Autumn Caliper



Autumn Caliper

Age: 16

Species: Cat (1/8th Fox via Grandmother)

Occupation: High School Student (Albert Aardvark), Girls' Volleyball Team


Autumn Caliper is a 16-year-old cat (but her grandmother was a fox, which is how she got her bushy white tail tip). She is the young heiress to the family enterprise, Caliper Industries. Caliper Industries is a machining and scientific equipment company which produces and loans out a mind-boggling array of highly technical equipment and sensors to various organizations and businesses around the world. Befitting her expectations, Autumn is the most gifted and intelligent girl in her grade, winning numerous academic awards each school year. 

Autumn's large mansion is just down the cul-de-sac from the Robinson family's more modest house, which means Penelope and Autumn, both being the same age, have been really close childhood friends from the moment they were born. Autumn's parents are good friends with Penelope's, and they often give Petunia Robinson funding and endorsement for her political ventures. 

Autumn is also a decent athlete on top of her academic prowess, she plays on the Albert Aardvark High School competitive girls' volleyball team. She really enjoys her time playing on the team as Penelope is also the team captain. She might not be the best player on the team, but she's good enough and really enjoys getting to hang out with her friends away from the tough environment of academia and the pressures that lie therein. 


Due to the lofty expectations that Autumn must one day become the CEO of her father's large company, Autumn has been engrained with all of the etiquette and responsibility that comes with it. She is polite, courteous, well-spoken and confident in most situations that she feels she has control over. However, despite all of her privilege and status being born into a very wealthy family, Autumn is not snooty or stuck-up, she never looks down on anyone for being worse off than she is. 

At the end of the day, Autumn just wants to be a normal teenager and hang out with her friends. However, her wealth and importance has made Autumn wary of people who are trying to get close to her just for what she possesses. She feels that her popularity at school sometimes is just a result of her family name and not because anyone is genuinely interested in her as a person. Fortunately, she always has Penelope and Marigold to fall back on.