Kyren Shinyo



1 year, 7 months ago


Kyren Shinyo



Leader of Eden; Translator/Linguist


The charismatic leader and "God" of Eden. After Hevenstruct's destruction, he spent many patient years waiting to form Eden after making the decision when he was young that he would be successful unlike the fools in charge. In that wait, he became a linguist as his public profession and a distraction until he could do as he pleased. His strategies for running Eden are unorthodox, welcoming any and all and providing the best he can for them at only one cost:

The small price of the vision of those who join.


Kyren presents himself as an overtly kind and intelligent person, offering to help whoever he comes across that needs it. He is something of a flirt, but tends to be particularly subtle with it, using genuine seeming admiration and compliments; it also helps he seemingly manages to take note of even the smallest details in a person. He's incredibly charismatic in an almost super-human way; the kind of person that could convince someone the sky was red and make them really believe it.

Internally and in private he's very quiet, thoughtful, and calculating; as if analyzing every situation to find out how he can best benefit himself. And he's particularly cynical, seeing Eden, people, and life as some sort of game; one in which the only way to win is to have control of them- have people worship him. And he truly believes that simple goal is all he needs.

Design Notes

  • Kyren only wears one earring on his right ear, it was one of his mother's. The other was given to Zera.

Zera has been by Kyren’s side for a majority of his life, and the two are near-inseparable at this point. At first, Kyren did quite genuinely enjoy Zera’s company as the first real friend he ended up ever making, but due to his nature he quickly began using their friendship for his own gain. This has carried on for years, and through manipulation Kyren found himself with Zera completely dependent on him, which he was entirely proud of himself for. Unbeknownst to him, though, he’s also almost completely dependent on them as well, and would self-destruct if he went too long without them again, or something ever happened to them.

Aviche was a constant nuisance in Kyren's life for many years after they took over as his psychiatrist. Unlike everyone before them, Aviche possessed an uncanny ability to see directly through him to the extent they were the reason he had to wait so many years to begin Eden. At least until they were removed, leaving Kyren free and calling it good riddence. He doesn't despise them, but they are an incredible annoyance and he certainly doesn't think kindly of their presence.

code by honorama