


Behold.... A well developed and fleshed out man with exactly 0 fullbody images. Bask.
Much of his lore requires a knowledge only friends close to myself have had the misfortune of getting their heads crammed with^^u
Mentions of mass murder guy death cult indoctrination and power dynamics [sirens]

A stone carver by trade, Heynes was one of those unfortunate enough to end up ensnared within Narcissus' cult while searching for a place to put down roots and build a name for himself. After years of suffering at the hands of the cult's oppressive hierarchy, this goal becomes a reality through the most horrific means when the massacre left in the wake of Narcissus' assassination allows Heynes to step into a position of leadership.
Though rebuilding a traumatized community takes front and center, Heynes' priorities lie in finding and serving justice to those previously in a position of power, where they survived the slaughter- A task he takes into his own hands the moment their structure wavers enough for him to get a blade between someone's ribs. 👍 If not for his responsibilities at home, Heynes would be long on his way to track down Rook himself with intent to deliver a far crueler punishment.

The singular exception to Heynes' law of retribution comes in the form of Lawliet, a superior who ruled over him with an excess of both favor and sadism during his time imprisoned; Now with equal footing, Heynes finds his personal connection to the man too intense to murder him so callously. Heynes initially keeps Lawliet close with intent to repay the pain inflicted upon himself in full, but with time they come to find their relationship is surprisingly mutual with a surprising lack of change to the dynamic. Blushes.

I'm writing this at 2AM in the morning AM with dubstep in my ears please don't scrutinize my writing too closely.... Amen.