Cassandra Hades



8 months, 25 days ago


Cassandra Hades


General Info: 

Fears: not being able to control her own actions, fire, genuinely hurting others


Generally cold and not friendly but has a great soft spot for those she loves, her two best friends. She is very distrustful of others and hates physical contact, stealthy from being a thief. 

She was a quiet kid who learned quickly she couldn't trust anyone, everyone was a backstabber. Her mother taught her the world was cruel very quickly. 

When she worked for her mother she was very bitter and wanted to leave the organization but never got the proper push to do it. When she met Ivan and Aubrey she learned that the world isn't entirely cruel. People actually liked and trusted her. She got to bring out her sarcastic and fun side around them. 


Personal Info:


17 yrs. old


Asexual biromantic

Birthday: February 7th



• Dark brown/black hair, medium length, slight waves at end of hair

• brown eyes

• light tan skin, light brown freckles on cheek, scar across nose

•  has rbf

• non self harm arm scars

• Burn scar on right hand in attempt to save Aubrey

• nead the end of the final battle that ended the war she saves Ivan's life by taking Ivan's heart (the Heart Gem) back from Eli and returning it to him, though cursing herself in the process. Her right arm is now a dark purple, scars still visible but distorted, there is a stone band with magic keeping the curse at bay and from spreading. The cursed portions sometimes get inflamed (similar to arthritis) and becomes even more painful and her fingers become sharp claws.

•one red eye (right) from the consist and  reoccurring mind control spell put on her by her mother



Fire magi: Cass can control fire though she rarely uses it. She was already convinced her magic was "sacred" by her mother and that using it would "dilute" her blood of magical properties. She would sometimes use it for small practical issues like needing warmth or getting rid of paper, sometimes melting metal. After Aubreys "death" she refuses to ever use it again in respect of Aubrey and out of her own fear. Though she is forced to use it when her mother mind controls her. She burns villages and hurts citizens while under control, she hates her magic even more. She feels like a monster. When the war ends she continues to avoid her magic like the plague, not even for simple things like lighting a torch, she made an oath to never hurt another soul with her magic. 



Cass' mother, Lydia, discovered Cass was a magi when her father died (was killed). Lydia noficed his blood dried into a purple shade and she knew her husband was a magi, so her daughter probably was too. Lydia tested it and it was true, she began to take Cass' blood and drink it (an immoral practice used by many amagi (non magic users) to temporarily gain magical abilities). Lydia ran the Hades Association and would assist The Kingdom of Ventus in its secret illegal blood trade. They were thieves and bounty hunters, Cass volunteered to be a bounty hunter to get away from her mother and have some freedom. When Cass is a refugee with Ivan and Aubrey she is eventually captured by the Hades Association and back into her mother's grasp but with severe consequences for betraying Lydia (running away and abandoning her bounty hunting permanently). Lydia tests a new Rune Magic (written magic) spell she discovered to mind control Cass. Cass is forced to attack and burn villages of innocent magi, help invade magi armies, etc.