
General Information:

Domain of: 
Chamomiles division


Sex: Male  


Nationality: Russian


Country of Origin: Western Russia


Original Name: Miron (he has forgotten it)


Lived:  1902 - 1920 wow, I guess I must really love  writing about this period of Russian history.  //coughKorincoughWarren//


Birthday: June 1


Downfall: He was executed by the revolutionaries the Russian Civil War.

Physical Appearance: -


finally updated! Woo! <3


The  first impression Romashka will make on most is that of a somewhat cool  and calculated but charming young man with a very mysterious air. He  seems very even-keeled but also a bit removed; very lazy and often  asleep, it is actually quite rare to find him awake. Despite his  laziness, though, he will also frequently seem very polite, especially  with acquaintances. However, many suspect this polite and sweet demeanor  to be little more than a social guise. This is, in fact, true; the  harsh reality is that Romashka is a sociopath, using these charming ways  as a way to get what he wants and manipulate, his motto being that  “Every person is a sweet opportunity”. Very selfish and confident, and  the fact that he was spoiled in childhood doesn't help. The reason for  his cool-headed viewpoint is that he is sick of faking his emotions on a  large scale, finding it too exhausting. Many times others are attracted  to him but find themselves caught in his “web”, with no choice but  becoming his pawn. Also has a tendency to become obsessed with certain  individuals. He is also a genius, and finds pleasure in the odd and  obscure (such as the tea ceremony), and a lover of random trivia.  Apparently ignorant and oblivious, but is very observant; others are  surprised when they're talking and he chimes in with exactly what they  need to know, when they didn't even know he was paying attention in the  first place. On occasion, he seems capable of showing true concern for  others; as this is so out-of-character, it leads others to speculate  that the Garden may be mercifully curing his condition, but no one can  be completely certain.



      Romashka was born in 1902, in a little city on the outskirts of  Veliky Novgorod, to middle-class parents. Though the family was only  decently well off (though quite influential in small ways), they loved  their only son very much and doted on him (as the mother had already  miscarried or lost several children), giving him all the care he could  and not only trying their hardest to let him survive, but also to have a  better childhood then they had had. 

 The little boy, named Miron  (though this name is forgotten to him now), was a very sweet, very kind  child; he loved his parents and was very considerate to everyone he met,  often bringing them gifts or offering services. The child was also  noticeably intelligent. He was seen by his parents as a gift from God,  and they took every care to protect him.


 One spring day in 1907,  Miron was playing outdoors near an outlet of the great Volkhov river.  Ordinarily under the watchful eye of his mother, the little boy  currently was being watched by an aunt. This woman was a bit more  careless, and turned her eye for a minute; sitting on the bank, Miron,  fascinated by the beautiful and quickly rushing water, reached out his  hand to touch it but lost his balance and started to fall in. Hearing  his scream, the aunt turned too late; the small boy had fallen in and  was being tossed around mercilessly by the waves. In a panic, the woman  rushed to the bank, trying to grab the child when he floated past her.  Just as she reached out her hand for the boy, Miron slammed into a large  rock near the area, injuring his head and turning the waters red.  Though traumatised by the tragedy, his aunt takes the opportunity as his  movement has been momentarily stopped, and she rescues him.


  After this incident, the child's parents were devastated and the guilty  aunt was essentially banished from the family and its affairs. Miron  also seemed … different. In the beginning, he remained mostly the same,  with something beneath the surface quite “off”; he also had apparently  forgotten many things, acting a bit as if he didn't know his parents or  friends. After a few years, his spoilt background begin to affect him,  and his kind, sweet nature soon melted away to reveal a personality more  selfish.


 He did seem to get smarter, however, excelling in his  studies, and in 1914 was sent away to the large city of Novgorod to a  school, living in the mansion of a rich relative. He was popular but  oddly feared by his peers and teachers. The situation was also  apparently a bit difficult for him, as he became more reclusive and  rarely cared to interact with anyone. Miron also developed an interest  in the tea ceremony and its “philosophy”, devouring books on this odd  topic and intently studying any teaset he could get his hands on. He  also seemed to enjoy it whenever his relatives would have ceremonies,  seeming a bit obsessed while studying guests' every move, and attempting  to surmise the reason behind them.




 In 1917,  the Russian Civil War broke out. Miron, not really having an opinion on  the issue, would do whatever benefited him personally; in this case, it  was not dying, and he volunteered in the Red Army, putting down  opposition to anyone against the revolution with an iron hand and  striking fear into everyone's hearts and minds. This earned him a  reputation, as he was only 15 and yet such a great soldier. He traveled  about everywhere in western Russia, not really ever intending to return  home, and probably having forgotten about it for the time.


  However, 1918, he got a request to defend a tiny town against the  Communist forces. He was offered a large amount of money in return.  After meditating on the issue for a while, the young man came to the  conclusion that with his sharp and strategic mind, and a disguise, he  could outwit anyone who would dare oppose him. He took the job, and was  successful; from then on he was not only a member of the Red Army, but  secretly a mercenary. 


 He became so famous throughout the land  that people began to resent him and think him untrustworthy (he also had  other habits of getting people in trouble, especially women.) Someone  slipped word of his mercenary work to the revolutionaries; now knowing  him to be treasonous. As he had a network set up in many cities, and  ways of learning people's intention, Miron, who had now forgotten even  his own name, knew he must find a way to escape. On a stormy night in  1920, with the weather so bad he thought no one would expect him to try  and escape, he took a small boat out to the Gulf of Finland to try and  flee to the latter nation. However, he was only just off the coast when a  large wave violently capsised his vessel, and the next morning was  found on the shore, unconscious, by revolutionaries. So that none of the  people would know and become even angrier, they secretly executed the  traitor by rifle fire. 


 After he was assumed to be dead, the  young man, only 18, was tossed into the Gulf. Blown onto a sandbar soon  after, he came to. Having lived through all of this, he was in great  pain from the bullet wound in his side. Always with a source of  fragrance or flower with which to make tea, he had some chamomile  flowers in his pocket, an to stop the bleeding he presses them down upon  the wound. He has already lost much blood though, and dies soon after.




 When in the Garden, he always feels as if some part of him is missing,  though he certainly retains his detached, sociopath nature, and is on a  quest to learn what this “missing puzzle piece” is. Due to his odd  behaviour, and capability at times of surpassing his nature and showing  true concern for his fellow and letting his naturally kind personality  show, some have surmised that an injury is what caused his problem.  (This is actually possible; in very rare cases, damage to the Paralymbic  system in the brain can cause sociopathy) They also theorise that the  Garden, with its magical and mysterious properties, is mercifully and  very slowly healing him, though no one can know for certain.
Still,  little is known to the other rulers about the Garden's representative of  the frangrant chamomile fields, as he is mysterious, often asleep and  doesn't see to like sharing information on himself.



Relationships: *respected and feared by most of the other Rulers.
*Enjoys  scaring Madrono and is a bit obsessed with this activity. Apparently he  cruelly finds the latter's reactions amusing or funny.
*Is disdained but pitied by Cantua, who is the main theorist into the insight of Romashka's life and condition.

*Friends  with Liu and the two often scheme together, though Liu feels bad about  this. Possibly she is drawn in by his charming air.
*Secretly he is pretty obsessed with Rosalisa and spies on her often, trying to get her attention.

Fun Facts: -  As was mentioned many times above, he loves the Russian Tea ceremony,  but also the tea ceremonies of many other cultures. Thus he has a bit to  talk about with Rosalisa and Tsubaki.
-Almost never interacts with  any of the others due to the fact that he sleeps away most of the days.  When he does agree to meet with the others, usually for a fancy banquet,  he will randomly collapse in sleep in the middle of it.
-He is a terrible cook because he tries to mix tea into everything.
-Due to his injury, he is often bleeding out of his eye or nose.
-Absolutely must always, 
always smell good; he cannot stand people who don't have a fragrance.


Confusing details: 1) That "braid" is actually braided leaves and stems. I'll have to draw the beck of him eventually to show how it connects.

2)  The petals on his coat are not connected to his headdress. They lace  the right side of his coat, but do not connect to the headdress.

3)He has white gloves.

4)His hair is a very light blond.

5)The large gems on his belt and shoulder are glowing and multicoloured, reflecting all the colours in his outfit.

6)Though it mentions it in his bio, yes, he is perpetually either crying blood or nosebleeding. Though he often has a bloodshot eye, like in this picture, it is not always there and he can be drawn without it.

7)This  should be more or less obvious, but I'll mention it anyway. Those are  petals, not feathers/fur/fluff (though he is a bit fluffy ahaha). Petals  and feathers look similar irl, so I see why some people are confused...  but yeah... a chamomile isn't a bird so... XD

8)Those are reddish  veins seen throughout his clothing, as it is made of plant matter in  part. However, they are very faint and do not have to be drawn.