strengthen his creative abilities.

Guilio has an older half-brother who goes by the name of Gavino Giovanna-Mista. They look up to Gavino, and oftentimes consider him their best friend alongside Roxanne & Marshall Ghirga.

They are the second-born child to be raised by Giorno Giovanna and Guido Mista.

Being only blood-related to Giorno Giovanna, and conceived through a surrogacy to a woman who looked like Guido Mista, Guilio was raised as both of their children -- of which confused many people initially.

Guilio is closer to Mista, as Mista was always the more emotionally open and supportive one compared to Giorno's authoritative and somewhat distant parenting style.

Guilio grew up in the countryside of Italy, though was primarily raised in Napoli, Italy, alongside their brother and the Ghirgas.

Additionally, Guilio finds themselves to be very creative in their way of thinking. Using abstraction, Guilio tends to try and solve their problems through roundabout means rather than a direct approach.