Elijah Lombardi (Golden Gateways)



1 year, 2 months ago


Elijah Lombardi

Carry on the Dreams of the Lost

“Mages are those have Awakened to their Avatar and can perform a myriad of wonders beyond Sleeper understanding, with magic categoriezed into nine different Spheres of study. The Council of Nine Mystic Traditions governs most mages, but many factions and orphan craft mages exist too.”

Gender Genderqueer (He/They)
Age 72 Years (February 14th)
Height 5’8” ft / 172 cm
Affiliation Mercurius Maximus University
Occupation Field Magic Instructor

[ Caring, Selfless, Ambitious, Relaxed, Patient ]

[ Reserved, Empathetic, Eccentric, Stoic, Curious ]

[ Sacrificial, Worrywart, Paranoid, Obsessive, Spiteful ]

The Luminary and Rehabilitating Center for Awakened Individuals, or LARCAI had been founded in 1937, by a mysterious individual who has since given up their role of leadership. Created to help and rescue people no matter Sleeper, Awakened or Hunter. They advocated for equality and peace, brokering peace between factions and giving sanctuary to the lost. They act much like social service but retrofitted for the Awakened world, complete with their own operational and intelligence branches.

In the past decade, LARCAI has allied themselves with various mage councils, changeling courts and even Kindred courts to receive supplies and protection from established organizations who wish for the same peace. Their most prominent connection is with the Sons of Ether mage council which seems out of character for them to affiliate with such an organization. Many of their contributions tell stories of saving people from oppressive Awakeneds, deranged Hunters and even war itself.


After their escape from the Mafia and work alongside the Midnight Association, Elijah has learned many lessons throughout his time in various work trips across America. Even learning under an ex-union archmage to help Elijah master his own spheres of magic, he was also suggested to join the Sons of Ether Tradition to receive protection and recognition for his creations. After the death of his father, Elijah founded LARCAI in hopes of living on Gerard’s dream of helping people when the hunter couldn’t.

Taking upon himself to create an organization based on his experience with the hunters to organize and monitor a cohesive group of people capable of rescue, brokering peace, providing sanctuary and even as social service. During World War Two, the mage took volunteers with him to Italy in an effort to help war refugees escape and to calm the tides of war.

Years of working and fighting off Awakeneds with malicious intent has made Elijah weary and tired, now they have arrived in San Francisco to not only continue their work in a more peaceful manner, but also to visit family and perhaps even settling down. Now, Elijah seems to have applied for Mercurius Maximus Academy as a magic instructor, specializing in control and manipulation of magical output.

INT 4 [+2]   WIT 3 [+1]   RES 5 [+2]  
STR 2 [+1]   DEX 2 [+1]   STA 3 [+1]  
CHA 2 [+1]   PRE 1 [+0]   COM 1 [+0]  
  • Eyes of the Dreamer
    Elijah can perceive the theoretical structure and component of magic and Patterns around him, allowing him to further understand the origin of a certain magic, its effects, type and power. Used in tandem with [ Ars Magica ] to better control and use said magic.
  • Touch of Altercation
    With a simple touch, Elijah can alter the properties of whatever they touch. Turning something that is soft into something hard, turning loud shoes into quiet footsteps, transforming a solid door to become jelly-like or even alter sticky gloves for climbing.
  • Vanguard Front
    When under high stress and in the presence of certain triggers, if he fails a Composure DC of 15, Elijah’s magic would go a tad out of control and their usual magic damage would drop to a d3 until they’ve calmed down or retreat.
  • On the Clock
    Without his devices, Elijah will have disadvantage on rolls regarding Time magic. If he were to lose his devices, Elijah could suffer from magic lash back, skewed perception of time, moving faster than time, stuck in a slowed time trance and even being forced to rewind traumatic memories in his mind.epelled by holy water and blessed items. In combat, these can cause Henry to take +2 damage.
  • Lost Epoch
    While capable of performing other time magic techniques, Elijah favors locking time for an entire room or a target. However, if attacked or injured in this state, in the event of failing their Resolve DC of 12, this magic is nullified.
  • Ars Magica
    Controlling magic itself using Prime and used in tandem with other spheres. They are able to control, redirect, dispel magic or even use pure magical essence as a weapon. However, when dispelling magic or even Paradoxes, if the target’s Resolve roll is higher, damage is reflected on Elijah instead.
  • Overhaul
    Elijah can change the shape and properties of matter. Allowing them to shape, destroy or even combine matter in various forms to create brand new tools, weapons or even just shaping the terrain. Limited to the size of a wall.