


6 years, 3 months ago



NameOwain ???
Code NameOni
EthnicityPossessed Human
Themelink a song


Charisma★ ★ 
Kindness-★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Integrity★ ★
Caution★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Intelligence★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


BuildLean & Toned
EyesAqua Green
SkinSun Kissed
HairBrown and shaggy, He's not known for taking good care of it.

About Owain (Disguised)

A seemingly kind and overly helpful assistant manager at a gift and flowers store. He is known for forgetting his name tag so most actually don't know the boy's name is Owain. He doesn't seem phased by the new Morguatory's employees various odd purchases and even gives Gram and the others advise from time to time that seems to work. He also has a habit of picking the worse times possible to stop by them as they often scramble to keep the conspiracy surround the supernatural from him.  

He enjoys his job and loves to help the people who come to him. He puts a lot of pressure on himself to make people leave happy. Some have noted that he seems to force himself often and many think its the trauma of his childhood causing his depressed moods. 

He is also very vocal about people not wandering the streets at night due to his parents disappearance nearly a decade ago. In fact he himself has a great dislike for being out late to the point that the store owner let Owain move into the upstairs loft so he wouldn't have to go.

He received his scars at some unknown time in his childhood.

About Oni (True form)

Oni is the code name assigned to a Calamity Class Entity that has existed in many shapes and guises. It seems to have been shaped into being by a being called The End Mother. It is one of Three Calamities born of this being and currently the only one who isn't actively antagonizing humanity... at least for now. It is capable of regenerating from any injury even beheading and can possess human bodies when it needs. It typically only takes a new shape when it's current one has been found. 

Due to Oni's need and love for eating it would usually keep a host for a year to two before having to move on. Often it will select Humans who are already longing for death or vengeance in some way; though it can make exceptions. It tricks these humans into making a deal with it to escape punishment in the afterlife. Once the deal is made it merges with the soul of it's Host and eats the flesh of it's former host before it sneaks away in the night free from pursuit. It can be called a hive mind formed of wicked and hateful beings.

It has a deep longer for a purpose and sense of self that it is incapable of achieving.

Merging Effects and Oni's Current State:

Merging with another being allows the Oni to absorb their memories and Knowledge as it's own. It can then mimic the personality and life of it's new host perfectly, however Oni has trouble telling which host lived through what at time. It also loses memories from past hosts as time goes on or if the previous Host was killed. Oni cannot bring the hosts back to life and apparently his merging to them has altered their future incarnation's (Reincarnation's) fates. His sense of self has been broken down for so long that it cannot recall who the Oni was originally at this point. 

The scars on the Oni's face and torso remain the same from host to host most likely an artifact of the original Oni's appearance. 

Currently Oni has developed a slightly kinder Persona thanks to the original Owain being a child at the time of their deal. Owain was dying of stab wounds caused by his own parents and in that moment Oni appeared before him. The nature of the Boy's wish is unknown but it's effects have caused Oni to take less thrill in hunting then it once did and allowed it to take interest in other things. It has become weaker then before as it is not eating as often, though that has also allowed it to live a normal human life for the first time in the entirety of it's existence.  

Oni is still not a kind being by any stretch and seems to actively force itself to live the life of Owain at time. It has also developed a great fear of being found in it's current form as it has grown to enjoy it's life for the very first time. However it cannot stop eating Human flesh as it's being is incapable of feeding on regular foods effectively.

Once he is discovered by the GA for being a high profiled Calamity, Owain's personality becomes more of a mix between his two selves. He puts up a fight at first but it is clear he's no longer the Monster he once was. He isn't exactly forgiven for his past deeds, but Gram isn't going to let him get sealed for an eternity in hell without a chance at doing some good. Afer this event he becomes a much more stable and well rounded character. Sure most people don't trust him but he has also found a place where he can actually be some semblance of himself (whatever that may be) without fear.


Grieve's Agency: (Reluctantly) He actively helps the Grieves Agency even though it is actually not in his best interest... An enemy of an Enemy is an Ally right? 

Yokai: Another highly ranked Calamity. Oni and Yokai have a long history together and they both look out for one another.


  • Meat, Any kind but Human preferred.
  • Cleaning, he made it fun because his siblings ate like slobs and he couldn't stand it.
  • His Workplace, it's calming and he isn't surrounded by things that make him hungry.
  • Healthy Bodies, like seriously, he loves oogling fit people.
  • Hunting... Though He's trying to limit himself now to frozen meals... He sometimes likes to hide his food and then search for it again at a later time.


  • The End Mother, daddy issues only on a divine level. 
  • Soul Crypt and all other Spirit Agencies. Come on who wants to be sealed in hell for all eternity?
  • Women; Any kind tends to make him jittery, when he's working he tends to try and keep them at arms length to avoid active panic. 
  • Shrine Maidens due to a particular one from a long forgotten past. 
  • Being Beheaded... Again.


  • Tends to bite his lips often. Actually he nips a lot in general and any skinship usually ends up with biting.
  • Talks to plants, Like full on vents and gossips with the marigolds.
  • Has an love hate relationship with ships and water. He loves to ride them, but cannot swim.
  • Can eat raw meat regardless of it's quality. Rotten food is fair game though he prefers his meals still kicking.



Ally? Enemy?



h7mtqvy.gifSpawn Child

Sister... & Mortal Foe

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