



Me realizing I never actually posted him on TH

I've been putting it off since I've been meaning to redesign him for like. years now. But with my current state I don't see that happening soon!! So!!! Fuck!!!
Putting him out there like this for now... My beloved, I promise you I'll redesign you and give you a nice bio.... One day 3

Also I've had him for years now, so there's a lot of older art!!

  • His real name is Faris, but most simply refer to him as 'Knight' as he rarely lets strangers know his name
    • Faris is an Arabic name, which means knight LOL
  • Paladin from an Order that's long forgotten. There's just a few of them left, but they stay forever loyal to their Deity that offers them wisdom and knowledge. Mostly appears to them as a vision or in a 'physical' form in very few places of old worship
    • Thanks to this Deity, Faris ages much slower and is more powerful and resistant than other mortals. The Deity offers a blessing on their followers that are like an extension of them.
    • In exchange he acts as the Deity's weapon, executing those who are deemed too dangerous. Those are mostly fanatic worshippers of malicious Gods who seek to destroy those around them or threaten the world order in different ways. Due to this Faris is travelling more often than not, his Deity guiding his way.
  • He is very loyal and serious and carries out his duties diligently. Because of that he doesn't engage in things just for 'fun' more often than not. The type to sit threateningly in the back of a tavern and drink beer in silence as everyone around him is like... Is this dude alright.
  • While he rarely talks to people on his own, he's not opposed to it. He doesn't fake an interest in conversations he is not interested in, so he can come off as cold and unapproachable. Also he's huge and scary.
  • However the few friends he has, he treats with respect and patience. Even though he's not affectionate in classical ways, it's still clear he holds fondness for them.
    • His partner Feliz! They travel together often, both acting on their own Deity's whims. They're basically the opposite, but they get along well.
    • Maple's tavern is one of the spots Faris feels comfortable in. Grandma friends, they take the time to chat when they actually see each other again.
    • Jasper and Faris had kind of a rocky start, but when Faris realized just how kind and sweet Jasper can be, he couldn't help but warm up to him too.
    • Him and Breena are pals! He visits her every time he's in the area of her swamp and they catch up with each other.
  • Actually just look at his ArtFight bio, it's pretty nice ->

A knight whose strength and power are only overshadowed by the strength of his morals. Although he is polite and respectful towards others, his towering presence intimidates many. His distant and quiet demeanor coupled with his deep voice does not help this either.

Being a loyal paladin of an almost forgotten, ancient Deity's Order, Knight's age is much higher than one would expect. Thanks to his Deity's strength, his aging process has almost stopped. Throughout his long life, he has followed them and done their bidding, often times putting his duties before himself. Dedicated to his purpose in the Order, Knight is forever on the move to wherever his Deity needs him.

Although he may have an ominous air around him, Knight is a mild-mannered, sensible man, who will not harm anyone without a reason. And whilst he is not a talker himself, he does not mind being a part of conversation if he is not expected to engage too much. Even if he is not bothered by social situations, he will never show his bare face around people he does not trust or know well.

Though all his pleasantries end when in battle. A formidable opponent you'd be best to avoid. His mercy is hard to achieve once angered or once he deems your actions unforgivable. He uses a great mace in battle, it's sheer weight being able to crush his opponents with ease.


Knight is as much of a loner as you would expect, however there are a few that he would consider close.

  • Feliz is often times Knight's travelling companion that hangs off of him and chats his ear off, which Knight has never complained about. He is very fond of Feliz and enjoyed his company, he is one of the few people Knight lets his guard down around. Their relationship is quite complex, however you could consider then lovers.
  • Maple is a tavern owner that Knight and Feliz often times visit. It is quite rare for Knight to click so easily with someone, but he and Maple were on good terms from the start. When they're both alone they tend to talk of vague stories from the past, fleeting memories and how they perceive the world around them. They have a comfortable friendship.
  • Breena's calm demeanor and thoughtful use of magic made it easier for Knight to warm up to her. She always respected his distance and gave him as much time as he needed to get closer to her. Whenever Knight is in the area of Breena's swamp, he visits her and they chat over a nice cup of witch made herbal tea.
  • Breena's wife is very wary of men due to her personal experiences, however Knight's been nothing but accommodating to her needs and gives her as much space as she desires. Thanks to this they have a fine enough relationship, but they aren't too close.

He's 269cm/8'8ft !!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't keep forgetting and changing his height I can't live like this anymore I am never touching it again