
1 year, 7 months ago


Chickadee (Aster) Rose Amaryllis

Feline/Fennec Fox

Can Change Between 7-21

Panromantic Asexual


*She is easily jealous of people, usually relating to social acceptance. She has always felt that she was overshadowed by more confident and charismatic people and has always self-exiled herself during social events or rough family situations.

*She is bold and usually considered brave however she relies a lot on other people’s energy and encouragement. By herself she is dark and anxious that nobody cares about her. Otherwise, she tends to be chaotic and energetic to most people.

*Sometimes she can be timid around bigger and more confident people, however she will try to match their pace. This often leads to issues for ‘dominance’ or social attention or attention in general.

*Friendly and outgoing, loves to try to impress people. Often known for ‘leaving a lasting impression’ on others.

*Frequently suffers with bouts of depression, or thinking nobody actually likes her for herself or who she presents herself as. Usually locks herself in her room without comfort, or just in a corner somewhere waiting comfort or for someone to check on her.

*She truly loves her mom, even if she is constantly looking down at her rather than listening to her opinions. Chickadee believes that Mangoe has the best intentions even if she doesnt really.

*Acts apathetic to people‘s distresses and distrust in her but is actually one of the most emotional in the family. She doesn’t understand why people look down at her and overshadow her, she just knows that they ’want a reaction’ out of her and won’t be willing to give it to them.

*Doesnt understand how to interact with people much, so her opinions of people’s behavior tends to be biased to how they interact with no underlying tones. Example: someone may tell her to shut up playfully but she will read it with no tone and assume they had malicious intent.