


6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


immortal, ancient






4'10" (The First), 5'11" (The Second), 9'6" (The Third), ??? (The Fourth)





Ego is a guardian deity that was born from DJ obtaining his godhood again. They are a bit of a mystery, much about them is still unknown. What is known is that they live off of praise from their followers and grant blessings to those who ask. They watch over Earth with great dedication. They adore offerings from their followers, and have a soft spot for mortals. They find them intriguing and feel a dutiful fondness for them. They do not get along with other divines. While there are exceptions, with most they are hostile and dominating. Divined are well advised not to approach them without an offering (of praise, prayer, halos, power, material gifts, or other means of worship). They carry themself with great pride, and radiate a bright light that those who disrespect them cannot look into. They are deeply in love with a powerful demon called Aki, and often venture to Hell to visit him.

The extent of their powers is unknown, but four different forms have been observed. These transformations signify different levels of divine power. It can be assumed that there are more forms beyond these four, but any others have yet to be revealed. 

The First (Ego)

Ego is most often seen in the least powerful of these forms, The First. It’s the form they were born into, and the one they feel the most themself in. This is why they choose to remain in this form most of the time, despite its comparatively low divine strength. They have 8 wings and wear either an elaborate disk halo or a light halo. There’s a marking on their back between their shoulder blades, a symbol of 7 eyes. They have thick rose gold cuffs around their wrists and angles, as well as a collar. Even they aren’t sure why they have these, but they assume is has something to do with DJ and was stuck to them in his process of breaking his way into godhood. These accessories cannot be removed or broken, they seem to be divine objects. 

The Second ( Egoist)

This is the second most common form. Despite being more powerful, this form is wingless. They take the name Egoist in this state. Their fur is longer and more disheveled, and they are more combative. It’s theorized that Egoist is an incomplete transformation, due to their unkept appearance and impulsive, aggressive behavior. 

The Third (Egoism)

The Third is a considerably rare form; though once reached, Ego will remain in it for long periods of time. They take the name Egoism in this state. Their fur and hair is considerably longer and straighter than other forms, silky smooth and shining. Egoism is rather brutish, though notably less hostile than previous forms. They are mischievous and seductive, they seek pleasure and thrill and tend to neglect their responsibilities in favor of satisfying their immediate desires. While less combative and hostile than the First and Second, they can still be violent and animalistic. They’re significantly larger as well, standing at roughly 9 feet 6 inches tall and sporting a husky, strong build. They have 4 wings and 7 eyes on their chest. The symbol on their back is gone. They have no eyes on their head, and their hair covers where the eyes on their face should be. They have a thick, soft mane around their neck and shoulders that stretches down their back to their tail. They have 2 tails, large hands with long, sharp claws, and slender legs. They look quite top heavy, but have no trouble holding their bulk when standing upright. 

The Fourth (Egomania)

(WIP) They speak in plural first person, “the royal We”; as if to refer to not only themself but also to the hundreds of angelic souls trapped within them. Their voice a chorus of voices, with their own sounding the loudest. It often sounds thunderous and overwhelming. They have 6 massive wings on their back, and 2 smaller ones on his head; all covered with eyes. 


regal, gentle, calm, loyal, intense