Nevski Jacob



6 years, 2 months ago


"Demons can only do so much, I firmly believe we as human must do most of the work."

NAMENevski JACOBSPECIEGargoyle (dragon kind)
GENDERMale [AFAB]HEIGHT172cm - 5'8"
PRONOUNShe/himOCCUPATIONService warlock
AGE818 years oldVOICEBruno Pelletier
ORIENTATIONHomosexualEXTRA LINKSAesthetic board and Playlist


+ Gentle
+ Soft
+ Kind-hearted
+ Calm, collected
-  Distrustful~ Cautious

Nevski is a soft man. He's extremelly gentle and kind, wears his heart on his sleeve, and always tries to take care of others. He's calm and collected, in control of himself : hard to ever make him snap. His soft temper won't prevent him from being pretty distrustful and excessively cautious in most case though.


Demonic magic, demons, demonology
Neat clothes
Being sweet around bitter people
Just being sweet in general
Anything that picks his curiosity

Neglecting his look
Lack of routine
Having to rub the lichen off his skin

Nevski has marble smooth skin, grey and lukewarm. Lichen can grow on it, and he regularly has to rub it off. Build wise, he's a bit muscular, but mostly really soft and pudgy. He has minimal body hair, dark and only appearing right above his crotc.


His hair is rather short and poofy, with longer strand there and there. It's dark, but not exactly black. Nevski's hair is very soft to the touch, and not too thick.

He has long, somehow rounded ears, really thick and with soft edges. He has well trimmed facial hair, kept really neat, the same color of his hair. His eyes are green.

His face has a soft, rounded shaped.

Nevski has two rock wings growing in his back. They're surprisingly felixible, and it seems their size can vary to a certain extent.  His tail is very thick, mostly at the base, and ends in a rock lys flower.

The gargoyle's feet are large and claw like. He only has 3 fingers, which ends sharply. He can easily grab thing with his feet.

In his dragon form, Nevski gains 2 big, notched hornes. His fingers become darker in shade, as if covered in an even more concrete material, which is the same colors as his horns. 

He has 4 wide, curved spikes in his back. He keeps some of his facial hair, his beard appears more on his cheeks than on his chin in this form. His chin and the tip of his nose have rock, spike shaped growth.

The base of his ears gets rounder and his ears as a whole get much bigger.


Nevski was born in 1200, at the very end of the 12th century.

At first, he was mostly hanging around, being a gargoyle, protecting Notre-Dame, making sure no Evil could ever enter the sanctuary. he was taking his task very seriously, maybe a tad too seriously. At a very young age, he didn't even really try to "have fun" or anything the like.

Eventually, he got bored of his routine and started trying to socialize in his early adult years.


And so Nevski started socializing at his begining into adulthood. He expected to make dragon and gargoyle friends... But it actually didn't quite go this way. 

His first friend was a human. This tiny girl was simply playing around the statue, and spotted this one she loved so much. After a whole day spent talking to the gargoyle, she was surprised to be able to actually have a conversation him after the sunset. She started coming in more and more often, they would share stories, simply spend time togteher...

However, after many years, the now old lady couldn't come visit him anymore. He was saddened, but understanding. Still he struggled recovering and overcomig grief after she died.

During this hard period of his life, he tried to start a bunch of new things, to learn, to study. Demonology really stuck to him, and he's been sticking to this path ever since. He's now a service warlock, and tries his best to help people in the need.



Nevski can turn into a literal rock statue on will.. Or at least mostly on will, as his skin naturally concrete during daytime without him having the choice.

Nevski is a skilled warlock and demologist, after centuries of studies. He can drain lifeforce, summon demons, and use their power as his. He's smart and knows how to twist spells the way he wants. But he still has much to learn.


  • He's Christian.
  • He has a lot of origami figures decorating his cabinet. Skapii made them.
  • He's very into high quality tea. 
  • Really soft dad.
  • Has just a bit of tummy. He's a bit pudgy.
  • He used high level magic to re-sculpt is body when he started his transition. It took a few years to get the result he was looking for. 
  • He's not very vocal about his trans-identity, but he will never deny it, and will gladly share experience (especially with younger people), as long as they don't get too personal.
  • He tends to bottle up things, to not share it at all. He's distrustful when it comes to talking about himself.
  • He can easily grab things with his feet. 

Skapii - Protégé

"I'll make sure she feels better."

Nevski met Skapii in terrible, terrible settings. She was in a bad place, she was a ran-away kid and she was in pain. He gave her his phone number, and promised they would see each other again soon.

Agamemnon - Acquaintance

"He is not striking me as the kindest person around. But I need his help in order to get Skapii in a safer place. That being said, I'm deeply convinced there's hope for him despite his temper."

Nevski talked to Agamemnon a bit. He noticed he confused the Sphinx. But assumed it didn't go that bad, and they exchanged their numbers. The gargoyle believe in putting some love and warmth into that cold heart.

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