Kaisër Imerys Nymphaea



1 year, 6 months ago



Kaisër's background depicts scenes of abuse, violence, attempted murder, graphic descriptions of injury, chronic illness and bodily mutilation.


Kaisër Imerys Nymphaea





March 11th


Upper Class







❝Now then, the highlight of the show is here.❞

The city's beloved show host has made his entrance at last! Truly, Kaisër may digress on the "beloved" part. In this day and age, who wouldn't pay to see someone else get the short end of the stick for once? It sure is a high-investment job to be working, but our charming night host will deliver his sweet smile to the audience without fail! In addition to his charisma, his beauty is enough to rapture any passing audience. Now, say, will you find yourself being infatuated as well?

Outside of his night work, in the daytime, Kaisër is a brilliant model of his academy. The senior reigning Student Council President that keeps everyone and everything in order without any trouble. Pristine and nearly too perfect to be true, Kaisër is a beloved figure of everyone's hearts. (?)


  • Raspberries
  • Earrings
  • Strange Heels
  • Naviya

  • Dry Concealer
  • Red Wine
  • Poker Cards
  • Peonies

Personality · · ·

In terms of personality, Kaisër has the persona of an overconfident, posh upper-class child. Quick to persecute and punish anyone even slightly doing wrong and becoming the figurehead of the school authorities' favorite little teacher's pet. Despite this, he would rather keep such an act rather than act out, fearing his own persecution if he ever would. All eyes on him, after all. All eyes on him...


Kaisër is incredibly efficient when he acts, even under pressure. Whether he sets his mind and heart on it or not, he gets the job done well and quickly.


For the sake of his own self-preservation, Kaisër has a tendency to lie about one too many details.


Kaisër doesn't do many things for the sake of himself. He's learned such a lesson one too many times, and yet...


In the face of something suspicious, Kaisër will scrutinize it; whether or not it turns out to just be his own conspiracy. A little caution is good. Or a lot, in his case.

Stats · · ·









· · ·

Don't look at me like like it's so strange. Smiling too much is bad for the face, or something cynical like that.

Trivia · · ·

He owns two ferrets. One named Mimi, the other Heralt.
He has a separate closet in his apartment for his collection of strange heels.
He has a certain... enjoyment, for being electrocuted.
His torso, neck, chest, and the back of his legs are scarred.
Has a soft spot for a certain student.
With the help of a lot of styling and makeup, Kaisër hides his freckles and the overall "plain" appearance when he's not at work or school.

Upbringing · · ·

Born from the infamous prime minister Sèan Pfingstrose and Singer Kätharina Pfingstrose. Technically the second-born child, Kaisër was the golden child of the couple. Right from youth, he had his older half-brother, Mïchadreis, to play with. Despite being allowed to meet, Mïchadreis was not allowed to stay enough to bond with him, so as not to "taint" Kaisër's brilliance. Kaisër has always felt contempt and spite from Mïchadreis, whether it be from his blatant disregard for his identity, or his continued efforts to harm Kaisër.

By age five, Kaisër's full-blood brother, Änssel, was born. Even then, Kaisër was still the prized child of the Pfingstrose, leaving Änssel neglected at a very young age and leaving Kaisër to care for him in their place. They once had a close relationship with each other because of his care, although Änssel himself does not understand his brother's empathy, leading Kaisër to assume hatred from him.

The fall · · ·

On his way to return home, Kaisër had his brother Mïchadreis join him in the city's train station. As his ride home was close to arrival, his brother had laid a hand over his shoulder, contempt in his eyes. In a very light voice, he had professed to him, "I hate you." and his grip tightened. Even with just those simple words, Kaisër could understand years and years worth of stewing ire from his brother.

Without any hesitance, Mïchadreis had pushed his brother onto the tracks, the trudging sound of a train engine becoming louder giving relief to him.

For Kaisër however, there was not much time to react as his young body was crushed under the impact of the train, the cracking of his bones and screams of agony resounded through the station. As the train moved to position the doors to the passengers, the drag had jostled his body more, making him near irreparable. To his luck, at least, the wealth and favor of his parents had allowed him to be taken under urgent care as soon as possible. Due to the extent of his injuries though, Kaisër had to be treated for nearly a year. Wanting to keep their golden child "unbroken", Kaisër had to adjust to the limbs of several donors until he was functioning, "untainted" and "repaired" with flesh and not prosthetics. Despite the luxury of being mostly intact with muscles and nerves, the sheer impact of the train hitting his body had injured his chest so deeply that he had developed a respiratory distress syndrome.

Could it have been worse? Perhaps. Kaisër fears to think deeper of the fate he could have had, yet dying would have surely been better than this. It would have been better not to have survived. His injuries kept him bedridden in a sterile room for a while. If you ask him, he would say it was the worst days of his life. Even if it was preceded by his disownment, he thinks to hold more contempt for his parents than to agonize over being disposable.

Fend for yourself, that is; if you can · · ·

After being kicked out of his home, Kaisër was homeless for a while before being put into a foster home. Taking refuge in the ruthless home until the age of fourteen, he sought to leave as soon as he could and the opportunity showed itself to him via an audition for show hosts around the area. Ever since, he's been trained and is a professional host till now. Although, it only plunged him further into a living purgatory. Hosting a show centred solely on his suffering as he's beaten and put through excrutiating torture methods, he provides entertainment solely for being a poor soul having to go through worse than the audience. The tagline, after all, is "At least that isn't me." Enjoy yourself too, will you?

Although painful, Kaisër recieves a large salary for his labor. Enough to sustain a fairly large apartment, his education, and his ferrets. Though, the pay falls just short of his medical and food expenses, though he doesn't find it all too important. He won't think about it. He has enough on his plate. Unfortunately, a dystopia does not have a heart for those who suffer. Since he can't pay the fee to be safe from the enrollment process of his school, he's narrowly managed to escape brainwashing by putting it on the lives of others. Being percieved as a stable and responsible council president, Kaisër fulfills his duty and debts by sending many into suspension and detention. If he stops for too long to think about it, then he'll fail.

Not acceptable at all.

You don't need to have a heart. It's work. It is business. And yet, even then, Kaisër can't resist the guilt that would have plagued him if he'd sent that student into detention. It's only a relief that under further investigation, he'd find him to be a protected student. Naviya Coeruleus, making an impression of a disruptive klutz on him. If only he knew what was coming.

After one-too-many "accidents", Kaisër's patience wanes. After a particularly harsh scolding, Naviya had lured him into forgiveness with those sad puppy eyes of his. Maybe it was just Kaisër's perception. He won't admit to anything, either way. Making a decision in the heat of the moment, Kaisër had assigned himself to make Naviya his own responsibility. Thus, leading to their continued relationship. He won't say it out loud, but Naviya is a well-sought comfort to him.

Too many years have been spent miserable. Maybe it's a reason why he finds himself attracted to him. After all, as long as Naviya is there... then there is a reason to hope for happiness. Comfort, he thinks. If everything else in his life only seeks to harm him, then at least there is solace in the thought that Naviya and his silly, dopey grin that he gives him after having his questions answered assures him that neither of them could ever hurt each other with intent. Not to each other. He won't let his past haunt him, because now, now is all that matters to him; Next to Naviya Coeruleus and his sweetness, he can rest peacefully.

Yes... The present means everything, the present is all that matters... all that matters to him...

He'll die before he could cling to anything other than the present, lungs collapsing into itself with his heart thrumming languidly when he looks at him.

Links · · ·

Friend (???)
Naviya Coeruleus

A certain student he has a soft spot for. Although he acted indifferently and coldly at first, he's come to warm up to him overtime.

He has engaged in intimate acts with him. He's too embarrassed to do anything about it and confess, though...

Änssel Siegfridt Pfingstrose

Kaisër's younger full-blooded brother. They have an incredibly strained and rocky relationship with each other. He's taken his place between their biological parents.

Torments him in any way he can and in any way that is available to him, including tormenting Naviya.

Mïchadreis Sil Veilchen-Päonie

Kaisër's older half-brother. They have a mutual hatred for each other due to personal reasons as well as... understandable reasons. Despite being jumpy, he's the most violent out of all three.

code by 00Ishikawa00