Monty (Eclipse)


Basic Info




Kill every living thing he sees in the most brutal and painful way possible


Horrifically cold and mean; never smiles; only gets pleasure from hurting others


Has an attached murder weapon (axe by default) which he can summon at any time from shadowy ectoplasm. He can sense whatever his victims fear most and alter his weapon to fit that.


Triggered by a total Lunar Eclipse. Reverts when the sun rises.


At some point, an evil Pandora’s box containing four items of pure evil is opened, and its contents wind up scattered across Yanori. Each of my main four (Sun, Moon, Poseidon, Noltre) stumble across these items and are possessed...! They proceed to cause chaos until someone can stop them. Unfortunately, they are not fully purged of the evil spirits- and their bodies can still be taken over if set off by the right trigger. All of the spirits give their hosts superhuman strength and durability, along with their own unique power. In-general they all lack any sense of empathy and will commit to whatever malicious deeds they feel like.

The evil spirit who possesses Moon was a serial killer and deranged axe murderer named Ecclestes Pitch, famous for killing at night, especially on full or blood moons; was sealed in the axe that he had used to kill.