Gram Hler Ragnor



6 years, 3 months ago



Gram is a bleeding heart and will step in to help anyone who needs it. He was born with the power to see ghost and other strange phenomenon but nobody believes him. He has a loving heart and wishes to help all the ghost and demons who stumble into his world and will often get hurt for them. However his kind heart has also gotten him labeled as a freak by those who cannot see what he sees. 

He eventually meets others like him who can see the beyond and joins in righting the wrongs that cause the dead to act out. He aids in purifying souls and getting them to pass on safely to the afterlife. His greatest supporter is Stilas a demon youth who introduced him to SoulCrypt and Kel who is Stilas's Holy Familiar. 

He has a great dislike for the AshenLaw as they are a group of Soul Keepers who feel that no matter the reason a soul that acts out must be punished strictly by the books. He therefor is always traveling to around having dropped out of university to save as many souls as possible. He has also had a run in with a group of Supervillian wannabes named Not Your Mooks, Han's the necromancer proved himself to be not so different from Gram and was in fact a founder of SoulCrypt. This has caused Gram to fear he too will end up like the Villian.  

His personal Spirit Aid is Headless Rosie-Anna.

  • Gun Form: Head Hunter Dullahan
  • Medallions: Rosie's hair, Pressed Rosemary flowers, Mother's wedding Band.


Ice cream

Card games

Headless Rosie-Anna, Stilas

Helping others


Getting hurt





Carries Rosie's Medallions in his backpack. Without them he cannot fight rampaging ghost.

Hates to Lose and wants to bring Han's back to SoulCrypt by proving him wrong about Humanity. 

Talks non-stop.

Has a tiny crush on Stilas... but worries about their lifespans and respected age difference. 
