Forlorn (Sorrow Form)




I have decided that Forlorn has a "Sorrow Form" the same way that Rabies did. This form (and for the most part, this gallery) is for all the vent art that i do when I'm sad or angry. Sorrow Form is the manifestation of Forlorn's negative feelings, causing her to transform into a slightly monster-like variation of herself.

The Sorrow Form, as an entity is also called "Abandoned Forlorn", "The Queen of Sorrow" or "The High Priestess of Sorrow".


  • Her ears elongate, may become torn, twisted or scraggled.
  • Inner ear fur might also lengthen.
  • The eyes are not blind, but become white without a pupil. They are photosensitive (sensitive to light) and can glow.
  • Perpetual tears pour from her eyes.
  • Her halo becomes cracked/shattered or damaged.
  • May or may not include horns on her, idk....