

Genderless (prefers Female)
Theme Song

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque et egestas risus. Integer vel sodales dolor. Nunc dignissim cursus elit, a vulputate lectus pretium vitae. Praesent dignissim vestibulum nisl, vel posuere massa maximus sed. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed molestie ante arcu, in euismod tortor posuere et. Sed vehicula faucibus laoreet. Etiam et elit fringilla, fringilla purus a, ultricies dolor. Nunc ornare quis nisi fringilla suscipit. Cras volutpat ultrices pulvinar. Nullam metus massa, pellentesque volutpat malesuada vel, vehicula sed sem.

"Anyone who has lost something they thought was theirs forever finally comes to realise that nothing really belongs to them."

  • Helping others
  • Singing
  • Colorful and glowing things
  • Finding friends(currently afraid of)
  • Dream about a world without loss
  • Traveling
  • Fashion
  • Loosing friends
  • Naive people
  • Bad songs/singers
  • Slavery
  • Boredom


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed molestie ante libero, id laoreet ex varius vel. Donec quis lorem sodales, fermentum eros imperdiet, tincidunt est. Phasellus fermentum ultrices euismod. Suspendisse ac lorem augue. Vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed. Suspendisse blandit dolor mauris, nec eleifend enim fringilla ac. Nunc malesuada tristique placerat.

Curabitur mollis sed libero eget fringilla. Mauris vehicula eros egestas odio commodo vestibulum. Etiam ac libero dui. Mauris ipsum leo, molestie id gravida eget, malesuada nec dui.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur placerat purus, nec dignissim purus ultrices ac. Pellentesque euismod pretium vulputate. Ut vel congue dolor, in volutpat dui. Nunc libero velit, rutrum eget cursus in, blandit non nisi.


Once discovered her at one of her trips through the Universe. Bubbles choosed her to stay her whole life with her and so the tiny little being is always by her side keeping an eye on her.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque imperdiet vehicula lectus, vitae lacinia arcu luctus vel. Quisque ultrices, ex non congue consectetur, risus erat vestibulum ante, vitae facilisis nisl nulla quis enim.


Ashira is a highly inquisitive being. She wants to know everything about the universe and the species living there. She traveled around for many years visiting a lot of diffrent worlds and planets until she came to that one planet. A planet which has really long nights and only short days. Longest nights seen there lasted for almost one year while the daylight is only seen there for a few days. Due to that day/night circle plants and creatures have started to emmit the missing daylight by themselfes. Every creature and plant there has bioluminescent features which can be seen during the long nights. But this is not all of it. The water on this planet startet glowing in a nice lightblue color.

When Ashira discovered this planet she was so fascinated about it that she decided to stay there for longer. Soon a kind of intelligent creatures recognised her. They were so fascinated about her that they started praising her as their godness. Ashira got really impressed about how they treated her. They made her a lot of gifts which made her really happy. Out of gratitude Ashira started to help those creatures wherever they needed their help. She became really attached to them and really started to care for them and love them. The species she lived with was a really musically attached species. Singing was their passion and it became Ashiras passion two. She loved singing together with them.

But then came the day that changed everyting. The star which the planet was orbiting around was a really old star and it’s life slowly faded away. The star used it’s last hydrogen. After that the star started to grow in it’s size. When Ashira recognized that it was alreadly too late. The planet where she lived started to became really hot. The water started to boil away, plants and creatures started burning.
There was nothing more to do for Ashira than to leave that so loved planet to not get killed.

Far from the distance she saw how the star kept growing and swallowing the planet where she lived for so many years.

It was so painful for her to see everything that she loved being gone, that she decided from now on she will never start to love anything that much ever again and be on her own from now on.
Hopefully the pain goes away one day so that she can be able to let someone into her heart again
All the pain and sadness that grew in her heart made her start to sing about all her pain.
Most of her time she was now spending alone at the cosmic garden where she was once born singing sad songs.


Ashira once was a happy little child but due to a tragedy happening in her past she changed.
She started to live alone for a long time not talking to anyone. Started singing sad songs about everything that happened suffering from the pain inside of her. She had no one she could talk to for many ages so the pain inside her grew with the years and nearly ripped her off.
She started being afraid making new friends because of being so afraid it could happen again that she looses all her friends due to a catastrophe.

One day another Eliore called Himei coincidentally traveled to the place where Ashira hided alone for so many years. Himei discovered Ashira who was crying and started talking to her.

(to be continued...)


  • ● The Name Ashira means "I will sing" or Wealthy.
  • ● Ashira's skin color is referenced from a flamingo
  • ● Ashira stayed at her most loved planet for over 500 years
  • ● She stayed alone for little more than 100 years after her home planet was destroyed
  • ● She stayed alone because she was afraid to loose someone again

profile html by Hukiolukio