Aubrey Ross



1 year, 7 months ago


Aubrey Ross

(Formerly Aubrey Delature)


*Outdated Info*

General Info:

A magi born with extremely strong plant magic, she has a strong connection to nature, can speak to the nature. She's constantly on the run for being a magi, she has learned to perseve and survive in the most unlikely situations


A bright bubbly girl with endless positivity, in the beginning of her life though she was quite sad. She was always hopeful and trusting but she couldn't help but feel terrible for being herself since she was raised by such a cruel father. Even after seeing the cruelty of the world first hand, people hunting her for simply existing, she still had faith. She had been through terrible and traumatic things yet she continues to grow and flourish. She never stops trying and continues to be a ray of hope to others. Her endless love has created an amazing support system for her, when things get bad she can always count on her companions to help her through traumatic memories.

As an adult she is less childish but is an inspiration for everyone who knows her. She is brave and extremely strong, though she still enjoys fun she had matured well.


Personal Info:


15 yrs. old



Birthday: February 16th



• Ivory white hair, long, wavy

• gentle green eyes

•  tan skin

• naturally chubbier, soft curved face, looks full of life

• after some... events she has burn scars along the left side of her face (partially deaf in left ear), has a prosthetic right arm made of vines that are similar to human muscles



From the start of her childhood her mother had been absent, instead, she was raised by her poor father. Her father was a man who had great ambitions and dreams of greed and fame. 

He had raised her isolated from the world, for her protection but most importantly his selfishness. He had raised her to believe that everything he said was the correct thing to believe. He raised her strictly, never letting her show her curiosity (which was neverending), he had always reminded her that she was meant to protect him. She would kill the Queen of the Terra Kingdom so he could rise up and rule, he believed that a poor man like him would rule the kingdom better than the wealthy, who he had great disdain for.

After setting up a multitude of traps along the path to their secret home the word had gotten around to the kingdom and guards were sent out to inspect the dangerous land.

In result of the search, Aubrey and her father were found and taken to the kingdom due to harboring questionable illegal plant magic.

They were placed at the mercy of the Queen, Lahvia. The Queen believed they were guilty, although, she wanted to know who had the illegal magic so she could cleanse it and return it back to the shops were it belonged. It was then that Aubreys father suddenly twisted her arm painfully and unable to control her magic, stray vines erupted from the ground and shot towards the queen, slashing her in the face. 

The castle went into a panic and Aubreys father dragged her through the castle, looking for an escape.

She had begun crying as her father continued to bring her through the castle, reaching the top of a spire. He had started to yell at her, demanding her to get them out of the castle, he raised his hand to strike her, but before he could hit her, guards burst in the room. He turned around to face the guards and Aubreys magic flared defensively up and vines shot through his chest. The guards stood there in shock infront of Aubrey. She stared back, afraid of what had just happened. Not a beat later she turned around, not even thinking as she jumped off the tower.

Large leafed plants grew from the ground beneath her and caught her mid plummet. She was lowered to the ground and she fell to her knees, lightheaded. Tears started up again and she began to run. She had to keep running. No matter what. Keep running. And so she did.


Plant Magic/Protection:

Flora magi: Aubrey has a natural connection to nature and can speak to the plants around her, commanding them but usually asking them nicely to help her. When she is in extremely futile situations the plants will act on their own and protect her, whether it be a dome of thorny vines or leaves to catch her fall



Riddled with constant fear throughout her life, her main goal is to survive for as long as possible, she knows everyone is after her head so she constantly has to be wary. Despite everything she has a warm spirit and only wants to have friends and be happy in life. She wants to study plants and other biological life forms and master her magic, she wants to have friends that will always be there for her. She wants to live out the childhood she wasn't allowed to have. She just has to survive.