


1 year, 7 months ago



Basic Info
NameOlivia Briar
Nickname Olive
Age  23
BirthdayMarch 30th
Height 5'4 / 164cm
Gender Female (She/Her)
Moves*(In Trivia)
VoiceApple Jack (My Little Pony; FiM)
Orientation Bisexual / Panromantic
Status Single
  • Warm Apple Pie
  • Cinnamon Spice Drinks
  • Grasshoppers / Horses
  • Caramelized Peanuts
  • Aphids
  • Clogged Gutters
  • Crows / Ravens
  • Moldy Apples
  • Moveset; Sunny Day / Apple Acid / Bullet Seed / Recycle

  • Expect to be absolutely spoiled by her if you ever visit her farm. She'll adorn the table with full-course meals, homemade pastries, and desserts galore. As well as assorted drinks to choose from.

  • She wears a chest binder to cover her breasts. She's very embarrassed about them, it's something she considers shameful. Additionally, it gets in the way of her farm work.

  • She adores horseback riding! She used to compete in competitions all of the time as a little girl. Now she merely just goes on strolls with them.

    When she's upset or frustrated, she copes by going outside and plucking out any weeds in her garden. It helps her calm down and regain clarity.

  • She is incredibly athletic and adores participating in elaborate obstacle course races.

  • Watch out. This girl loves to dog-pile.

  • wip



Hard-Working . Diligent . Brave . Respectful . Sensitive . Easily Embarrassed . Romp-ish . Hospitable
"Aw gee Sugarcube, yer' the apple of my eye."

Olive is deemed the town's tomboyish farmer girl. She works tirelessly with a strong sense of purpose, keeping her farm in tip-top shape all year round. Down-to-earth and responsible, she is a country Appletun at heart, not caring much for complicated etiquette or wearing dirty clothes. She has no reservations about getting messy. Although this often puts her at odds with more nuanced settings where she starts to feel embarrassed for being caught looking unkempt outside of her farm.

You'll discover that she is relatively quiet. In contrast to her words, her actions speak far louder than anything. Her introverted nature doesn't stop her from donating any leftover crops to charity or offering a helping hand to those who need it. Olive speaks with a thick southern drawl. In numerous occasions, she refers to members of her friends and family as "sugarcube" or "sweetiepie" as a sign of affection.

Olive's practicality complements her caring nature, and is prided by her friends for being the most dependable of people. she has a brave heart and isn't scared to risk her life to save another's. She is not readily alarmed or easily frightened by most things as expected. She can handle conflicts on her own thanks to her considerable strength, as well as having a strong tolerance to pain. She's the type to win fights without ever throwing the first punch.

Olive is a bit of a mule (as one might expect from a dragon) but her stubbornness doesn't prevent her from being quick to accept responsibility for her mistakes. Additionally, she's easily embarrassed and is quick to glow red at any moment. Compliments and explicit jokes are typically the ones that trigger this response.

You'll come to find she can be a bit shy in situations where she feels out of place. She also has a sensitive side.


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Precious | (Friend)



Kaida | (Friend)



N/A | (N/A)
