puppwy's Comments

heya!!! Does my art interest u for them ? :3 if not I'd could do multiples from my th (depending on worth of course), offlims 01

cool!!!! so a hb+ a chibi ? :3 if so, i can do that !!

cool! Do i just yeet the characters

cool! Do i just yeet the characters

cool! Do i just yeet the characters

u can do that yes, haha !!! if u wanna dm them here or on discord (man_kisser) either works, but I'd prob have faster replies on discord!!

UHH i reply fastest on instagram would that work? hehe 

my Instagram is @quis0210

2 Replies

hii, is this character up for trade? if  yes what are you looking for, for them :o?

Hq trades or art!