


1 year, 8 months ago



Pavlov Heinzruperton


By looking at someone with his naked eyes, he can sever their nerve connections for a short amount of time, and make them feel numb. The longer he looks at a person, the longer they will feel numb. Using his ability for a prolonged amount of time will cause him to have severe nose-bleeds and feel light headed.

An unstable, mentally unwell man who poses as a doctor that helps the needy, especially angels who have come on hard times. He does not though, and often performs unwelcomed experiments on his patients and kills his angelic patients. He is known as a collector, with his main subjects being angels, this includes their wings and even their entire bodies, having large cryosleep tubes in his laboratory where he keeps angels with particularly intriguing halos.

He was not always off his rocker though. Once he was a chipper, young scientist who was an assistant to a doctor who genuinely wanted to help her patients. This doctor’s name was Ecosia, a loving woman who also had a hobby of collecting body parts, but from the dead and those who would no longer need them. Ecosia and Heinz were in a casual relationship for some time until they got into a heated argument at the surgeon's table, and Heinz slipped up and accidentally stabbed her, causing both her and the patient to perish. Heinz fell into a deep depression which affected his mental and physical health, stuck where he was as he spiraled, the rotting bodies of Ecosia and the patient near him.

After these events, Heinz was never the same, becoming a lot more unstable and greedy. He covered up Ecosia’s death and went on under her title, using his power to take innocent lives in his goal to create the most perfect angel.