


1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info




  •  Name  Clyde 
  •  Pronouns  he/him 
  •  Sexuality  Questionning 
  •  Sub-specie  Forest alumy 
  •  Rank  No ranker 
✤ Clyde ✤
  • ✤ Clyde ✤

Clyde is a mischievous alumy, he always has a grin on his face and ready to pull pranks on the alumy's he runs into. He's not evil, his pranks are always harmless, he just want to have fun and laugh. He's very social for a no ranker, and will approach any alumy's he doesn't find agressive, you can find him a bit annoying at first, but quickly grow a liking for him as he shows his goofy and affectionate side. He acts rarely scared even in front of a threat and even sometimes acts provoking. He don't really like beeing lonely and seek other's company. 

He really dislikes orders or people wanting to dictate his life, the most important thing for him is his freedom and he can get easely angry when people wants to force him to do something or tries to mind control him. He absolutely hate being mind controlled or having to mind control other animals. He will reluctantly mind control animals to hunt to feed or protect himself, but have no "pet" he keep around.

His old hive was abusive, using the mind control power to impose submission into other alumy's, and after years of mistreatment he finally succeed to escape. Today, he roams on the alumy's world, enjoying his freedom. He doesn't show any hate toward hives, or alumy's belonging to hives, but will strictly refuses to join one and feels a bit uncomfortable around controllers or when asked the reasons why. However, he will hides his discomfort by joking and fooling around, as always.

He's rather small for a forest alumy, having the same height than a sky alumy, but doesn't seem intimidated by taller or bigger than him. He still a young alumy too, just entering his adulthood, so maybe he'll grow more in the future (he hopes so).

✤ Likes

  • doing pranks and jokes
  • hanging out with friends
  • learning new things
  • snow

✤ Dislikes

  • authority
  • mind control power
  • hot places
  • dislikes