


6 years, 2 months ago



Landon Campbell


name / landon

aliases / lil l

age / 21

gender / male

personality type / isfj












height / 5’11

weight / 175lbs

build / lean muscular

hair color purple

eye color / pink



Landon is very introverted, only remaining within his close friends circle and avoiding social gatherings. They are the most important people in his life and he is protective of them. He can become jealous if someone takes over his place in the heart of his loved ones. Instead of interacting with others and making new connections, he prefers to collect seashells, travel on the sea, and read a good book especially on a rainy day. He is a sensible person who can easily notice how one feels and act accordingly. As someone who previously was very dependent on others, he learnt to better take care of himself and is very meticulous and tidy in his tasks. He is an overall relaxed person who avoids conflicts and is not competitive. One thing that however fuels his anger is when he sees injustice and bullying of those weaker. Having experienced it personally, he is not tolerant of it and will help out the victim through fights.


As a child Landon was a crybaby who followed his older sister around for everything. He was very shy and had trouble approaching and interacting with others, opposite of his sister who was outgoing and made friends in the blink of an eye. It was hard for him to get along with others as he was bad with words and cried every time he encountered difficulties. That brought others to not want to associate with him. “Oh it’s Landon… Don’t play with him, all he ever does is cry. He can’t even tell you what’s wrong.” The other children of the village would say and avoided him. Crying was his way of expressing his feelings, and a way for others to notice him as he was usually very quiet and would get ignored otherwise. It caused him to be dependent on his sister and whoever was willing to befriend him. He was extremely loyal to them and would neglect his personal needs if it meant making them happy. He was also sensitive to their feeling, quick to pick up if they showed signs of distress or annoyance.

Through his sister, he got to meet two lifelong friends; Esmeralda and Ying Yu. Esmeralda was the sweet older girl who comforted him when he was sad and gave in to him for everything. He was initially intimidated by Ying Yu who emitted a strong aura of “don’t mess with me if you still wish to live”. She was however the one who stuck up to him no matter what and pushed him to change for the better. While she was blunt and did not sugarcoat her words, he could see that she did seek towards his self-growth and genuinely wished for him to fend for himself for his own sake. He greatly looked up to her unyielding personality that was so different than his.

As Landon grew up, his social skills improved and he no longer cried when faced with challenges. His shyness and introvertedness still remained although he became a more independent person and more self-reliant. He practiced self-defense and sought knowledge to reduce his weaknesses. He was content about his relationship with his childhood friends and did not feel the need to actively seek new friendships. His sister remained his best friend and confident. His love for the sea pushed him to become a sailor. He sympathizes with bullying victims and gets into fights often to help out. This combined with his aloof personality earning him to be seen as a gangster while his personality is the opposite. He is still a soft-hearted and quiet boy.



code by meatsmoothie