Lum Spitchbrick



6 years, 3 months ago



  -  KEY INFO -  

⊳ Name - Lumiere 'Lum' Spitchbrick

⊳ Age - 16

⊳ Sex - Male

⊳ Birthday - December 18th (Sagittarius)

⊳ Occupation - High school student / Amateur film-maker

⊳ Summary - An anxious and awkward boy with a passion for making movies who is often bullied.


Lum is a very shy and socially awkward boy with very little confidence in himself. He gets very nervous talking to people and goes into an anxious panic when the slightest bit of attention is paid to him, he hates standing out or the idea of making a spectacle of himself. He's also very self-conscious of his body, being short, overweight and acne-ridden, adding to his anxiety around people, particularly girls; with few exceptions, girls make Lum very sweaty and flustered, prompting him to race away as speedily as his heartbeat. Thus, Lum is a quiet boy who tries to keep to himself, but tragically knows that he is a prime target for your typical teenage bully to harass. This torment has also made him very cowardly and submissive, quick to give into any threats or demands made of him, in desperation for being left alone.

Looking past his anxiety however, Lum is actually a very creative and passionate young man full of imaginative ideas and ingenuity. He loves cinema of all sorts and gleefully analyses and studies the medium, aspiring to be a great director of films himself. He's a total geek for movies, particularly good-old fashioned sci-fi and fantasy monster romps, and puts this passion to use in making his own amateur features, which he truly dedicates himself to creating; he works hard doing odd jobs like mowing lawns to fund his endeavours as best he can. Unfortunately, his anxiety can make this difficult, as he finds himself too nervous to seek out a cast or crew, usually leaving him limited to stop-motion films starring cheap, home-made models. Likewise, he has panic attacks at the mere thought of anybody actually watching the movies he makes and thus keeps them hidden away to himself, hiding his hobby from his peers altogether. 

The only people that Lum feels relatively comfortable around are his so-called friends, Maribel and Herb. As the pair are eccentric enigmas themselves, he somehow feels more easily accepted by their relaxed outlook on life and does not worry about being judged by them. In these more relaxed circumstances, Lum can more show his more expressive side, his gleeful enthusiasm for his hobby being particularly prevalent. He's a bit of a perfectionist with his films and can actually be quite snappy and forceful when he feels his cinematic vision is being disregarded or disrespected, which he fails to realise is confidence he has within him that should be better applied at other times. He can unwittingly be very arrogant and snobby in such instances, failing to realise as such due to his usual weak and pathetic perception of himself as a person.

  -  HISTORY  -  

Lum has loved movies as long as he can remember, being inspired at an early age at classic monster movies he probably wasn't supposed to be watching, and his passion for crafting his own tales has been around almost certainly as long. As a young child, even before getting a camera to actually use, he'd act out any stories he could imagine with his childhood toys; any new plaything he'd get for things like birthday would forgo its intended purpose and soon be cast as some unusual character or prop in his latest story. This creativity and enthusiasm saw other children drawn to him at the time, encouraging his passion further, but as time went on those around him began to see it as a childish and geeky hobby, some even bullying him over it, shattering his self-image and isolating him to the point where he felt his hobby may have been something to be ashamed of.

Having grown alienated from peers who once had praised him, Lum nevertheless continued following his interests, albeit in a more private manner. Too embarrassed to rely on his parents for what he'd been made to see as a shameful endeavour, he saved up money from various odd jobs to buy a cheap video camera for himself, one that he still uses to this day. He spent week after week working on all sorts of scripts he'd pour himself into, but each time he'd grow too anxious over the idea of having to work with a cast of actors to actually bring them to life, many ending up scrapped into a pile in his room. Eventually he resigned to being a one-man studio instead of pushing himself to seek aid, and put all of his focus into making cheap stop-motion films. This was in spite of bigger ideas that he longed to make more, but he was still happy to simply be producing something.

By the time he entered Marigold High, Lum had already successfully completed work on a number of solo projects, but remained too timid to have shown them to anybody. He continued to find himself a victim of bullying even in high school and grew even more lonesome in this setting without anyone he could bring himself to call friends. One afternoon however he left his bag containing his camera behind in a classroom, and upon frantically returning to collect it, found the infamously peculiar student outcast, Maribel Randall, watching footage he had recorded for his films on it. Panicking, he snatched his belongings back and fled, but he had already caught Maribel's interest and soon found himself at the overly-friendly mercy of she and her partner, Herb. The two's keen interest in Lum and his hobby baffles him, often suspecting that they are in fact simply stringing him along for the sake of future torment, but finds an odd comfort in their companionship nonetheless and so does not try and hide his work from them. He in turn has inadvertently become a sort of voice of reason for the pair, often trying to talk them down from their more bizarre and dangerous antics, but usually, to his dismay, getting roped into them himself instead. It's thanks to their twisted encouragement however that he is pushing forward with his latest film 'Mecha-Deka versus Devilpus'.


Maribel - The meddlesome Maribel is surprisingly one of few that Lum can actually feel comfortable around, even if he feels uneasy and suspicious of the intentions behind her friendship. The two both have a lot of creativity, leading to the occasional bizarre display of shooting imaginative ideas back and forth, which Lum enjoys until Maribel takes things too far with something completely unorthodox. She's also just about the only girl who doesn't fluster him into oblivion, though whether this is because he considers her his friend first and foremost or if he's too intimidated by her eccentricity is unclear. He finds it hard to keep up with her abundance of energy and frantically worries about her well-being with regard to some of her more dangerous ideas. His relative comfort around her gives her a surprising amount of influence over him however and he will often reluctantly get dragged into her shenanigans to his peril.

Herb - Herb's mellow and relaxed attitude proves somewhat infectious towards Lum, who feels an uncharacteristic sense of ease around his friend. He finds him a bit mysterious and odd though, often getting nervous about what troublesome thoughts could possibly be drifting through his mind at any given moment. Thinking Lum's passion is something to be proud of, Herb will now and again have words of reassurance for his young friend, which as back-handed as they may sometimes be, do help his confidence a bit. Although his more anarchistic ideas cause Lum great distress, his chilled attitude and influence over him can occasionally make him let his guard down for a moment, making Lum go against his better judgement and fool himself into going along with whatever he has planned, often landing him in as much trouble as he'd have initially suspected. 

Marigold - Among all of Lum's hopeless adolescent infatuations, his overwhelming crush on Marigold reigns supreme. He's head over heels for her, seeing her as a radiant beauty who can do no wrong, and is reduced to a flustered puddle of mush at the mere sight of her. After ages of admiring her from afar, divine fortune has not only lead them together through his friendship with her sister Maribel, but as she also wishes to be an actress she has developed a keen, if shallow, interest in Lum's films! As an exception to his artistic integrity, the lovestruck Lum showers Marigold's acting ability with glowing praise and encourages her that she's can most certainly achieve her dreams of stardom, despite the fact that she's actually awful. You know what they say, love is blind.

Vinnie - 



  -  MISC. TRIVIA  - 

⊳ His favourite colour is red and his favourite food is buttered popcorn.

Likes: Watching and making movies, companionship, photography, g-g-girls with their breasts

Dislikes: Bullying, attention, film remakes, children and animals