


6 years, 2 months ago


Bastion is a biiig boy! But goofy as all hell. Although there's not a fearsome bone in his body, there certainly is a tricky few! His favorite pastimes include tricking humans into giving them their valuables (through mind tricks or shapeshifting), although he does little with them besides hide them away for no one (usually including himself) to find, and draining the river of the local village dry for fun! Which happens to be just how he met his dearest friend Figgo! While slurping the water away, watching in delight as local villagers screamed and pleaded with him, the broken and bent body of Figgo washed onto the riverbed, defeated miles upstream by a big forest beast, his body had washed into the care of the little village just before he would drown. When they later met again, Bastion and Figgo shared an instant connection, and the fluffy teal dragon seemed to soothe the intense boredom of the larger dragon. The villagers were delighted, as they became the victims of Bastion's pranks less and less, until eventually both dragons moved on from the area, leaving peace and harmony in their wake! In fact, stories and art exist of the heroic villagers who nursed Figgo back to health and sent him off to contain the problematic pink menace!