Zephyr (Nevermore)


Basic Info




Obtain sexual satisfaction... which is impossible for him, so it essentially translates to ‘rape everyone and everything you come across’. ovo;


Conniving, Malicious, Voraciously horny, extremely vulgar


Flight (thanks to two huge black angel wings that grow on his back)


Triggered if Notos is sexually assaulted. Reverts when his wings are destroyed/torn off (or if he somehow forced to orgasm via magic/technological trickery).


At some point, an evil Pandora’s box containing four items of pure evil is opened, and its contents wind up scattered across Yanori. Each of my main four (Sun, Moon, Poseidon, Noltre) stumble across these items and are possessed...! They proceed to cause chaos until someone can stop them. Unfortunately, they are not fully purged of the evil spirits- and their bodies can still be taken over if set off by the right trigger. All of the spirits give their hosts superhuman strength and durability, along with their own unique power. In-general they all lack any sense of empathy and will commit to whatever malicious deeds they feel like.

The evil spirit who possesses Notos was a notorious gang leader named Navim Evior; dealer of women slaves and had several wives and hundreds of mistresses; known for using his sexual prowess to dominate others; sealed in a priceless golden-tipped black feathered quill (his most prized belonging).